I hate High Places..and Birds!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

---Dirt road north of abbey---

Leon has decided to take a small walk and visit Oakenpaw, always good to check on the healer hare as he makes his way up the road, he kicks a rock as he walks along.

Antonio is discussing things with a large bird as he smirks, "The village is fools, they will not find out it was me who killed Shaz..make friends with woodies of all things"

Coalfeather nods and perns a wing," Rat was fool be friends with such beasts, not true vermin master"

Arturo is out, back on the road as adventure calls, he slows as he sees the bird, "Oh..dear me..not him again" He goes to avoid the bird at all costs.

Leon hears the name Shaz and gets curious, he steps carefully to a bush at the edge of the clearing and listens, besides they are blocking his way to Ferravale.

Antonio smirks, “Yes Coal..Shaz was a fool, now a dead one" He chuckles “I proved the better Assassin, not him." He frowns as he sees the hare, he has yet to see the mouse and sighs, "Coal..deal with our guest"

Coalfeather narrows his eyes and flaps upwards, he goes to dive at the hare and happens to see Leon also, he still goes to knock down the hare and makes a mental note on the where abouts of the mouse.

Arturo shakes his head and dives, doing a roll and ends up barely missing the bird’s talons, his glasses fall off his nose and onto the road and he frowns, "Oh..not good, not good at all"

Leon watches and looks back towards the abbey, it’s closer and so he starts to back up but he can't leave the hare so he looks and finds a rock to throw at the large bird, he aims and does his best to throw the rock and hopes to not miss.

Benjamin screeches loudly from the distance, helping patrol the walls.

Antonio draws his blade as he watches, he grins "Few avoid my pet bunny boy and even fewer get to overhear my deeds, talk about a bad day. “ ,He hears the screech and decides it’s a fair distance away.

Coalfeather misses the hare,that’s fine, he circles once and scans the area, the rock about hits his beck, he makes a loud noise and goes to the rocks source, the mouse and talons out goes to swoop down and grab him by the cloak, if he is friends with the hare this could be something he can use.

Arturo tenses ready for another swoop and stops bilking, "Huh?..wot now?"

Leon eyes go wide when he sees the large bird and starts to run, he doesn’t get to far as the bird gets him, and he is off the ground again and screams flashbacks of another time a bird had him go through his mind, this is not fun.

Coalfeather brings the mouse towards Antonio and waits, yes he still as the mouse by the cloak:P.

Benjamin soars closer hearing the loud noise, screeching again this time much closer seeming to be coming quickly from the air.

Antonio looks up, “what’s this my pet has, friend of your bunny?" He looks to the hare, “You and your friend have bad timing" He now sees the owl, "Oh..great..tell the owl to go back or my pet goes higher and the mouse drops." He grins "It won't survive the fall"

Arturo frowns, "I..look I don't know him but please..I..can j..jolly well, a deal..a something! I am good at jolly well staying quiet didn’t hear a jolly..t..thing of..assassins and what not..."

Leon dares not struggle while he is in the air, he closes eyes hoping the bird stays still.

Benjamin screeches loudly soaring closer owl eyes taking in the scene looking at the other bird that seems to have Leon. He screeches loudly again this a slight different, the sound loud enough to catch a trained ear back at the abbey a clear alarm. Benjamin tucks his wings closer and goes into a dive at the other large bird.

Coalfeather flies a little higher up and waits watching the rat for direction, he hears the owl but takes orders from the rat on whether to move or not.

Antonio grins, his ears go back as he sees the owl, "Fool owl!.." He gets out a throwing dagger and aims carefully to throw and releases the dagger towards the owl, he nods to Coalfeather to move sideways, “And if you leave hare...bad stuff happens"

Arturo frowns, “Bad stuff is happening now" He looks to the abbey, hopefully he does not regret this, he bolts to go find help.

Benjamin screeches loudly and pulls out of the dive quickly but not quick enough the blade nicks his side, the owl flapping his wings and not looking all too happy anymore, he soars up quite high and suddenly goes into a dive again this time aiming at the rat, his talons out ready to grab that rat if he can.

Leon struggles slightly disliking being in the middle of a fight and in the air at the same time.

Coalfeather makes a loud noise and flaps higher, he lets go of Leon, luckily above a tree of some sort, still fairly high up and goes to attack the owl!

Antonio hisses and draws his long blade again as he slices the owl, a talon tears off half an ear as he almost tumbles into the ditch.

Benjamin screeches loudly and soars up high into the air again a bit slowed as he goes to try and catch Leon again, one of his wings a bit cut barely functioning.

Leon gasps as he is dropped, he crashes into one tree limb and another and, well third time is the charm and he holds on to the limb for dear life and shivers, he is alive and has some cuts and bruises, maybe a broken wrist, but alive, he gulps and does not dare look down, the owl most likely wasn’t close enough but hey could of been worse.

Coalfeather flaps and lands by Antonio, some feathers out of place and a cut above his beck, he puffs up now

Antonio glares, “Fools!" He says and looks for the hare and mouse and snorts, "Coalfeather come my pet, we have plans to make"

Benjamin lands next to Leon, helping him to his back to fly him back to the abbey wings spreading a bit.

Leon looks at the owl, he shakes his head, "No..no..no flying, too.." He looks down and gulps, fear of heights, he grips the branch and whimpers.

Coalfeather goes to follow Antonio into the woods and find the hare.

Benjamin flaps his wings and tries to wrap his talons around Leon and gently pull him from the branch he isn't about to leave Leon here while he goes get help, the guards should be almost halfway here already.

Leon tries to keep a grip on the branch, his paws slip and he gets pawfulls of leaves, "o No..down!..wait not down!" It’s clear he is afraid of heights and is not sure of the bird either.

--Redwall entry---

Benjamin lands after carefully setting Leon down, collapsing into the grass shortly after his wing in bad shape and the wound on his side not looking good either.

Leon whimpers and has his eyes tightly shut, hey he was in the air! He feels the ground and is still shivering badly, "Gr..ground...good..I was..." He looks up..whoa...and he faints.

The door to the gatehouse opens and an adult female mouse with blue eyes steps out, her gaze first on the Abbey building, where she was originally headed, and then to the pair of beasts on the ground by the gate, which a couple of guards are heading as they holler. She gasps and dashes over, kneeling beside Leon, looking first at him, then at the owl. "What happened? Who are you? I'm DoraRose, you can trust me. What happened?" the guards arrive on the scene, as does a Novice, and they begin checking the injured beasts.

Benjamin hoots softly one of his wings cut up pretty good and a small blade sticks from his side, "patrol, attack master Leon, big bird bad rat." is all about he manages for passing out himself. The small throwing dagger is carefully removed and handed over to the guards for inspection, as the large bird is bandaged up a little, till the guards can move him and Leon up to the infirmary.

Leon is not badly hurt, a swollen wrist and a couple twigs in his fur, some leaves beside him from a tree, he has some bruising on his arm but very little, he stirs some and the other healers tend to the bird.

DoraRose strokes one of Leon's ears as a healer comes over and begins to bandage his wrist. Pulling a few twigs out of his fur, she frowns, a worried look entering her eyes. "Let's get these creatures to the infirmary." she says, looking up and helping the guards bundle the injured ones onto stretchers. Looks like Leon's going to the infirm as a patient this time.

--Infirm at abbey---

Leon stirs and comes more awake when he is laid down on a cot, the owl is being tended to by a couple other healers as they work on the wing and side, Leon looks around the infirm..."H..hate heights.."

DoraRose 'appears' over Leon's head as she murmurs, "Ssh, it's alright, you're safe now, you're in Redwall, you're not high up anymore. It's alright, I'm here." she strokes his head as a healer finishes fixing his wrist and quickly checks him for any other injuries.

Leon frowns, "There..was this rat and..falcon, and they were after a hare, but saw me, then the owl showed up." He shivers but goes on"The..falcon grabbed me and..high up..and droped..d..droped me in..tree, hurt wrist and..the owl got me from tree ad was high..up-gulps-again..so high and..now in here."

The healer, finding no other injuries, goes over to help with he owl, leaving the 2 mice pretty much alone. DoraRose keeps stroking Leon's head, whispering soothingly, "It's alright, you're not high up anymore. Don't focus on being up high. Do you know what happened to the hare?"

Leon shakes his head, "Don’t know...he ran off but think bird. Chased him, the rat and bird were..were talking bout someone from Ferravale..I think" He has calmed some, but not all the way.

"Do you know who they were talking about? Did you catch a name?" DoraRose gets some mint tea in a cup and puts lots and lots of honey in it, then holds it to Leon's lips.

Leon sips and coughs, his mind still on being high in the air, he shakes his head to clear it, "Shas..or Shaz, something, the rat seemed to dislike it that me and the hare over heard him talking to the falcon he called his..pet"

DoraRose raises an eyebrow and frowns slightly. "Creatures shouldn't keep each other as pets. Did you catch the hare's name?"

Leon says, "No, but he could be in trouble and a falcon isn’t one to deal with alone..ouch" He moves his wrist and sighs, "My wrist..this is going to affect my..work"

Concerned as she is, DoraRose can't help but smirk. "Well, maybe now you will get some needed rest. What does the hare look like? Is it male or female?"

Leon speaks, "I am the Master Healer, I am needed..." He sighs, "A..male, had glasses but think he lost them...ummm...brown color, didn’t recognize him I was going to visit someone, guess can't now"

DoraRose leans on Leon's chest and glares into his eyes. "You, Sir, are going to rest, whether you like it or not, even if I have to tie you to a bed, you hear? I'll see if I can get some beast to look for the hare. And I'm sure whoever it was that you were going to visit would understand."

Leon frowns, he knows she is serious and nods “Of course dear...and was visiting Oakenpaw, wait..he may of known this Shaz better..and we should get a message to Ferravale about the rat and falcon and possible captive "

DoraRose is still leaning on her husband's chest, but now looks at his pillow and taps her fingers on his arm. "Hmm.....we could get the Sparras to look for the hare and to take the message to Ferravale...guard!" one of the guards hurries over and salutes, causing the warrior mouse to blush. "Go alert the Sparras. Tell them to look for a brown hare that might have glasses, and a falcon in the company of a rat, but to not engage them. Also, have them take the message to Ferravale that Shaz is dead. Understood?" the guard nods, repeats back her instructions, then bolts off.

Leon listens as the others talk, "So..you want me to rest a couple days right? I was off for two, today would of made three"

DoraRose turns back to her husband and nods, smiling in the same way she smiles at naughty Dibbuns who have just caught on to what she wants them to do. "Yes, I would very much like it if you rested, preferably anywhere other than the infirmary. If you're feeling better now, maybe we could go back home and I could get us some food. I have a pizza in the oven we could eat."

Leon smiles "I will take today off, like planned and one other, then not do as much in the infirm for couple..weeks probably," He sits up slowly and stands.

DoraRose nods and lets him get up, holding out a paw to help him steady himself if needed. "I'll hold you to that. Do you want to go home and eat or go to the kitchens?"

Leon smiles "Home is good dear and..sorry to of worried you just,....hate high places and, have reasons but no need to dwell on that, let’s go eat some food"

DoraRose smiles and links her arm through his, leading him to the gatehouse. "Maybe you can tell me sometime. And it's alright...I know you didn't mean to."

Leon lets her led the way and nods.

---Gatehouse loft---

DoraRose 'dumped' Leon in the loft and went to go get the pizza from the kitchens, where she got into an argument with some of the staff who wanted to help her, even though she was insisting that she could carry it by herself. Finally, she got away from them and dashed across the Abbey grounds carrying her 'prize'. Without pausing or being interrupted, she enters the gatehouse and then comes into the loft. The warm pizza quickly fills the air with the smell of bread, tomatoes, herbs, melted cheese, zucchini and broccoli.

Leon smiles, his wrist is bandaged as he sits up, "Smells good dear"

Indeed it does...and it doesn't go unnoticed by a certain reptilian double act of high-strung, wild mischief. Zarok pokes his muzzle through the loft door and slithers up into the room, Terfil splayed out on the young monitor's upper back like a limpet as Zarok rises to his full height, which, while still not very impressive next to all the older beasts, looks a bit more substantial than the 'familiar' height of Zarok in the past few months. He's getting older...his tail is long and curls at the tip, swishing across the floorboards behind him, and his neck is more snakelike and arches a bit, while his eyes are gleaming with more intelligence than mere curiosity now. But he's still pretty much, heart and soul, a little kid. And he's just past DoraRose's elbow now in height, so it's not too drastic. Terfil looks the same as ever.

DoraRose smiles. "Thanks, love." she sets the pizza down on the table and digs out some plates and cups from her haversack that she hasn't used since...well, since many seasons ago. With barely a glance in their direction, she greets the lizards as she begins to cut the pizza with a knife she brought from the kitchens. "Good day, Zarok. Hello, Terfil. I suppose you want to share this pizza with us?"
Leon looks over at the two and waves, he then holds his wrist as he forgot it was injured, "Hi" he says.
The scaleys dart over to DoraRose and both nod affirmatively. "Yarz!" Zarok places his forepaws on the edge of the table and peers at the pizza incredulously...smells to him and Terf like the best thing since fish, which is pretty impressive for these two.
DoraRose smiles and finishes cutting the pizza into slices and lifts steaming slices onto 4 plates, 2 for each person. She hands everybody their plate, then pours everyone some very honeyed tea.
Leon takes the pizza and tea, he smiles “Thanks" He eats quietly and takes a drink, "I think I will...avoid the outdoors till...well after tomorrow"

Zarok and Terfil both eat their fill, trying to pace themselves despite the incredible flavors of the tea and the pizza...Terfil, when finished eating, curls up on his empty plate, while Zarok sips at his cup of tea, lapping it up with his long tongue, which flickers in and out of his mouth like lightning.

DoraRose has also finished her pizza and is sipping her tea, thinking deeply, barely noticing that the newt is sleeping on his plate. Her brow is furrowed, and a slight frown is on her face.

Leon finishes his pizza and decides he is tried, hey it was a bad day, he is asleep fairly quickly.