If Redwall Never Existed.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 07, 2014 in the category Chatterbox by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 6 replies.

Sat, 06/07/2014 - 08:31

Another day another Forum Topic. This one explores where your alts would be if Redwall had never existed in their life time.

No rp tips and tricks today. Just a fun little forum topic. For a while now I've been wanting to run an Out of Continuity 'what if Redwall never existed?' styled plot line. And by never existed I mean what if Redwall were attacked by vermin several hundred ic years ago and turned into rubble. Where would alts be if they didn't have Redwall to go to. A lot of alts have their lives shaped by Redwall, turning from villains to heroes and visa verse, some alts might still be alive if not for the constant attempts to siege the place.

I'm not sure where or when this RP will take place. I don't have any plots or plans for it other than what I mentioned above.

So for this forum topic I thought it would be fun to explore where your characters would be with out Redwall, where would they be? What would they be doing? Would they even be effected? Keep in mind that Redwallers would never have been around to save other places from warlord invasion.


To start it off I'll go first. With 20+ alts over the past year I will limit it to only ones directly effected by Redwall's absence, which is surprisingly few.

Bandit would have been effected the most. Originally made to be a sarcastic gluttonous thief he would have become that. Probably turned into something like Vannon.

Cheshire would surprisingly not be too effected. He would have become some crazed crack pot scientist living out of an abandoned tower out in the woods that beasts avoid at all costs...

Fargo would have probably fallen back into banditry.

Dylan and his gang would probably be still together. Elena and Meesha would probably be part of it still.

Carter would still be alive and not monitor lizard food. Logan would be a wandering warrior.

Wilks would be rather unaffected...perhaps skinnier with out all the wonderful redwall food to ruin his diet. In fact a few alts would be healthier with out Redwall food to snack on XD.


I think this would be an interesting idea to explore someday when we are not busy with TP's or what not. How about you forum goers? Would you like to share where your alts would be with out Redwall or maybe share an idea about a possible 'what if Redwall never existed' plot line?
