I Have A question

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Anomen fiddles with the rainbow shell around his neck, being leader of the tribe, even if it’s temporary is slowly something he is getting used to, but other things are on his mind.

Treesong sits close by and smiles, she is glad to be back among her friends as she talks with a couple hares and chuckles, she is in a good mood.

Anomen looks over at Treesong as he stands and walks over "Ummm..Treesong?"

Treesong looks up and smiles "Anomen..what is it" She then looks worried "Is everything ok, did you locate my grandfather?"

Anomen nods "He is in Ferravale, he is ok and I told him the tribe was back to being on our side and he is happy, but he still needs to recover from Alvar's takeover so..guess I am still Gawtrybe leader for now, you can help if like"

Treesong hugs Anomen" You were brave to fight Alvar and to even face him, he wanted to destroy the clan and make it..well wrong, I am glad Alvar is not around anymore, he was evil..I never went near him, even after.." She frowns, "He did threaten me and threaten ones here as well"

Anomen nods "I know but everything is good now and the Gawtrbe will help free the abbey" He smiles "And things will be back to normal soon"

Treesong says, "Yes I want things back to normal very soon, after this I know not what the clan will do, guessing stay on the land they have now""

Anomen smiles "I hope they stay, I want you to stay I.." He pulses and seems unsure how to say it, so he just does "I love you Treesong, I did the moment I first saw you, when you almost died I was afraid..when I learned of what happen with Alvar I so wanted to fight him then and there."

Treesong listens and hugs him "I love you too Anomen"

Anomen smiles as he is hugged, returning the hug with one of his own. He grows quiet for a little while as if thinking.

Treesong notices the silence, "Anomen, are you sure you’re ok, you were not hurt bad in the fight were you?"

Anomen shakes his head "I was not hurt bad in the fight, not to worry. No I just been thinking a lot and more so recently since the tribe is back on our side and helping now, And also wanting things to be back to normal soon and maybe...some other things on my mind as well"

Treesong says, "Alvar was evil, very much so, I am sure a victory of good will happen as we have lots to help us now"

You say, "Yeah he was" He watches her before going on, " And I did think on asking you something, but maybe unsure on an answer"

Treesong asks, "What question is that? If it’s are you a good leader, I think you are and you are doing well with it and fact your also military advisor, the two work together well"

Anomen smiles slowly "I am glad, I will admit I was worried about it but that wasn’t the question I was going to ask you Treesong."

Treesong tilts her head "Then what is it you need to know?"

Anomen is quiet, "I..don't have what one should for something of this and I don't even know if I will live through this or not..but" He then smiles as he takes her paw, "Umm..well I..do not know the best way to do this or..well" He stutters a little but taking a deep breath he smiles at her" Treesong...you know I love you and I know you love me and well…Will you...will you marry me?"

Treesong listens and chuckles at the stuttering, when he is finished she blinks and is silent , she then smiles and hugs him "Of course I will" She also gives him a kiss, "I love you."

Anomen smiles at the answer and looks happy, happier than he has been in a long while and a lot less stressed than he was as well. "Love you too"