Important Meeting In The Library

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Library

The library has never looked better in seasons as shelves have been

repaired and so have tables and chairs. The once empty sleeves now

have more books in them and not only that the books are in an ABC

order and arranged by subject to better find what one is looking for.

The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned.

This gives the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. The

room has a high vaulted ceiling. The flagstones of the floor are cool

and smooth, and echoes are sometimes heard when beasts walk. Brass

lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light

for reading. Some books are still being mended but being working on

getting on the shelves. The backroom is even very clean and organized

as well. Books were found in the attic and some from Ferravale were

added that the Ferravale beast had maybe two copies of something so

gave Redwall one of the copies for the Redwall library, all in all a

lot of hard work has done wonders for the library.

On an Oakwood desk is the charter laying inside a clear glass case for

all to see. The glass case keeps it safe and clean. Some other chairs

large and small, wooden and soft, have been placed in varies places

in the library and a pile of covers and blankets sit in one corner

with a few pillows as well.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

Boaz is cleaning up a mess, a mess a dibbun caused most likely, or maybe a novice, either way he is a little grumpy as he cleans up a spill of juice and what looks like some ink as he mutters to himself "Well least it didn't get near my folder, that would of been such a horrible day to bare..all that work" He has moved said folder to a case he has, a case he keeps well within his line of vision. He finally sits down and sighs as he looks around the library; yep all is in order for now.

Flicktail very gently opens the door looking around making sure he is quite quiet, not hard when you’re an Arctic Fox and your foot paws are covered in nice, fur to muffle foot falls. His tail is light so as it clicks against the books in their shelves it hardly disturbs them and might even help to dust them. he moved in looking about for what beasts are present. His ears perked he heard Boaz in this quiet room and moves towards the vole.

Boaz looks up and nods "Oh Flicktail, I was hoping to see you soon, as well as Magramba, if he is around. I'm got something important for you two only. Only you two it's not to be shared with any others"

The library is the last place remaining to check for records on Noonvale, and Magramba has saved the largest for last, likely hoping to avoid poring through the sheer bulk of volumes available. The squirrel comes wandering in, dressed in his improvised smoking jacket, as he often is these days, and carrying with him a small notebook. He enters just in time to hear his name. "Who's looking for me?"

Flicktail moves over "Hello and Good day Boaz. I haven't seen Magi.." He pauses his tail flicking suddenly "Figures, squirrels are always following foxes chattering at them."  He smiles and looks back to the Vole "Wot have you got there Brother Boaz “
Boaz looks up as the squirrel enters, "I and Benar had went to Brock hall recently, well Zee went too but that’s not what is important what is important is what was found. I had remembered reading some data on ruins of Kotir and it was around the time of Bella and Martin when they were in Brockhall. There was also a group called Council of Resistance in Mossflower, more commonly known as the Corim, anyways...they are the ones that helped with the flood tunnels as well when that underground place was destroyed..”  The vole walks over and opens his large folder and shows a map he copied ....depicting the river, important landmarks like Camp Willow, Brockhall and most importantly the large lake that was once Kotir. There are also marks showing off the tunnels that flooded Kotir's valley...."This was on a tapestry in Brockhall"

Flicktail cocks his head, perking his ears "If they could Flood kotir doesn’t that mean our moles could...divert the water and DRAIN it?”

"That's exactly what we would want to /avoid/, Flick," Magramba puts in, wandering over to look over Boaz's shoulder at the map. "If we drain it, they'll have free reign of the ruins. That's why it was flooded in the first place." The squirrel looks curiously at the document, pointing down at the tunnels. "Is there any way we can flood more of it?"

Boaz says, "The tunnels are long dry now, but this is how those martens most likely got under the abbey. They used those old tunnels. See whats left of the lake is our abbey pond." He shrugs "I am unsure I just copied the map" And he took his time and took great care in getting the smallest of details, he takes his work very seriously. "Benar also mentioned no one else is to look over these, just Flicktail and Magramba, no one else and he made that very clear"

Flicktail nods "I seems sad that a place where beasts lived is a watery grave but Magramba is right, so Mags how do you think this helps us? Wot do you think we be looking for?”

"Well, if we can't flood it, at least we know how they got in. We'll need a way to get back in there to deliver the goods to Princess Sourchops if she makes good on her word and collapses our tower entrance," Magramba replies, stepping back and folding his arms over his chest.

Flicktail asks, "Do you trust Sourchops? " He asks moving over to sit next to Boaz

Boaz has no clue whom the under martins are and just listens, he did his part by copying the map after all.

"No," Magramba replies, shaking his head. "But we don't have much choice, do we?"

Flicktail asks, "Well maybe we should buy some insurance? "

Boaz says, "I would say whatever you two's next step is, to do that. Find whatever needs found so that these martens leave soon and also try to avoid more problems"

“What kind of insurance? You want to kidnap one of them, hold it hostage?" Magramba raises an eyebrow, a little surprised by the insinuation.

Flicktail says, "Well I admit that would be fun, but we know a whole VILLAGE full of vermin, I think we could get a Poisoner, or other beast to...go down there. Maybe slip a poison in, and if anything goes wrong, we can offer the antidote. If they play nice, we just give them the antidote. The would probably respect that"

Boaz frowns "That would surely cause a lot of problems and likely have her back down on anything she promised. If you did something of that sort. Are you not supposed to find them so new place to live, not cause a war with them and the abbey and a poison could backfire also and hurt others"

"That doesn't really seem like the Redwall way," Magramba replies, shaking his head a bit at the suggestion. "Seems like something they would do to us, not the other way around."

Flicktail asks, "Aye but should we wait till Beasts get hurt? They are threatening to attack. and we would harm no beast so long as they keep their word. We are an Abbey, not blind trusting fools."

Boaz says, "Guards are still keeping an eye on that hole they come up from before and I am sure Lee will help keep the abbey safe while you two are away, and the sooner the better to get those martins to leave"

"If we poison them, what's to stop them from trying to take the antidote by force? We don't want to escalate the situation any more than it already is if we can avoid it." Magramba shakes his head again, pointing down at the map. "What we need to do is get to Noonvale as soon as possible and find out what Martin's next clue means. We've trusted him before, and he hasn't let the Abbey down yet."

Flicktail says, "They won't know who has the antidote...but if you both think it be a bad idea then maybe it is.” He nods “I say we leave as soon as possible then"

Boaz nods "It is best to go soon yes. And if you need other maps to Noonvale there should be one in here somewhere"

"It's to the North," Magramba remarks, sticking his paws into the pockets of the robe he's added as a small improvement. "Luckily, I'm from the North."

Flicktail asks, "Aye and I have thick fur, I will meet you at the gate in a candle mark Mags?"

"Meet you there," Magramba agrees, with a nod.