Invasion of Redwall, Help US help YOU

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated August 04, 2010 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Flicktail. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 6 replies.

Wed, 08/04/2010 - 14:11

Ok I have been doing my best to "facilitate Role play" but I hope to do this in the best way possible, and that is to ask you beasts to HELP us, help yourself!

I have seen a lot of really good Role play going on AT the Abbey. Someone spontaneously started play "The Ghost of Martin" and Vermin have been taking casualties, GOOD JOB! WELL DONE!

Ok. Flicky gripe #1. I am NOT the "God of Redwall" Please feel free to be AT the abbey and role play as you think your character do not need my permission and your NOT going to mess up "my plan" My plan is what my character IC would do...(and if you want in on it..RP seeking out Flicky)

So far, (and as far as *I* understand) The Vermin are not slaughtering Redwallers, they are using Redwall as a BASE of operations, with which to pillage Mossflower. Do they have Hostages....YES...but the allow the Abbey beasts to come and go (NOT all at once) even go out and heal and teach the country side. The Fox Hactor has told the Abbey beasts they can DO that..provided they Feed his vermin army, they tend to vermin sick and injured. of course the Vermin see the Abbey as a shield and do not perform chores...

Can the Abbey beasts fight BACK???? YES!!! But be aware you are subject to whatever the vermin do when you resist..I am not the God of Redwall, and I do not control what individual players will try to role play.

Just as an example, I walked into a Gladiatorial game that *I* felt was too was NOT beast did anything WRONG...however I did not like it and I simply left without even a pose.

Ok..Next and I think more important.... I have been getting a LOT of beasts saying "well WHY would *I* go to Redwall where there are Vermin.

Ok..PLEASE, it is not my or anyone elses responsibility to provide YOU with justification for your character. We want to encourage creativity and stimulate YOUR ability to role play and "bring something to the table" YOU think of a reason, weather that be it's yer home, or you didn't know and were captured and brought snuck in...

I know (and can appreciate) that all of you want to stay "canon" ok..fair enough..but guys, the idea have FUN...I promise not to write Brian Joques, and tell him if you "Bend things" a bit...have FUN

Lastly, I am a little...well I had hoped for something different, it seems that the beasts who wish nothing to do with the MP..have NOT gone to Camp willow, Halyard village, Salamandastorn or Mole fact some of those areas..actually emptied out.....I had hoped that beasts not participating woudl go to thos soldier on and perhaps attract RP TO those areas....just something to think of.

When Hactor returns we will discuss the next part of the MP..Kicking the Vermin back out

Thank you, I'm Tom Bodet and we'll leave the light on for ya

oh and sorry if this insulted ANYONE
