Immaturity 101

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated November 21, 2011 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Wanderer. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Mon, 11/21/2011 - 12:31

This is how to make a convincing Dibbun character.

Part 1: Props

It's always good to give your character some type of plaything that they are HIGHLY attached to. A wooden sword is a good start, or a stuffed creature. For my character Dustfur, I gave him a pet stick, "Wudd". Wudd added a lot to RP, and it was funny to introduce characters to Wudd, and wait for them to say "Who's Wudd???" then have my character pull it out.

Part 2: Speech

Most Dibbuns have some sort of lisp in theie speech, or cannot pronounce Rs or Ls properly. This makes it SOUND dibbun-like. Here's a few examples:

-Replace where is, or what is, with wharra.

-Replace get a with gerra

-Replace r or l with W

Or just look in the Redwall books for ideas.

Part 3: Actions

Often Dibbuns and RL children will imitate things they see. In the blizzard event, I had Dustfur imitate the highland accent of Feisty, the highlander squirrel. Also keep in mind that Dibbuns HATE baths and bedtime, and like candied chestnuts, and if you tell them not to do something, they are guaranteed to do it. A good start for RP is a raid on the strawberry patch or kitchens. They also are likely to run away and try to get in on the adventures of older beasts. Oh, and they seem to like moles. In the books, Foremole always seemed to be popular with Dibbuns for some reason.

Part 4: Sources of inspiration

Here's some sources that might inspire you when playing a Dibbun on the MUCK:

-Redwall books (duh)

-MUCK logs of feasts and similar events. (Like the blizzard event)

-Watching how kids act IRL.

That's it for now. If there's anything you think I should add, please post a comment and tell me. Hope this helped!
