I Must get to Zork!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Main Gate

You are at the main entrance into Redwall Abbey. The gates are a massive, double-doored wooden affair, reinforced with iron, and with a heavy latch and crossbar on the inside to prevent would-be invaders. While the gates almost always stand open, you get the impression that the builder of this portal designed it to be nigh impregnable. The entrance arch is amazingly thick, denoting the strength and thickness of the ancient walls themselves, which, despite the upheavals of the past, and numerous cracks present in the rose colored stone, still stand tall and strong. Uncountable pawprints can be seen in the dirt, leading both in and out of the Abbey. Along the bottom of the wall on either side of the arch, weeds and wildflowers can be seen in plenty.

The rising sun brings a soft glow to the old Abbey stones. The air is crisp and a little chilly, and there is a thin layer of dew on the grass and weeds at the foot of the walls, and on the grasslands beyond the dirt road. There is birdsong on the wind.--------------------------------------------------------------------Are you a newcomer to Redwall? Type +skills apply rwchat to keep track of what's happening.--------------------------------------------------------------------

Exits: [Enter] the abbey, [R]ight Along [W]all, [L]eft Along [W]all, [R]oad

Oz looks down from the wall tops and then slowly goes down the stairs, walking staff in paw.

Bastien is on duty and looks glad things have calmed down, he still keeps watch and nods to a small group of Ferravale beasts as they leave to go home and they seem even gladder to be heading home.

Oz walks out, why he is here he is unsure but his foot paws brought him this far so may as well be here, he squints as he looks towards Bastien and makes his way over to the hare. "Greetings..ahhh Bastien, how are you on this..very sunny day?"

Bastien smiles, "I am great, I feel better than I did couple days ago and yeah the sun is out today and it seems Ferravale won, least..think so"

The two are greeted by a " Yes my village won". It is Scioto as he comes into view, "It was a surprise attack and it worked, we easily won the battle with very few injuries, there was one that was injured badly and the reason I have come back, a badger...wild head fur, big long sword. Very big long sword, he seemed to find Marek first when the stoat ran like a coward, me and a few others caught up and Marek sent about 6 of his remaining group at the badger and a couple others joined in, there was only 3 others that fought me and Nightbreath, as well as about 5 of my guards, easily took down most of what remained of the horde."

Oz looks like he is about to go pale. "Zork!! That’s my brother, I..is he?" He doesn’t dare say the word but worry clearly shows, he shakes his head and about falls if it wasn’t for the staff he has..."It’s my fault, I yelled and told him to leave and he's gone and..if he's dead I will never forgive myself"

Bastien frowns, "Someone died?" He asks concern as he looks at the chieftain, "So no more Marek and his horde?" He then remembers "Oh yeah ummm...we have one of your village members in our infirm...Dorarose and her brother brought him to the gates and then the infirm where Brother Leon tended to finished tending to his wounds"

Scioto speaks "He is not dead but yes he is in the infirm in Ferravale..." He raises an eyebrow, "Whom did they bring to the infirm here?" He tries to think whom has not come back to the village yet, then he was so tried last night he fell asleep under close guard, just in case.

Leon has come to see why some many was at the gate, he listens before clearing his throat, "Nightbreath the Seer...he is recovering from an attack, the woods I am thinking close to here. If it was not for Dorarose and Emyuil he would have died, they saved his life and slowly got him here, I checked him over..but there wasn't too much I had to do, Dorarose did most of it and I am proud of her...she saved a life. I would suggest he stay in the infirm here for now, do not worry he is in good paws here and I am guessing the chieftain of Ferravale is most likely needed in his village..and" He frowns dare he ask. "Did you say someone died?" He listens ok no one is dead, hats good.

Oz let’s all the words come, he listens and then steps forwards "I need to see my brother, I need to go to him, need to talk to him and.." He frowns "Make sure he is ok"

Scioto turns to Leon, "Nightbreath was injured!?" He seems surprised at this news, he listens closely to the mouse, "Yes I trust the abbey to help him recover." He frowns at Oz, great he don't need two badgers in his village, "Aren’t you not needed ...here?" He states.

Bastien raises a paw "Ummm I could go and check on him, report back here if you want me too, I am sure the abbey can get along without me for a short while"

Leon nods, he frowns, "Oz it would not be wise to leave the abbey, you should stay here and let them handle this..your.."

Oz glares at Leon" I am what..WHAT...going blind so..makes me helpless? I..do..not...care" He says all the words slowly to show the fact clearly," Bastien can come, I will be back when I am back, Zork needs me and.." He frowns "I need him too, please understand this."

Scioto folds his arms over his chest and sighs "I do not care whom tags along, maybe you can get this Zork back to the abbey, your have to speak with Jacen, right now he is in charge of the infirm."

Bastien ears droop, "Oz is going blind? I ..I didn’t know that wot" He adds "I can make sure he gets to and from Ferravale ok and looks like Chieftain Scioto will be there too..unless your coming as well"

Leon shakes his head "I will stay here, I will send word on how Nightbreath is doing and..guess will let Benar know you guys went to Ferravale, please don’t stay away too long I dislike being the messenger of things, anything else need to know about?"

Bastien nods "Tell Benar about that rat Moonsong unless you already did..ummm, that Ferravale won and..yeah quick trip there and back" He mutters "Hopefully quick trip"

Oz smiles faintly "Thank you Brother Leon...well?" He looks at the others as he heads to the road "Let’s not just stand here, let us go already"

Scioto raises an eyebrow, he gives a nod to Leon, "Yes please keep me updated, I may come back in couple days to check on Nightbreath, good day" He follows the badger to the road.

Bastien errrrs "Yeah..be back soon and stuff" He adjusts his longbow and follows "Hey wait for me!"

Leon watches them head off and heads back inside.

        • Along the Dirt Road and on to Ferravale and to the infirm in Ferravale****

Oz is ahead of them, walking staff in paw and seems to be doing fairly well walking, he does slow a couple times but then walks a little faster.

Bastien catches up” Jolly well slow up please,wot..no big hurry” He looks around, good no trouble.

Scioto stays close and shakes his head as he walks along and sighs.

Cera has left, sneaked out with a small band of the villagers earlier, and has one, as she puts it, annoying tag a long, “Garrett please go away!”

Garrett frowns “But lass, tis only music, tis be fine sweat and soft.”

Scioto spins around and stares at the two ferrets, he seems to remember Cera and folds his arms over his chest.

Oz looks back and squints, they stopped he can tell so he comes back to them “A problem?” He asks as he leans on his staff.

Bastien blinks, “Its Cera and that ummm…forgot his jolly well name”

Garrett frowns “I am Garrett and..Hi”

Cera sighs as she sees Scioto, “Ok I know you dislike me, but please give me a chance..Shadowfur is the one that made me break into your home and steal things, but I don’t work for him and not because he died, well one reason…and I left the abbey to..maybe live in Ferravale or am I allowed?”

Scioto starts to shake his head no and then, “ Fine, but one slip up or something to prove I made a mistake, your kicked out” He looks to Garrett, “Let me guess, you as well?”

Garrett says “ Well ummm errr, I could offer my cooking skills and skills of singing, banjo and lyre, all for your village sir?”

Oz folds his arms over his chest, “Cera..you should not be out alone.”

Cera narrows her eyes, “I am NOT a child Papa Oz,please don’t treat me as such, I am 7 seasons now just about, please Scioto said I could stay in Ferravale,I could learn to use a weapon there or..something,maybe even healer skills still or even a new trade, and..and why are YOU out here for?”

Bastien just keeps an eye out for trouble as he frowns at the sudden argument.

Oz frowns, “My brother was badly hurt and is in the infirm at Ferravale so I am going there” He says quietly.

Cera calms “Oh, I am sorry I hope he is ok”

Oz nods, “Me too..me too”

Garrett speaks softly, "He moves fairly fast for an old beast huh?"

Oz shakes his head, "I heard that, I am going blind not deaf." He heads off on up the road.

Cera frowns, "Papa Oz is going blind?"

Bastien nods, "Yeah..let's just get to Ferravale, come on."

Garrett frowns,great now he feels bad, he catches up to the others.

Scioto takes over the leading them to Ferravale and makes sure they stay close as they soon step onto the path leading to the village and soon into the village it’s self.

Garrett whoas, “I must look around, talk later” He grins and heads off towards the market area.

Cera sighs “I will make sure he stays out of trouble” And she is off

FV:Infirm:Main Room

This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue.The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.

Exits: [R]ecovery [R]oom, [H]ealer [D]orm [H]all, [B]ack

Scioto walks in, "He is here..I must tend to some things. stay...leave...I don’t care too much but if your staying only make in a day or two at the most"

Bastien follows, "Of course sir, we understand and we don’t plan on staying that long trust me"

Zork is laying on one of the cots, he has since woken up just not fully, his arm is bandaged and in a sling and a bandage is on his lower right leg, bruises and cuts all over him, but he is alive as he groans a little weakly.

Oz pushes his way forwards and rushes, almost tripping over a chair to get to..."Zork!...Zork.." He takes his paw as tears go down his face, "Please..please I didn’t mean for you to leave, this is my fault, you never would of gotten hurt if you didn’t leave and you left cause..cause of me. I didn’t mean to yell and scream..I didn’t..please be alright, I can't lose you too."

Bastien frowns, he stays by the doorway and simply watches, unsure how to help or what to do.

Zork groans, he squeezes Oz's paw and slowly opens his eyes to look up at Oz..."O..Ozzy?" He asks quietly.

Oz tears go down his face but he smiles, "Zork..your ok." He goes to hug his brother gently as he can.

Bastien watches from the door and then enters the rest of the way, "Looks like you helped a lot in the fight."

Zork smiles and tenses up, "Not..so hard, ouch pain and I not be that ok little bro, looks at me..a walkin' bloomin' furry pain..eh?" He looks at the hare ."I missed..much of it lad, see de stoat though he sent 6 out of 9 beasts at me..plus his insane rat friend joined in..-groan-..some be a burr, but 7 dead vermin at me foot paws, de coward rat ran off and Marek got me blade in his chest and took a swim in de river, plus that creepy seer and him..ouch..fought each other too, no one could of survived de fall, plus Marek hit a rock..like hard" He closes his eyes and coughs, "He d....dead, good riddance says I". He glances around and groans, "Where am I?"

Oz backs up "Ferravale infirm. I am glad you ok" He takes his paw "I am..so so very sorry for the way I acted and treated you, please forgive me" He looks to want to add to this but waits.

Bastien looks around as he listens, "Well stocked infirm..well done for a vermin village"

Oz backs up "Ferravale infirm..I am glad you ok" He takes his paw "I am..so so very sorry for the way I acted and treated you, please forgive me" He looks to want to add to this but waits.

Zork sits up slowly, he hugs Oz "Your..your forgiven I was just worried little bro, I mean..what if ya ..never mind, love you Ozzy and I would never leave and not come back, your my brother and you..well I..WE need one another." He notices the pause, he knows that pause.."Oz..what’s wrong, besides worrin' bout me?"

Oz frowns, it's rare he just calls him Oz, "I'm...I'm going blind Zork, I already hardly see out of one eye and the other is failing too...healers at Redwall say before winter hits...I won’t see anymore."

Bastien stays silent as he lets the two talk, he stays ready to go when they are ready, unless of course they are staying.

Zork sighs, "Oz...I had this idea that maybe, but was hoping I be wrong..it's ok ya have me..maybe tis best we get to the abbey I don’t think de kitty likes de fact I am ere'..and two badgers be too much for de poor feline" .He starts to stand and falls to his knees.

Oz may be going blind but he still has his reflexes and strength, he quickly catches Zork and slowly places his arm, carefully, over his neck and shoulder to help him get up, "Bastien..some aid please"

Bastien goes to help as he goes on the other side, "Umm can he walk ok or?"

Zork allows the help, he stands and smiles "I can walk..somewhat but help is very welcomed...to Redwall then me friends?"

Oz smiles "Yes"

Bastien looks around and nods "Yes, I think that’s best..let’s just go before we over stay our welcome"

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]

Zork is helped into the infirm by Bastien and Oz, he grunts as he goes ahead and limps the last few paces and sits on a cot,"Ohhhh...my foot paws hurt now, and my leg, me arm..pain all over"

Oz let's Zork sit on his own and sits in a chair nearby, "Maybe you should lay down, you’ve been though a lot Zork, please"

Bastien nods. "He may be right, should jolly well rest wot, I do say wouldn’t suggest this again, maybe we should of rested first, but doesn’t matter now suppose"

Zork sighs but does lay down on the cot..."Soft, de infirm at Ferravale needs ta have soft cots, they are not soft there, well much anyways."

Oz speaks "I am just glad your back at Redwall, I was afraid you wouldn’t be back and then..I heard you were hurt..felt now he won’t ever return and it was my fault."

Bastien stays by the doorway for a little longer, "Wonder is anyone has spoken to Benar yet, sort of a lot to update him bout, wot"

Oz says, "He knows of me going blind, he knew Zork left...he doesn’t know he is back clearly as he just now got back, so least some things to speak to him of"

Zork nods "I be back yes...in a lot of pain but back, why...what else happen while I was gone?"

Bastien says, "Well, there was this insane rat maid, part of Marek's horde...but she died, so that issue was taken care of and still needs reported, The fact Ferravale beasts are heading home..most of them, needs reported, that Zork is bad..wounded..needs reported."

Oz nods, "Yes that’s about it I believe"

Zork grins, "We need ta have de fall feast soon, celebrate..-ouch-..celebrate victory"

Oz chuckles, " I believe it’s in maybe 3 weeks, your have to ask Benar on that"

Bastien smiles. "Feasts are fun and there is always lots of good food to have at one of the feasts"

Zork grins, "Yes thar is lad..then tis is best ta rest" He reaches over and messes up Oz's head fur and smiles.

Oz smiles, usually this upsets him but not today.

Zork tilted his head "Ya ok Ozzy?"

Oz nods and smiles as he falls sleep in the chair close to Zork.