Jake and Bastien....and Drake

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated March 29, 2012 in the category Chatterbox by Jake_The_Hare. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Thu, 03/29/2012 - 05:41

I have been doing alot of thinking on if Jake,Bastien, and yes Drake return or not as it will be a while till I would oocly return, if I do.

Icly I do not have an idea, thinking this..

Jake: Just goes off to live in a village near Salamadaston and peacefilly dies in few seasons in his sleep.

Bastien: Once he is of 6 seasons jions Long patrol and maybe even learns to use the bow,but also a saber very well(As of the time they left he was 4 seasons and that was winter,so sometime in spring would be 5 seasons but.wot ever:P.

Drake: Heads to the northern sea coast and becomes a captain of a small ship crew, he doesnt turn evil,sort of inbetween good and evil and has fun out on the sea:)

Ok, if anyone returns most likely be Bastien and wouldnt be for a good while if he does return.

-Thats all and thanks for all the role play fun.
