I Feel A Headache Coming On.(Ferravale Role Play)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Yeah its short, so :P =


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Scioto walks in and sits after having a long day and grumbles to himself as he orders a strong ale and then sips it slowly when it arrives.

Cynthia is finishing some sweeping and then puts things away before she sits down to eat dinner. Dinner looks to be some veggie soup, with a roll and some tea and she eats her meal quietly. The guard sits beside her and folds his arms over his chest.

Scioto sips his ale as he studies the mouse maid "Well, I see you survived your first day and I got no reports of anything happening or trouble, which is good for you" Another sip of ale"So Marek has your room then?"

Cynthia nods "Yes sir he does, a room upstairs and yes I know a guard is at the door, and may I add the room has a very small window and its high up why even guard that for?" Yes she sounds annoyed because she is as she eats her soup “I also seemed to be late for breakfast and barely made lunch, I can’t always be expected to be on time all the..well time ya know"

Scioto speaks, "Well you are expected to be on time and if you are not then your later learn to be when you have less time for other things. There are rules to follow and life is not always, how is it put..a bowl of roses, life is hard at times."

Cynthia rolls her eyes as she drinks a little tea “I also didn't get my so called free time, an hour and I prefer without a guard following me everywhere I GO" Her temper is rising and quickly.

Scioto keeps calm as he speaks "You will not rise your voice to me mouse, it's a good way to find yourself in a cell, and the guard stays and you missing free time is not my fought, nor is it Marek's fought. It’s your responsibility to know when your hour of free time is and I would choose it wisely and what you do wisely. And show respect for me, for Marek and for Bandit the head guard."

Cynthia takes a deep breath "It’s Cynthia, not mouse...and whatever" She then adds "Your Head Guard is fat did you know that? He is so fat blades probably just sink and get lost in his stupid hide"

Scioto eye twitches once as he holds back a growl, he slowly stands and gets in her face “Do you want to have a night in the cell or a nice bed in the room upstairs. Both have the guard I will add but also one is a lot warmer and a much softer bed than the other, choose now." His tails starts to wag slightly.

Cynthia frowns slowly and replies "The room will be better..." She grows quiet now and looks at the floor.

Scioto backs up "Good choice..escort her to the room please."He then finishes his ale and heads to the door

Cynthia is escorted to the room and lays down curling under the covers and frowns, she is soon asleep though and has to admit....the bed is cozy and she is warm. A guard stays outside the door and another watches the window..

Scioto sighs as he walks on home and mutters, “I feel a headache coming on…just what I need”

--Couple Hours later--

Scioto storms into the tavern, he has about had it today, and maybe the last couple days in fact as he sits where he usually does" Ale and make it a strong one"

In a table not too far away a certain swift fox leans back in his chair, picking his teeth and patting his swollen gut. Another meal disappears down the bottomless pit that is Bandit. The head guard instantly recognizes his employer and his foul mood. Not wishing to bare the brunt of Scioto on a bad day the fox beats a hasty retreat! That is until he tries to stand up and the chair follows.

Bandit stands again but the arm rests of the chair cling to his pudgy sides despite his best efforts to remove himself. He quickly sits back down, trying to figure out a way out of this mess without enduring neither Scioto’s wrath nor the embarrassment of his girth.

Scioto gets the ale and stands as it seems too late for the fox as the chieftain comes over, He shakes his head “Someone said something about you." He says calmly but adds "And I told them to still show you respect, as well as show me and Marek respect or they are to be in a cell, they wisely chose the room above the tavern and not a cell in which to sleep at night"

The potbellied fox grins as the cat comes over. Paw supporting his chin as his free paw drums the table. "Scioto! What a surprise to se-see you here!" The fox lets out a nervous laugh. "Beasts speaking about the head guard? All nonsense and slander I assure you!" Bandit pauses, "Uh, what...what exactly did they say?" He experimentally tugs at the chair. Nope. He's stuck

Scioto frowns and nods to a stoat to free the Head guard of the ..well chair, he clears his voice "She said...Your Head Guard is fat did you know that? He is so fat blades probably just sink and get lost in his stupid hide....those were the words, and it was after that I warned her to behave and show respect and asked where she rather sleep."

"I take offense to that." Bandit attempts to suck in his gut and puff out his chest. It only succeeds in making him more apple shaped than pear shaped...and he still can't get free. "It's just winter fluff..." The fox begins to growl, "No matter. You just point me in the direction of this here beasty and I'll show them what fore. I'll defend my honor! I'll..." The fox stands, chair following, forcing Bandit to promptly sit back down. "I'll make them eat their words!" He continues in an angry huff.

Scioto growls, ok the stuck chair is annoying him and he about ready to break the darn chair “Someone break this ******* chair!" He takes a deep breath and exhales again "It was the mouse maid doing community service. I have no clue how well Ink….Whoever is doing, not heard anything so guessing that’s a good sign I think. By the way where is she staying after her worktime...a cell or a room? And I hope either is guarded, she is also to have a guard with her"

The fox let's out a terrified yelp. He promptly sits down, "Easy Scioto! No need to heh heh, get angry, right? Everything fine. Fffiiiiine." At the mention of Inkpaw the fox relaxes a bit, "Why don't you ask Inkpaw yourself? She's waiting tables tonight right over..." Bandit pauses, scanning the room. Where was Inkpaw? The swift fox with the black paw was nowhere to be found! "Ah...carp...Uh...she must be getting wine from the cellar!

Scioto narrows his eyes "If she slipped off...I..." He does calm some" I will not have beasts walk off and ditch work they are supposed to be doing."

"I, I will find her right away! She will be caught! Don't you worry Scioto!" The head guard stands abruptly, succeeding in only losing his balance and falling backward. He flails his arms before landing on his back with a loud crash.

Scioto sighs, "Look if she left town or does anything else I swell.....basil will have..." He shakes his head, is he getting a bit too strict?

The pudgy fox gulps. "I swear she will be found I-"

"Find who?"

The head guard lifts his head up off the ground to see Inkpaw standing over him, carrying a platter full of drinks. "Inkpaw! Where in the blazes have you been?"

The swift fox raises an eyebrow, "In the kitchen...?" She offers hopefully?

Scioto narrows his eyes at Inkpaw and walks over to her" You seem to be behaving least no..reports so far from Marek"

The vixen offers the cat a coy smile, "But of course! Free room and board? Not really something I want to pass up. Plus I know what happens to beasts who go against the grain..." She chuckles, then to Bandit she offers, "Wait there, I'll send a beast with an ax..." And then heads off to do her duties.

"She reminds me of...never mind. It doesn't matter." Bandit pauses, "Did she say ax?"

Scioto frowns "The guard with her will make sure she doesn't use an Ax, Her and that mouse maid both is not allowed a weapon..." He thinks and gets a more trusted guard to well...make sure his Head Guard stays in one piece and then heads to the door, “I’m heading to bed. Good night Bandit"