Important Discussions Before Breakfast-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

=Redwall Log in Open Ground

    • Involved in Log**

Brother Leon-Master Healer

Zee-Old badger and resident of the abbey

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Magramba-Redwall Champion

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

Spring brings soggy grass -- though green, now -- in this open ground. The ground is saturated with melting snows and spring rains, causing muddy spots to dot the field here and there. Green growth is sprouting up everywhere, taking over the tiny bits of snow that can still be spotted hither and yon in secluded areas of the open ground. All and all a cheery scene, with the new growth and such -- but hazardous for the unwary.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]



Greased Pole

Zee knew fresh air was good, but he had not been able to enjoy it as he should. A tightly bandaged right shoulder and upper arm. He had a lightly bandaged chest as a couple cracked ribs finished healing. A new scar on his chin as well as his leg as he sat on the grass of the open ground staring at a letter in his paw. His paws were scared up a little more than before from the battle he was in at the otter camp, but it wasn't, not totally, the reason he seemed down.

Leon came down the steps and walked over to the badger “So feeling ok today? As see you can start going outside for short periods of time, but you still have to take it easy since you still have a ways to go to fully recover and I am still unsure of your right arm."

Zee shrugs as he finally speaks "Wot ever..gonna lose it or sumthing lad?" He sighs as he reads a letter for the..what 20th time, "Tis my fault, totally me own fault and I will know when sumthing happens cause me nephew will be haunting me and making sure I don't de for seasons from now...and make it worse when I finally do die off"

Leon frowns "Zee calm down you’re not in danger of losing your arm. It never got infected and it's healing good wound wise. The armor prevented it from going all the way to the bone..or worse being lost then. Now it is possible you won’t be able to do as much as before. The upper arm muscle was damaged and the axe did hit the collar bone somewhat but from what I could tell your heal good it will just take some time. Your ribs should be better soon and other wounds have even healed a bit, a scar will be left on the shoulder and arm but a scar isn’t bad. I may advise you to think on stepping down as a fighter but that is up to you as unlike Zork your heart isn’t weak , which surprised me at this age."

Zee sighs as he speaks "I not be worried bout me arm. Tis has its pains here and there and Zork had something wrong with his heart before his fight with the monitor and yes I heard all about it, he told me. He even mentioned part of it could of been letting himself slip into Bloodwrath once for a good 2-3 days as it most likely caused a lot of damage to his heart as he had pains then but it got better after a few days so he said nothing on it. Also being over worked at de forge when Marek had taken over here at the abbey for a season, that added to it...he got lucky, real lucky with that lizard that day as he could of easily died then not almost 4 seasons later."

Zee looks at the letter "I were upset over this lad...Zinnia be gone, she left the abbey and tis my fault cause I let Xander be caught and taken away, tis be over 8 weeks..almost 9 now...almost a freaking..s...season..."He forces back tears.

Leon walks closer and lays a paw on his arm "Its ok Zee and I heard Sister Zinnia left but I am sure she will be fine. She can take care of herself, I mean she led me and Dorarose to Salamnadstron and she wasn't in the best shape mentally, not that we knew that at the time. She knows she has friends here and I believe she is fine as she even said she try and visit if she could from time to time."

Zee shakes his head "Ya don't understand Leon. She be upset still Xander was never found...I mean tis at the point he could well be....."He hates to say it" He could well be with Zork now. Tis just I can’t go after her, I can barely walk a few feet yet, me sword arm is useless right strength is maybe half thar and she left no clue, even with guards on which way she went and they didn’t pay attention. If she gets herself killed Zork will come outta that grave and slap me good fer letting it happen"

Leon listens and lets the badger get things off his chest, "That...would be interesting, but also sort of scary. I believe Zinnia knows to stay out of trouble and she DOES have some fighting skills. Not much but some as I seen her fight off crows and ravens...she fault off sea gulls and I got that proof from a hare on watch duty."

Zee frowns "But she be gone and no one seems ta care..."

Benar walks into the open ground, catching some of the talking as he speaks "Sister Zinnia left a note with me and as well as Oz and Magramba on the fact she was leaving and mentioned a last writing in the logs. She will be fine Zee. She has decided to travel, perhaps traveling twice to the fire mountain caught her interest in travel as she has gone there twice. She wants to learn more of the world and she is still a Sister in the order, this is still her home. It does upset me she had to step down as Recorder but another Brother or Sister or perhaps myself can fill in till we can find another to fill the job that is stilled and ready for the job as Recorder and willing to stick to it , and be able to, for many seasons"

Leon turns and nods a greeting to Benar" Good morning Abbot Benar. How is your morning?"

Zee sighs as he rubs his forehead “I worry ok lad" He glances at the abbot "Ya gots ta understand that lad and I know she worries for Xander its been..." He frowns at this, almost a season and he knows it.

Benar nods "Yes almost a season I know and no luck. I am calling off the search as I don't want beasts roaming who knows where when we have no clues and some sparrows have disappeared, I do not like that and its upset the sparrows, they have decided to stop their search and I agree, a season is a long time and he is just a dibbun. If he is alive he could be miles in any direction by now. We can still hold out for hope and we can ask travelers or visitors to keep an eye out or ask if anything is known. I can sent a letter to the fire mountain even but that’s all I can do for now I am sorry"

Zee says, "Tis ok lad and ya right no use searching still. No need for the sparrows to endanger themselves. Sides thar is the need for beasts to volunteer and help rebuild camp willow as they could use all de help they can get""

Leon nods "That’s true, I have 3 of my healers at the camp. I thought of going myself with some herbs to restock their infirm somewhat. Our herbs and supplies are very well in stock, we even have some bandages and couple other things we can take over to Camp Willow and some good healing herbs are in the woods and along creeks and the river. We could even help them build an herb garden if needed. I could help with that"

Benar nods "That would be most helpful Brother Leon and you have my permission to go, but not alone. There is a couple otter fighters heading back to the camp this morning you can go with them. I am sure they would welcome some supplies for the infirm there and when you gather some herbs on the way just be careful"

Zee stands and sighs "I am gonna go back inside and lay down..ya lads talk bout wot ever" The badger heads back inside, he needs a nap.

Leon watches the badger head inside and his attention is back to Benar" Not to worry Benar, I will be careful and going with the two otters would be best your right. I wouldn’t have to stay too long. I just need to let Angela know she is in charge a few days and let Dorarose know I will be back in a few days as she tends to worry"

Benar nods "That is fine. It’s about a day there and back if I am correct. You can see if they need any extra healing help while you’re there and when you get back you can let us know how things are at the otter camp. I have yet to know much at all"

Making his way across the open ground over near the pond, Magramba's limping stride favors his left leg heavily, leaning on a cane as he goes. The heavy cast he was dragging around aforetime has been replaced in favor of some light splinting, and his opposite arm is free of the sling that had previously confined it. Noticing the brown habits across the way, he starts making his gimpy way over to say good morning. "Good morning!" A delicate wave from his bad arm goes out towards them.

Leon turns to the voice and folds his arms over his chest "Should you be up limping around? I do hope your being careful so that you totally heal before doing too much"

Benar waves to Magramba "Greetings Magramba. How are you feeling this morning my friend? Me and Brother Leon were discussing having some supplies brought to the otter camp for their infirm, which I hope was not damaged."

"Feeling alright," Magramba allows, nodding to the Abbot and the healer. "Taking it easy, no ten-leaguers yet." So at least he's not running or walking too far. His brow furrows and his face darkens as he tries to remember what state the Camp's infirmary had been in. "I'm not sure if it was damaged but they didn't have much there. Either way they'll be happy for the help, I'm sure."

Leon seems to believe the champion is ok and taking it easy, he nods "Well I can head off here soon with those two guards. I will just need my surcoat,bag and a cloak just in case."

Benar nods "The kitchen can make sure you and the two otters have some food and drink for the trip, enough for a day and maybe a little extra." He looks back to Magramba "Things are slowly getting back to normal it seems. Give or take a couple issues, things are well here I hope things return to normal at the camp soon too. Brother Leon even mentioned helping them make an herb garden and I think that’s a god idea and if they need help with a garden for food needs the abbey should help with that as well or least get them started on one."

"I have no idea what sort of gardens they have," Magramba readily admits, without a hint of embarrassment. "But whatever they had, the raiders likely took or destroyed. Seed and tools would probably be a good start towards getting them back on their feet." The warrior refrains from offering further advice, as farming isn't really in his skillset. "Have we heard any word on where the raiders are now?"

Leon says, "I could take some seeds to them, I have some extra seeds from our own herb garden and could take some of the seeds from spring and summer planting" The healer adds, as for news he knows of none.

Benar shakes his head "Sadly none. The only news I got was of some missing sparrows and the fact that for now they are not searching for anyone, least the sparrows are not. The roads seem a bit safer but it’s still wise to not let anyone go out alone. Even if the raiders seem to have left there is still other vermin and the fact if the raiders decide to ever return"

"There's always been the threat of vermin," Magramba reminds them, gingerly crossing his arms over his chest. "Our folk know that if they go outside the walls there could be danger. With the raiders gone, I think we should return to how it was before. We can't live in fear all our lives. Just be smart, like we always have." The warrior gives the healer a rueful grin. "As much as I'd like to come along, I know I'd just slow you down, so you're better off going with the otters. Maybe in a few more days I'll be able to hobble over there."

Leon nods "Well I rather you be able to walk as we don’t need our champion to be injured or worse killed cause he was still recovering from other wounds. And you could also have someone tag along with you as well"

Benar nods "Me as well, still have some beasts watching the walls but not as many as before. We don't need patrols or search parties for anyone now. I don’t wish to have any other missing beasts and it pains me to stop a search for one whom been missing almost a season but we have no clues or anything on where the dibbun could be. I also need to focus on a new recorder, for now me or one of the other Brothers or Sisters can fill in abbey logs when needed till we have someone able to fil in the job and stay with it. I only wish she had not left the abbey alone and if she did have someone go with her I was not told."

"Oh right, Zinnia. I heard about that." Magramba wasn't too familiar with the reclusive Recorder. "Hopefully she's alright. I have some journals and things I wouldn't mind donating someday if it helps fill in the gap until a new Recorder is promoted. It's an important role, though, so there's no need to rush. Especially with everything going on right now." How strange for a warrior to be the voice of reason and stability.

Leon says, "I know Zee was worried about her but she is most likely ok. We need someone who is good at writing down important events, has good details and is good with history. Maybe one that knows the area fairly well and of course be an order beast"

Benar nods "Yes a very important role to fill and an order Brother or Sister would fill the title when we feel we have found one able to do the job. As for things going on we have the rebuilding of Camp Willow. I am already planning for Summer feast in a few weeks. There is the missing dibbun but it’s been almost a season and within this amount of time with no clues on where or a direction they could be anywhere and for now I have called off that search and may send a letter to the fire mountain to keep an eye out, maybe even an eye out for those raiders. Beasts are also still recovering from the fight at the otter camp so there is that"

"There is that," Magramba agrees, glancing down at his foot.

Leon says, "A sparrow could get a letter to there in maybe a week, I am unsure I know water travel from the bridge is a little over a week to the sea, then like a day to get to the village nearby"

Benar nods "I could send one here shortly, hopefully they be willing to go. They should know whats happening in Mossflower and about Camp Willow so I am sure the Sparra will know it’s an important message. I can write it up and send it and any letter you think is wise to send, we can add it as well and get the message or messages out by this afternoon"

"Well, I'm going to see about breakfast," Magramba decides, thumping his cane back to the earth. "Either of you are welcome to join me, but I can't guarantee I'll leave any food for you." The squirrel grins mischievously, starting to hobble off towards the Great Hall, intent on getting a head start.

Benar nods "I think I will eat breakfast in my room I need to get this letter written and sent out as soon as possible" He heads to his room.

Leon chuckles "Well we can see who gets there quicker, breakfast before I head off to Camp Willow sounds good." But he won't rush off, least too fast as he is not that mean.After he eats, has his needed items and supplies, and two otter guards he heads off and they arrive at Camp Willow before the sun sets.