I Love You - 2 17 2010 - Taye Fiona

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Things have not been well lately. Fiona has been less busy - assigned to a patrol - but her stress level hasn't diminished. Tameus is missing and even if she hasn't been in full contact with him for numerous seasons the girl is greatly worried. At the same time Taye remains in the infirmary. This is who she is with now, dozing lightly in a chair beside the lieutenant's bed. Even in her sleep she looks fretful, curled enough to fit almost sideways in the seat with her cheek on the arm.

Taye has improved over the past couple of days, to the extent that he's able to sit propped up somewhat. His arms still in its sling, not doing much more in the way of... working, then it was when he came in. He's awake right now, just resting back with his head turned towards Fiona as he watches her sleep. He too has been stressed out. He's known Tameus since he was a little kid and not being able to be out there looking for him too is killing him. He sighs.

This whole situation has left Fiona torn. She hasn't been sleeping very well so even now the doze isn't a deep one. In fact the doe ends up waking herself up before long, ears flattening back as she gives a shaky sob subconsciously. It causes her ribs to heave almost uncomfortably and a second later she lifts her hand to rub her eyes before beginning to sit up as if she is sore from laying in the cramped position. At first Fiona appears confused as to where she is.

"Darlin'?" Taye murmurs quietly. There are some others sleeping in the infirmary, so he doesn't want to wake them. "You okay?" His brow is knit with faint worry. He doesn't like that he's troubled her with all this.

Hff. "'m fine." Fiona mumbles, brushing her palm up over her forehead from her eyes to sweep her bangs out of them. She glances more clearly to Taye as she blinks the sleep away from her vision. ".. bad dream." That hand drops to her thighs.

"... Worryin' about Tammy?" Taye asks quietly. He doesn't even realize he's using the old nickname for him. He crosses his good arm to her, opening his paw in offer to hold hers. "He's going t'be fine, love."

The name 'Tammy' makes Fiona's ears droop and she pulls a face before sighing out as she scoots her chair closer. This succeeds in the doe resting her cheek on his mattress, arm underneath as a cushion while he other hand takes Taye's. She snuggles to it like he's a security blanket, closing her eyes. "Yeah. Not knowin' what t'do about it eithah." She mumbles into his knuckles. ".. an' wantin' t'snuggle with ya.. have ye hold me.." The blonde trails off there, voice soft.

"... The day I can't hold m'mate, they might s'well kill me," Taye mutters softly, and gives a gentle tug on her wrist. "... C'mere, lay down with me. We'll talk."

A smirk twitches at the corner of Fiona's mouth, tugging her lips as she looks up to the buck with eyes full of affection. Now she sits up to carefully shift onto the bed, mindful of Taye's injuries while getting close to his side - enough to rest her head on his uninjured shoulder, settling into a more comfortable position.

Taye's arm hugs around the doe, rubbing along her back soothingly. His chin turns, to rest atop her head, shifting just briefly to press a kiss there first. "You want t'go out on patrol lookin' for Tam, you don't have t'stay here with me all the time... I'll be all righ'," he murmurs.

"I worry 'bout ye both.." Fiona murmurs against his neck, eyes closing softly as she takes in a deeper breath. She tucks herself close, arms curled between her chest and Taye's ribs. ".. an' if.. I wen' out lookin'.. and we found him.." There is a pause before she continues in a whisper. "..dead.." She pushes her muzzle into the side of his pec. ".. I don' know what I'd do."

Taye's eyes close and he shakes his head. "... He's not dead, Fiona. Tam, he's. He's a tough buck, there's no way he's dead. A'right? So don't even... think 'bout that." He nuzzles at her forehead.

A deeper sigh shakes out of Fiona's chest even as she nods at the same time. "Yeah. Yeah I know.." The doe nuzzles in, curling enough to help keep herself warm as her whiskers flutter with a twitch of her nose. "'M jus' tired.."

A warm sigh is his answer to this. He can understand the feeling. He rubs gently at the back of her neck, giving her a one-handed massage. The best he can do right now. "You can sleep, if you want. I'll be here when ya wake." Hehe.

"Well I'd hope so." Fiona allows herself a smile, her voice already starting to trail off into a wispy breath. The massage may be one-handed but it is good enough for the doe. She's being lulled by it, deeper inhales carrying her away to a doze in the comfort of the buck's hold. ".. I love ye.." This is only a whisper too.

Taye's eyes close at the doe's words and he can feel it like an ache in his chest. He holds his breath for a second, just continuing to lull her into her doze. Finally he answers with a barely-there murmur. "Love you, too."

The only hint that Fiona heard his response is the twitch of a dozy smile she offers upon the words. She is asleep directly after, finally seeming to fall into a deeper rest in his hold. It's more secure there..
