In The Libary And..Whats Badger Scipt?( Marek's Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

        • I got a little bit of the poses before Anomen walked in where Zinnia and Quinten spoke so people have an idea what the heck is going on ******

Salamandastron: Library

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

Here lies the collective efforts of a few good, intellectual hares of the mountain. Over the seasons, this room, which was once little more than a storage room, has been converted into a quite functional library, filled with books of all sorts. The room is staggered with bookshelves, all crafted within the mountain, which reach very nearly to the ceiling, with only a foot or two of space above them, in most instances. And, surprisingly, the shelves are basically all full. Apparently, over the seasons, hares have donated books, and books that were previously stored elsewhere have been brought here.

Some books are older than any of the hares alive in the mountain, and, even more, some are nearly as old as the mountain, itself. These sort are usually journals and records - histories of the mountain. In fact, there is an entire section of this, in a corner of the room, which one can only get to by making their way through the maze of bookshelves to that corner, which is quite like a room in and of itself, closed in by walls on two sides and bookshelves on the two others. However, in the center of the main room, there are two tables set, and upon these books like, some open and some closed, despite the efforts of the librarian hare to keep them on the shelves.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

[R]ecords [R]oom [C]orner of Library

Quinten is sat behind the desk in his office, the Long Patrol recorder reading through a stack of reports, making annotations on them in pencil. His jacket is draped over the back of his chair as he works, the sandy colored hair peering through his glasses at the parchment before him.

Zinnia has been in and out of the library a lot, even helped straighten it up some a couple days. Today she walks in and puts a book away she had taken out.

Quinten looks up from his work, "Ah Sister Zinnia, good day to you. I trust you have found my library of use whilst you have been here?"
Zinnia turns around slowly, "Oh hello. I didn’t disturbed you did I sir? I have been in here a few times, even helped reshelf and reorganize some books, got a little carried away one day and was in here a long time, but it keeps my mind off things."
Quinten says, "Yes I saw the work you had done Sister, it was useful. I had been meaning to do that set of shelves for a while but there is always more paperwork to do/." He stands up and takes his glasses off and walks over to hold out a hand, "Quinten Tof'marole De'lenae, Recorder of the Long Patrol."
Zinnia smiles and shakes his paw after a short while, "And..well guess you already know me and I am glad I helped you some, I could probably spend all day in here.." She does seem a little down but doesn't say anything of it to the hare.
Quinten smiles and motions her to follow him, "How have you been enjoying the mountain?" He takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks a door at the back of the library that has always to this point been locked. "You have rested well?"
Zinnia goes to follow him and nods "I, rested as well as I could. I have tried to not worry on how my friends are, well best I could anyways and guess being in here..sort of feels like home and at the same time in doesn’t'"
Quinten pushes the door open and gestures her inside, "Come in here, as you are from the abbey I want to show you something." He smiles at her and holds the door, "The mountain has a strange effect on most badgers"
Zinnia follows him slowly and nods, curious she asks "Strange effect? I have not had any..troubles while here,"
Quinten says, "You'll see my dear but come, this is the record room." He steps into the room, "I wanted to show you something special to Redwall and the Mountain”

Zinnia nods, "Alright...must be seasons and seasons of...stuff in here"

Quinten says, "Indeed this room contains all the records of the order for the past thirty seasons at least. Everything else is stored elsewhere but I got something out for you when I heard you arrived" He moves to a book on a large table.

Zinnia looks around the room, "30 seasons of the long patrol, that’s a lot..." She smiles "I am not sure know..well maybe do know someone that old."
Quinten nods his head and opens the old book, the parchment crackles and he turns it to a page depicting badger script. It shows three figures approaching the mountain, and then three figures in the mountain and then the three figures leaving, the mouse in the lead wielding a sword. "Rubbings of the original badger script from when Martin visited us."
Zinnia gets a closer look, "Badger script? I..someone mentioned it but there is none at the abbey..wait.least I don't think so"
Quinten says, "There is some on your bells I believe," He smiles and pats the book, "This is a record of all the script our Lord has allowed us to copy. Why don't you have a look? I am sure you will learn a lot from it"
Zinnia nods "The bells were recently fixed and polished and placed back in the rebuild bell tower not too long ago at all.." She looks almost afraid to look at the Script, "I have..never achally read any before."

Quinten smiles and places a hand on her shoulder, "I am told you will be able to read it. You may find something significant to your situation now and the Abbey's plight. I'll leave you to read and be just in my office if you need me." he salutes and steps out, leaving the door ajar so she can call him if needed

Zinnia frowns "But it’s like old history..isn’t it?" She looks at the book curious
Quinten says, "It may have been written long ago but not all that was written then has come to pass yet.." he grins, "You may find something to help the now written and seen in the long ago." He salutes again and departs.

--Many Hours Later---

Anomen walks around, walking doesn’t help him mood much as he wants to get going, he wants to check on the possible sword he asked one of the hares to mention he needed, he walks into the main area of the library now.

Zinnia has been looking over the bit of badger script Quinten showed her, at first she didn’t understand it but now she is starting to pick it up and after looking it over a few times and carefully going back and forth in the pages she starts to understand it more and more and seems lost in it, quietly and carefully turning pages and then seems something gets her attention and there is a frown and a rereading of whatever it is.

Anomen has yet to go peek in the open doorway of the room, so he wouldn’t know she was there as he sits in a chair close to the door and sighs.

Zinnia looks over something as she mutters "But. That doesn’t make..since..who is..and.." She turns a page and back again as if trying to figure it out better.

Anomen lets curiosity get the best of him and pokes his head in the room and walks over "What not making sense?" He gets a small glace at the odd book. "Pictures?"

Zinnia frowns "Its badger script...ok, and..this..and this" Its picture of a stick creature holding a sword and placing it on some fireplace mantle, then the same stick beast without it at the abbey,then a different one shows a totally different looking figure taking the sword from the place it was left and going to some church in another pic..."It’s..."

Anomen rises an eyebrow, "Umm...what you show me isn’t helping me out here and if it’s confusing you it would far more confuse me you’re the badger not me lass"

Zinnia glares at Anomen "I do understand it, but what it says makes no since!.." She frowns and looks away "Sorry just..." She turns a page "See.." This picture shows the creature seemly taking captive other stick beings..small ones and a couple larger ones, and one is badger shaped and then another picture the badger isn’t with them.." to be..dibbuns? But why would someone not be with them..see the other, he isn’t there but here in this one and why show a sword what’s so important about it?"

Anomen backs off and frowns, "Good grief relax..dibbuns?" He sighs and looks at it, yeah he is lost in the meaning and shrugs "As for the sword, don’t know and no idea maybe they forgot to read the badger looking..stick thing.?"

Zinnia looks at him "Stick thing!!" Ok she is getting grumpy now and mutters "Go away!" She looks over the script and studies it hard and long and the squirrel better not speak!

Anomen frowns as he slowly backs up from the room and fakes hearing something "Huh..oh gee I hear Benar or Lacota...ok...bye" He quickly leaves the room, and the door is still open.

Zinnia would throw something at the door but there is nothing here to throw, well an ink bottle but luckily she is too into looking at the badger script, slowly understanding the meaning now and frowns as part of her wishes she isn’t totally understanding it.

Anomen stays outside the door, in the larger room where he feels its probably safer to be.

Zinnia is quiet as she relooks it over and carefully goes back finding some other stuff she knew already, then coming and then goes back to the events of this church and she frowns deeply as she thinks the only other time a sword was pictured was Martins sword.

Anomen lets his eyes droop and he falls asleep in the chair, libraries are quiet so maybe he can nap.

Zinnia has quieted down, rereads again and puts some clues together of her own..she speaks some out loud " Ok..Marek had the sword and somehow..someone else got it? How?.." She frowns, maybe he left it on this fireplace at some place before the abbey.

Anomen is well..sleeping:P

Zinnia frowns, "He left it..and someone got it and.." She looks it over again" What is that place?" She frowns and she told the squirrel to leave, not that it matters, ok relax she is getting this and smiles some and then the smile is loss again as she studies the stick figures in the badger script rubbing and the next pic where one is missing and eeeps as she puts two and two gether finally and tries to find something else and starts panicking as she is failing.."Why...isn’t there...more on this!"

Anomen wakes up a little and peeks over at the door, nope he is not going near the door. He will stay in his chair away from the doorway.

Zinnia gulps and frowns, "Where?..What happen to..." She decides she is not finding anything and maybe it’s just one of those some force helped her find this, but the other info that’s missing she hates, she finally comes out of the records room and slides against the wall into a sitting position and hugs her knees to her chest and lays her head on her knees.

Anomen looks over as the badger finally leaves the room and watches her, " ok?"

Zinnia doesn't answer him she is just quiet. Why does she have to learn things like this so quickly why couldn’t of stayed confusing, why couldn’t she of just not figured it out, but she knows she has to be right, she coughs a little mutters something.

Anomen blinks and watches her, he walks over carefully and taps her on the shoulder and moves back again.

Zinnia scoots away from the tap on the shoulder and doesn’t look up, "Go away..leave alone" She manages to get out and sounds like if she talks too much she is going to be crying.She takes a few calming breaths.

Anomen frowns "Umm..Sister Zinnia?"

Zinnia lets out a half sob.." I...don't..understand...what happen to him, why isn’t he with them..I couldn’t find..out..."

Anomen frowns he looks around wishing someone, anyone would walk into the room.

There is a knock at the door.

Zinnia frowns, she isn’t answering

Anomen frowns and looks over "Umm..come in, I think!" He looks at the badger and sighs unsure what to do, "Happen to who lass, what’s these pictures got to do with you this?"

Lacota opens the door and looks in. "Is everything alright? I could hear somebeast crying?"

Zinnia frowns as she looks up "The was dibbuns, who else would be with them and no I ..DONT know why what ever church place...-sob/cough- Or who has...didn’t find anything..." She fails to get else out and just cries, clearly upset and worried.

Anomen frowns "I..she was looking at strange pictures in some...scrolls, like rubbings of pictures and drawing and strange little dots and lines and...then she got upset and made me leave the room and then..this" He points to Zinnia.

Zinnia is here against the wall, hugging her knees and head ageist her knees while the other two try and figure all this out.

Anomen frowns, he seems unsure of tapping her shoulder again as she chased him from the room, yeah she left it but now..."We...need help with this....ideas?" He asks Lacota.

Lacota frowns. "I'm not sure I understand, Anomen... Perhaps she needs rest."

Quinten has heard from one of his recruits of a disturbance in his library so Quinten strolls in. "I say old chaps, whatever is all the crowd about?"

Benar is a short way behind him looking worried and moves over to the Friar and Anomen, "What is wrong my friends?"

Anomen frowns, he looks over at the hare and frowns, he then walks over "I don’t know she was looking at these strange..picture things and made me leave, so I did...and then she comes out mumbling about how the pictures didn’t explain where he was and oh yeah the little stick..things are dibbuns and something bout some difffent stick thing had the a sword and not the one...I don’t know"

Zinnia looks up and half glares, "There are not stick things!.." She frowns "Its badger script.."

Lacota' sighs. "I for one have no idea what is wrong with the lass, but she seems hysterical."

Benar moves over and kneels down, reaching out to try and take Zinnia's hand, "I am here my dear sister... try and explain it to me?"

Quinten moves to the table and looks down at the tome on it, finger running over the script, lips moving as he talks to himself. "It is Badger script... the ancient language of the badger lords... few can read it."

Anomen sits down..elsewhere but still close.

Zinnia sniffs, "I..I didn’t understand it at first..but the..showed what..think was Marek with the sword and he put it on a fireplace and then he was at the abbey but, well looked again and he didn’t have it and then a different beast went and took the sword but went to some church place" She frowns, "And..showed like...think dibbuns and couple others and then being led away but..but someone wasn’t..he wasn’t with them and I couldn’t....couldn’t find out why..why wouldn’t he be with the dibbuns..w..what happen"

Lacota' peers at the script.

Benar hugs Zinnia, "Oz? I am sure Papa Oz is fine... Badger Script does not always show us everything... try to stay calm Zinnia, it will be ok I promise”

Quinten is frowning at the pages of script then turns to look at Anomen and Lacota. "Badger Script is powerful stuff." .

Anomen sighs "See..stick pictures upset her" He listens more as she goes on not understanding it much, he did glace at it but then was chased out of the room, "I only glanced at the one..looked all odd and stuff" He frowns at a thought and the badger is upset, "Hmm...dibbuns..sword" He shrugs mumbling to himself, "He..who is he...wait.." He about falls out of his chair and just barely avoids hitting his head on the wall. He looks at the earlier picture and frowns" She has a point, well it is him, he isn’t in the 2nd picture..oddy"

Zinnia lets Benar hug her, "But..if it’s telling us..the truth or part of it, then Marek doesn’t have the sword someone else does and Marek still has the abbey and means we have..two problems now" She has calmed a little, "Wh..when are we supposed to have the meeting? We ..we have to get back"

Lacota' sighs. "Just what is this...badger script, anyway?"

Benar squeezes Zinnia and then glances up at the table, "It is the script of Badgers, it tells things that might be and could be and prophecy... it may be old but it is said to speak of times not yet happened."

Anomen frowns "How is that possible and yeah when is the meeting?"

Zinnia sighs and does her best to dry her eyes.

Lacota' narrows his eyes and peers at the script. "Prophetic, eh? Who wrote it?"

Quinten says, "Hopefully very soon/... the badger lord said he would speak to you all when it was time... I can only assume he has his own script to read." he looks at Lacota then, "One of the Badger Lords of Salamandastron in seasons long past.""

Treesong pokes her head in the room to see what’s going on.

Anomen nods, he has not seen Treesong yet as he listens to the others.

Quinten turns to the door as a young recruit hurries in and salutes "Sir.. His Lordship says he will see the party from Redwall now." Quintin nods and turns, "Well gentleman seems the waiting time is over, shall we?"

Benar offers Zinnia a hand to help her up and nods, "Let us go."

Lacota' blinks. "Now at last?"

Zinnia allows the help up and goes to follow

Anomen nods "Yeah lets head on over there"

They all head to the Meeting Room