In the Redwall orchards 3-24-2016 (A Redwall log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: First Orchard

You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun is filtered through leaves and thus comes out to be a much softer light, one that's a little more manageable. At least, more manageable than the comparatively harsh light of the more open entryway and a pond area almost completely devoid of large, shade-giving plants that this orchard has in careless abundance. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself beneath the trees, only serving to add to the quiet comfort of the whole scene.

[It's springtime! :D ]

Exits: [F]ire [P]it, [S]econd [O]rchard, [D]umble's [L]og, [A]bbey [P]ond


3 Skeps

Badgers: Xander, male. Zee, male.

Mice: DoraRose, female.

Xander is in one of the taller trees. Just sitting and looking over the pond and maybe even a better look at the abbey grounds as well. The tree looks hard to climb in a couple places but he seems to have managed it.

DoraRose comes into the orchards, wearing her green dress and blue apron. She is enjoying the late winter weather.....and the fact that she is back home, safe and sound. She looks up to see if any of the trees are budding little tiny baby leaves yet, and instead spots a little badger in the branches. "Oh, hello, Xander," she says cheerfully. "Whatcha doin' up there?"

Xander looks down and smiles. He is not too little, but yes he is still a dibbun. "I am climbing, you can see lots up here" He has proven he is very good at climbing, "Less ice on this tree than at the river one"

DoraRose smiles. "Well, please be careful. The branches may be a little bit slippery." She stands below him, ready to try and catch him should he fall. "But I'm glad that there isn't as much ice on this tree. Are you liking it here at Redwall so far?"

Xander decides to come down, getting almost down and then jumping the last couple feet. But he lands on his footpaws easily and smiles "I like this area, lots of trees climb and nothing to knock one out of a tree like by the river"

DoraRose watches the badger climb down and looks at him oddly. "Did something knock you out of tree down by the river?" She honestly has no idea if he was affected by the Flitchaye smoke stuff or what. So she shall take the safe route and ask!

Xander frowns and then nods, "The funny looking creatures. And then I fell in the river and it was cold and I got out and out into the woods and hid in this log. But then I got lost and...and I was scared. I got outta woods but someone tried to get me, but this other badger he stopped them and knocked them out, and he said they were rude and he got me to the abbey"

DoraRose nods as she listens. Sitting down on a tree root, she pats beside her, inviting him to join her on the root. There's plenty of room; it's a big section of root that's sticking out of the ground. "I'm glad that you got away. Do you know this badger's name?"

Xander shakes his head "No, but he had this really cool staff that has a blade in it."

DoraRose hmms and tilts her head to one side. "A staff with a blade in it? That sounds cool. Well, if we ever can find out who it was that helped you, I'll thank him." She decides to change the subject. "What's your favourite thing about Redwall?"

Xander smiles "He got me here and he seems nice...old but nice. I don't know what I like and I not know anyone here yet"

A badger that is old, but nice. Zee, perhaps? Dora smiles. "Well, you should meet my son, Caleb. He helps in the kitchens. My grandmother, Angela, said that she saw you in the library the other day. You told her that you think she's nice. Most Dibbuns don't think she's nice."

Xander shrugs "She was friendly and I only seen her and this other mousemaid with her.....OH! and two other mice who I helped get cookies for 'cause they were like up high but I got them down and found pie too and we ate it by the pond...but the one mouse he didn't think it was really a good idea" He frowns, wait did he just tell on himself.

DoraRose smiles. "Oh, you also met my daughter, then. Her name is LilyMoore." She listens to him telling on himself, but just smiles. "Did the mouse who thought that it was a bad idea make replacements for what you ate?" She'll correct him after he answers her question.

Xander frowns "I...don't know, I think so. I didn't help though if he did, but the cookies and the pie was very tasty"

DoraRose smiles. "Well that was probably my son, Caleb." She leans forward and says in a more serious tone, "Next time, though, you need to ask a grown-up is you can eat something from the kitchens. Some of the things that are cooked are for certain things."

Zee walks over to the orchards and nods a hello "Hello, I heard you might be back"

Xander sighs and nods his head "Ok...I will remember" He smiles as he remembers Zee from the other day and points to him as he tells Dora "See that is one who got me to the abbey"

DoraRose goes to ruffle the young badger's ears, then turns to the old badger as he greets her. "Oh, hi!" she gets into a more comfortable position on the tree root she's sitting on. "Aye, we're back. Xander says that you have a blade in your staff. That sounds like a very useful weapon."

Zee eyes widen and then he snorts, He looks to the younger badger and then Dorarose "Well we all can keep me little secret and yes it is useful. I can't always have me nephew's sword. Chiefy has it somewhere safe after...well...ya see I no longer have me hut, its gone so staying here till its rebuilt"

Xander asks, "How can a hut go away? " He frowns "I sorry told about the blade but it was real real neat and who is chiefy?""

DoraRose smiles secretively. "Oh, don't worry, I sha'n't tell anybeast." She then frowns, her brow furrowing. "What happened to your hut? Was there a fire?" She's pretty sure that 'Chiefy' is Scioto, but she'll still let him answer the Dibbun's question on his own.

Zee chuckles at all the questions, "Chiefy is a friend in Ferravale...well sort of a friend, chieftain of de place and...yes there was a fire that burned down my hut and the head guard's home as well. This wildcat is the cause of it and he is most likely still around. I was not home at the time, but he did try and kill this cat...their Master Healer over in Ferravale"

Xander listens and frowns, "Wildcats are bad then...right?"

DoraRose raises an eyebrow. "....I missed you know this wildcat's name? And no, sweetie," she adds, in answer to the Dibbun's question. "Some are bad, and some are good. This one is very bad and should be avoided by beasts who aren't warriors at all costs."

Zee folds his arms over his chest, "His name is Zurrgg, he was a right paw beast to a fox named Bora...the fox is dead and Zurrgg escaped, thought he died but came ta find out he didn't . He has a crossbow he stole from someone so that makes him even more dangerous. Him and Bora never got along well when seen them in the Northlands when was up there...when should of been here, but that's only story. Zurrgg had wanted to kill someone, but someone else killed him...but still he laughed about it, then punched me in de face and I woke up in a cell....." Well clearly he got away as he has been in Mossflower past season, well when he wasn't on the western shore for couple weeks.

Xander listens, how closely remains to be seen, but he is curious of what is talked about.

Zee frowns, all this talk brings up bad memories, " Just...keep eye out ok...I'm going to go take a nap....." Then he just walks off, not adding anything else to the talk.

DoraRose frowns as she watches the old badger wander off. Glancing at the Dibbun, she says in a voice that makes it sound like a friendly suggestion, "We should probably stay inside the Abbey, huh?"

Xander nods, "Why he seem to get sad upset, he gonna be okay?"

DoraRose nods. "Aye, I think he'll be okay. Sometimes, when you're a grown-up, you have memories that make you sad. Sometimes just talking about them makes you upset. But I think Mr. Zee will be okay."

Xander nods "I like him. He seems nice and adults not only ones who can be sad and have sad ...mem...memories. Younger beasts can also."

Dora watches him closely, but then....

Xander yawns as they are talking or rather as Dorarose is talking and ends up falling asleep beside her.

Rose smiles and goes to take him inside for his nap, if she can.

Thanks for reading!