Invasion MP -- State of Redwall

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated July 27, 2010 in the category Roleplay Discussions by kevarr. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 4 replies.

Tue, 07/27/2010 - 13:24

Hey, so I figured it would be a good idea to keep a post with updates about just what exactly is happening in Redwall Abbey, especially since I'm not sure who, if anyone other than Otter, actually has access to Abbeybuilder these days, so we can't really change descs.

Current state as of right now (that I know of):


- AS OF LAST NIGHT Hactor and Anba's forces have split their alliance (please see the recently posted logs for details), after Hactor tried to arrest Anba for murdering Apophis in Great Hall and Anba decided to stage a coup and kill Hactor and his supporters. There was a bloody battle in Great Hall before Anba and his supporters retreated. From last night's dialogue it appears they haven't left Redwall however. They may have taken the Champion's cottage and that area as a base? Will update this when I know more details. In light of this, the following changes have occurred:

                          - Hactor and Anba's forces are now violently opposed to each other. For the moment, Ruingate's forces stand with Hactor.
                          - There has been a changing of the guards, obviously, and all guards are now on alert as to what has happened.
                          - A new guard has been posted at the open ground door in the infirmary itself, to protect the healers.
                          - For similar reasons, and also to protect the food stores, there's been a guard posted at the outside entrance to the kitchens.
                          - Abbeybeasts have been warned to stay away from Anba's forces, as there is no way to know if Anba will honor the understanding with the Abbey at all (very unlikely).
                          - Apophis the badger and several of Anba's lieutenants are dead from the Great Hall battle. Their bodies were disposed of, probably in the ditch outside the walls. Ew burning bodies.

- Anba Hor has lost a paw! No one is quite sure of the details other than the beasts involved, but Anba Hor apparently lost a paw to woodlanders the other day. Some say he's gone and lost his mind with it. The beasts responsible have not been caught.

- Ruingate's Lord and Lady Regent, Jirael and Bree, arrived a short while ago on a diplomatic mission to see how Redwall was faring under new leadership, along with a contingent of their soldiers.

- The ghost has made quite a number of appearances, most of them now in Great Hall itself, and almost always at night. Is this some clever trick by disgruntled woodlanders, or does the spirit of Martin walk the Abbey after dark?

- Under the request of the Abbot (and possibly a more forceful request from Skipper), the fighting ring has been dismantled. Beasts are welcome to continue this and other training outside the Abbey walls, but the previous rules about forcing Abbeybeasts to fight still apply.

- Is Camp Willow in trouble? It's unknown if beasts were sent that way to spy on the otter stronghold or not.

7/30 Update!

- Rumors of a ghost are running rampant. It has left several cryptic messages, rings the bells at odd times, and at least five of the invaders are dead, some after seemingly being thrown right out of the bell tower! Hactor has posted a guard in the tower to prevent more strange bell ringing and hopefully catch the culprit in the act.

- Redwall has been overrun by vermin.

- All of the wallgates are currently under heavy guard, and the walls themselves are patrolled.

- The Redwaller refugees have fled to Camp Willow.

- Those Redwallers that were not able to escape are now trapped in the Abbey.

- The Tapestry was hidden prior to the attack (I know this contradicts some RP, but I only found out about this yesterday).

- All of the bodies from the attack have now been taken care of (vermin were burned in the ditch outside the Abbey, Redwallers were buried near the wall in the open grounds.)

- I believe some Redwallers have managed to escape and hide within the Abbey itself, and there may be a pending resistance? I haven't heard much about this.

Active vermin officers that I know of:

Hactor - Leader

Anba Hor - Second in command/advisor

Grey (Kevarr) - Captain

A whole bunch of foxes - Lieutenants from the forces Anba Hor brought.

Stubbs - Head scout guy?

Current policy:

- All beasts, vermin and woodlander, are being treated by the remaining Redwall healers.

- The captive Redwallers have been put to work burying those Redwallers that died during the attack, as well as various other chores.

- While the captive Redwallers probably aren't being treated terribly well, they are NOT being randomly tortured or murdered, most especially not the healers. This may change, but at present, this is current vermin rule policy.

- There's currently some kind of fighting ring going on at the open grounds.
