Inside the Cell (Thorn of Steel)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This is a short role play between Oz and Ragg

---A slave cell----

Oz slowly opens his eyes, he had been asleep, though how one sleeps here is a question, he glances around and frowns, he has not seen the fox in a couple days, part of him is glad and the other part of him is slightly worried on why.

Ragg is also just waking up, but from the effects of his wounds. He looks around, the pain in his arm, shoulder and stomach growing by every minute. He tries to stand, but seems to do so too quickly and sits back down with a feeling of illness. Right now he is too wrapped in feeling pain for himself to notice Oz.

Oz is quiet and then speaks, "Greetings.” He says quietly, "It appears the raven locked you in here last night."

Ragg looks over at the badger and as the words sink in he groans and puts a paw on his forehead. "Why in hellgates did she do that? Does she want me to DIE!?..." He mutters "On second thought, yes, she probably does." Yup. His mood does not seem to be the best right now.

Oz shrugs, "Maybe, I do not...not know the raven that well." He sounds slightly better than yesterday but still is not in great shape and his wrists have had the fur rubbed off thanks to the cuffs on his wrists, "Could be worse, you could be dead"

Ragg laughs dryly "You should be GLAD you don't know her very well." He nods and his mood of happiness that does not stay away very long starts to return, "You're right. I would much rather be alive than dead, that’s the truth." He waits a moment before saying "Well I suppose if we are going to be cell mates I may as well introduce myself. The names Ragg. R .Rugg."

Oz nods slowly, "I am Oz, but you may know that already.", He sighs and then asks "How long have I..been here?"

Ragg shakes his head ."I did not know that you're name is Oz, but it’s good to meet you anyway. As far as how long you have been here I think it has been about a week and two days. How long was I unconscious?"

Oz frowns, "I wonder how ..." He blinks and looks at Ragg, "Just all" He mutters.

Ragg sighs "I suppose this is a waiting game. You wonder how what? You might as well tell me considering there is nothing better to do."

Oz still frowns, ", or did care, for the abbey dibbuns, they call me Papa Oz. They are probably missing me badly right now. Sometimes a brother or sister of the order will try and sooth them in the night for a bad dream and come find me when they cannot, I have woke with dibbuns beside me, once during a bad thunderstorm." He sighs and shakes his head," Been thinking too...why Stormfeather has me here,...he" He pulses, "He wanted me out of the way, he knew a badger posed a threat to him."

Ragg frowns "I am sure the dibbuns miss you a lot....." He grins "I suppose Vladmir is just a 'wise' leader, but I really can't take pride in that because I REALLY....." He glances towards the door and the thought of guards with ears comes to mind "Oh never mind."

Oz shakes his head, "You just follow his orders, I am sure, and seem to not get along with birds, if it was not for those fool ravens I could of fought and beat him, yes I may of still gotten hurt but he would of also"

Ragg laughs "Much to my shame I do follow his orders. How in the world did you guess I do not get along with birds?" He shrugs "I am sure you would have hurt him, but he fights like a storm and it still may have turned bad for you."

Oz sighs, "I am unsure, I was already out of breath chasing Desotoe,...and he ends up knocking himself out, somehow,..and..." He stops as a single tear goes down his face, "The..dibbun,was scared, I..I don't know why he ran into the church coughs holding back a sob and then goes on- to hide, I should of tied to do more, stupid Ravens! Fool murdering Fox! He didn’t have to...kill the dibbun"

Ragg frowns "Its ok. there was not much you could have done. Desotoe is dead now so you do not have to worry about him doing any more evil."

Oz looks up, tears stain his eyes,.."Who killed Desotoe?"

Ragg shivers "Vladmir. Don't ask me why, but he did."

Oz nods "Desotoe probably messed up somehow,...I knew Desotoe was lying, so did a couple others, not sure Flicktail did at the time but hopefully he found out recently, but with Desotoe dead and me still missing, the abbey will know someone else is involved in me disappearing, may not know who but they will know it’s...someone major as, takes a lot to get me the way I am not, this is a rare rare thing."

Ragg nods at the badger. "Hmm, this is so. I don't know what Vladmir's planning, he keeps all that pretty tightly under wraps. But, maybe they will figure out he's here...or maybe that’s part of his plan...heh, don't know." Ragg yawns. "Well, I think I'll get a bit of shut eye. Might as well, locked in here," he says, settling back against the wall. He shortly begins to snore.