Hudson's Last Stand!(Mareks Revenge TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

        • In this log they are ICLY days away from Ferravale or even Redwall Abbey. Some Gawtrybe, Lee And Whisper give Hudson a bad , bad day...I control Ekon,Hudon and some NPC Gawtrybe's and NPC Vermins..enjoy ****

The woods have been quiet and the past few days Ekon has led his squirrels through the woods, he had wanted to help the Redwallers and this is how he will as he sniffs the air and leads about 10 Gawtrybe warriors alongside him.

Whisper quietly got up walking along the stream a short ways from where the otter sleeps and then she sees the squirrels and rolls her eyes, "Great.." she mutters and rubs her sore wrists.

Ekon tilts his head and peers around again "Is close, can tell." He states to his squirrels and carefully walks further looking for movement and listening to sounds around him.

Caleb is awake with a small bit of the dibbuns from the abbey. His fur is dirty and his foot paws sore as they have walked around and around probably in circles it would seem. His sister is asleep beside him.

Whisper looks sight of the squirrels and mutters, they would most likely tell on her as she has done a few minutes from the otter while he sleeps. She washes her paws in the stream and her ears perk some as she quietly pushes aside some bushes and gives a small gasp.

Caleb pokes his sister to wake up, she does so and frowns at him as he points to tadpoles in the creek, hey he is still a dibbun you know. The other couple dibbuns near then are sleeping still, well for now.

Ekon sniffs the air , he frowns at the polecat below and goes back into the trees, his 10 fellow squirrels hidden around nearby but he is curious on what would make her seem surprised but he uses the trees to jump around and get a better look and his tail flicks, seems the group was found but how to go about it so as to avoid much trouble and danger.

Caleb looks back at where the vermin are and then the tadpoles, yeah whoever is watching him and his sister and like a couple mouse dibbuns is lazy, there is other gathered groups of dibbuns probably watched a lot better.

Whisper is fairly good at hiding and looks back and forth stepping out slowly, "Hey..dibbun you and the other 3 get over here now." She watches the sleeping rat, yep he always was the lazy one. She looks around to see others not too far off and just out of hearing range it seems.

Caleb whimpers softly but he and his sister do walk over to join her and wake the two small mice with them, a couple dibbuns smaller than them and go over to her, a little afraid.

Ekon watches curious of her actions, why would she take a pawfull of them, he chitters quietly to the other squirrels and looks over as one of the small grouped beasts seem to be waking up, there is another couple groups, all close together still just separated in controlled groups it would seem.

Whisper gets a little moody and drags the 4 further over to the creek and does a surprising thing as she picks the locks of the cuffs and collars and backs away" And I wouldn’t cry if I were you..I stay quiet."

Lee opens his eyes, yawns, then stretches. He peers around the small clearing Whisper and he had rested in the night before, but saw no sign of the pole cat. "Oy... Per'aps I were a bit hasty ta remove the shackles... Guess she wandered off after all." The otter stands, stretches again, then uncorks his canteen and takes a drink.

Caleb frowns and blinks, as does the other three when it seems she just took those off, they seem too afraid to whimper more or yell as its clear they don’t know if she is trustable and it makes since seeing as they been through a lot the past week or so.

Ekon watches Whisper as one of the tribal squirrels finds Lee and jumps down from the tree nearby and looks at him, for now quiet.

Whisper has no clue Lee has woken up yet and looks back to the group peering around to see if she can get close to any other ones, but seems unable to get too close, not many others are lazy like the rat is, gee he will be in trouble when he wakes up.

Lee blinks in surprise as a squirrel seems to appear from nowhere. He watches the stranger a few moments. "'Ave we met, sir?"

The squirrel tilts his head and points towards the sound of a small creek and starts to head that way and looks back at the otter, the squirrel seems to not understand the otter and few of the tribe do understand common tongue.

Caleb stays close to his sister, the other two younger mice watch Whisper and just stay quiet.

Hudson is starting to check on the small groups, easier to control and keep in order. 15 vermin are here with the dibbuns, May and Streamheart as he walks along and comes along the sleeping rat and dragged chain marks. He doesn’t bother with shaking him awake the blade of the mouse warrior is drawn, and at the rat’s neck" Toothless..where is de 4 you were watching?" The rat comes awake and panics.."G..Gone?" A gurgle is heard and the wildcat walks away from the dead rat and starts to force others awake "Get up ya lazy beasts we move now!"

Whisper hears Hudson and cusses under her breath, she gets odd stares and one dibbun repeats her and she frowns "Don’t say that..I will tell your mommy to wash your mouth out with soap" The dibbun whimpers now.

Lee shrugs, recorking his canteen, and following the squirrel. "I do 'ope yer one of Ekon's group, otherwise I'm wanderin' deeper inta the woods with a strange, unknown squirrel..."

Ekon is up in the trees, soon the squirrel leading Lee gets closer to where they need to be, hearing a yell he is instantly getting his ax and tensing up as for battle and bolts forwards and up a tree close to another tribe member with a longbow.

Hudson doesn’t hear the squirrels and when he thinks he hears something it appears to just be a wood pigeon that flies away to live another day, he sneers and forces the slaves up and standing and decides 4 dibbuns lost in the woods will most likely die anyways.

Whisper looks to the 4 dibbuns and shakes her head "Ya playmates are going further away what am I supposed to do with you I..don't really like dibbuns" Well she isn’t calling them brats now at least, but she still finds them annoying, but at least they are quiet.

Lee peers around, "'Ello?"

Alvar walks along a path, he mutters how he really needs to get Ekon not to become so friendly with just anyone and seemly get away from what they are use to in the woods, he walks around as he is close to his tribe.

Ekon looks down hearing Lee and frowns some, he looks back to the vermin below and frowns more as they are starting to go away.

Whisper rolls her eyes as of course the 4 dibbuns recognize the otter and rush over to him, she peeks past the bushes, the group is still there for now it seems but is starting to move away with the other dibbuns and captives.

Hudson sneers “Come, we move further now and all you slaves will be quiet, no stopping to rest today, now move it" He turns and already knows most will mind him, for they have grown to fear him or least the dibbuns have so far.

Lee is suddenly mobbed by dibbuns, a surprise for the otter. "Oof, oy, where did ye all come from? Did ye little 'uns escape? Which way did ye come?"

Whisper walks over and arms over her chest," She speaks "Hudson is over.." And she is interrupted.."The grumpy lady find us".."She take off cuffs and collar."..The other couple just hug the otters legs as the polecat rolls her eyes again and clears her throat" Again..Hudson is just down the stream, maybe 500 ft away from ya, and he is on the move again" She does talk low . "And there are squirrels around in the trees..crazy looking ones" She adds.

Alvar takes notice of the polecat and leaps down glaring at her, “Crazy ones..?" He looks ready to bite the polecat.

Ekon face palms and shakes his head as he hears Alvar and nods to a couple of the tribe to keep an eye on Hudson, who has yet to get the group to move too far, they have all just woken up after all.

Hudson makes one dibbun vole wail loudly as he yells "MOVE!" Tears and shivering are among the dibbuns as he and the other vermin get them to move, he keeps the hedgehog and otter maid towards the back with a couple stoats watching them. Finally they start to move out of the area, unknown to them a couple squirrels clearly follow from the tree tops.

Whisper looks at Alvar," Well your dressed crazy like"

Alvar grunts and at the polecat, yeah he doesn't talk much, he watches the 4 freed dibbuns and looks over at the stream" Find others.." He simply states and starts to walk the direction Hudson happens to be.

Ekon sighs and nods to his other squirrels to surround the area as he keeps an eye on Hudson and the traveling group.

Hudson walks along, a couple times they are slowed and one hedgehog dibbun trips on wet rocks.

Lee frowns. "500ft?" He looks down at the dibbuns. "Lissen, children, I need ye all ta stay RIGHT 'ERE, okay? Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back, I promise ye." Looking at Whisper again, he says, "Lead the way..."

Whisper nods, she frowns as they seem to have lost them but footprints led to them as voices are soon heard and she backs up to some berry bushes, "Told you Lee..."

Alvar looks at the 4 dibbuns, he says something up to a squirrel maid, a tribal one and seems she gets stuck dibbun watching as he goes off to help his tribe.

Ekon follows the vermin band, one rat gets a little far behind and gets up with an arrow in their neck from a squirrel archer, Ekon motions for his tribe to be careful, keeping an eye on where dibbuns are, vermin and Hudson himself.

Hudson decides to rest, bad idea but he has had enough of dibbuns whimpering and his own vermin complaining, she growls at the fact one rat is missing “Fine, we rest fer 5 mins ya worthless lot!"

Whisper raises an eyebrow at the fact Hudson is resting, she shrugs and sees if any of the vermin are near them, she needs a weapon. She sees the dead rat and picks up his cutlass and smirks "Ya don’t need this do ya?" She grins and sees very interested in getting closer to Hudson if she can, as for Lee it’s not clear if she still sees him as an enemy or not.

Alvar gets back with his group and aims an arrow at a fox just under his tree, he fires the fox makes a quiet sort of choke noise and dies when the arrow is in his neck. Alvar gets another arrow notched and jumps to another tree edging closer to the other vermin.

Ekon nods, his tail flicks to single his clan squirrels to surround the area, this is it, it would seem, fight time and he is ready but at the same time he is to be careful as no dibbuns are to be harmed.

May frowns, she still has not gotten use to being a slave and clearly dislikes it.

Hudson walks along the slaves and checks on them, he nods to the horde beasts " A few of you go get some water, just two of ya and the rest stay here and help guard the brats"

Whisper has went away from Lee, well he did say she could and grabs a passing ferret and stabs him in the heart, She is still a skill killer so she does this quickly and quietly before the ferret makes any noise, he dies without hardly a yelp and is throw in the stream.

Alvar tries to stay close to Ekon as for now it seems vermin are picked off one by one.

Ekon jumps down and is seen by a couple rats, and says something odd, to all but 7 squirrels who join him, well so much for quiet now the real fighting has started!

Hudson spins around and draws the blade of Martin the Warrior and growls, a couple of his horde beast jump in surprise as their boss growls "Don't just stand thar Kill Them! Kill them all!"

Alvar goes to be close to his chief, to protect him as a rat rushes up and soon falls dead from an arrow from his bow.

May gasps, a couple dibbuns near her hug her tightly and hide their faces as it seems fighting starts around them, "Oh dear me.."

Streamheart frowns, and tries to hide herself and Konrad from the fighting, hoping Hudson doesn't see.

Whisper is busy fighting a rat who never did like her, and the polecat is not too good with up close fighting as she uses the stolen cutlass and fights a rat with a couple daggers.

Lee is creeping through the brush quietly, his dagger drawn. He slips up behind a rat, and with a quick jerk, the otter cuts his throat, then kicks the rat in the back, causing him to fall into the stream with a splash.

Ekon narrows his eyes at the wildcat and nods for his tribe to attack with stone axes and slings, and a couple archers.

Hudson fails to see Streamheart and the dibbun she has, he is more focused on fighting the squirrels, one is instantly killed with the sword, another gets a good hit on him as his arm now bleeds as he growls low, he looks to one of his own archers nearby, "Kill the leader! Shoot him!"

Alvar fights nearby with a couple more tribal squirrel and doing a sort of back flip he barely avoids being cut, he does get one on his shoulder still and becomes alert as he hears Hudson and goes rushing over to Ekon's side as quickly as vermin in his way will allow. A few dibbuns have run and tripped and are huddled in a corner crying from all the fighting around them.

May frowns and stays seated comforting a vole dibbun "It’s alright dear, its ok honey..shhhh shhhhhh"

Lee continues creeping forward, stabbing horde beasts as he gets closer to Hudson, but just out of sight. The otter draws his sword as silently as possible.

Whisper hisses as she gets a stab wound in the side, it misses any vital organs and she threw her rage grabs the attacking rat by the neck and uses the cutlass and finishes him off as she falls next to a tree and pants holding her bleeding side.

Ekon sidesteps a slice from the wildcat and has avoided serious injury till now, his eyes go wide as an arrow hits him in the chest, barely..just barely missing his heart but it’s still a serious wound as he staggers backwards and falls to his knees taking a deep breath. He seems to breath slow and taking careful breaths as he starts to scoot away from the wildcat now.

Hudson grins, yes most of his horde lies dead around him but it seems he has almost ridded himself of, what he thinks anyway, is the cause of his trouble and takes the blade in his paws, "You lose old Squirrel! And ya sentence is death!" He angles the blade with an evil smile.

Alvar lets out a snarl..from a squirrel? And charges at the wildcat his own arrow aimed and fires it.

Whisper looks over at the the fighting beasts and passes out, she is alive for now but needs a healer.

May quickly goes to the other dibbuns, she is going to try and get them away from the fighting, a weasel steps in front of her and she glares at it and slams it into a tree and quickly gets the dibbuns a little ways away best she can.

Lee rushes into the clearing, yelling, "REDWAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!" He rushes at Hudson, sword drawn and pointed at the cat.

Streamheart hears Lee, and she nearly calls out, but then she remembers the danger of the situation, and remains quiet, holding Konrad close.

Hudson starts to thrust Martins blade down at the squirrel leader when two things happen. Alvar's arrow sinks deep into his shoulder blade and Lee comes charging up behind his as he goes to turn around he is greeted with a slice across his middle as he growls in pain and swings the blade at the otter, and is most likely aiming badly as he uses his just hurt arm and his other holds his bleeding mid-section.

Ekon looks up as Alvar jumps in front of him and sees a blurred image of Lee as he gets out. "A..Alvar..rainbow shell....must.." He is starting to get too weak to speak.

Alvar pants as he is seriously out of breath and turns to Ekon and quickly picks him up and frowns, chattering something he sets forth on his mission, he is a swift runner and can run faster than most beasts, maybe even hares and he rushes off threw the woodlands with his leader.

Lee ducks, Martin's Sword swinging around just above him, and the otter responds by twisting himself, bringing his own blade around to slice at the cat's leg. "'Ello, Hudson...did ye miss me? I do hope yer enjoyin' our 'appy little reunion..."

Hudson gets not just one left a cut across but both as he glares at the otter "You will Die ya own symbol of hope!" He grips the sword and readies himself to aim another cut at the otter.

May stays with the group of dibbuns who are huddled around her, she manages to keep them quiet, not all the way calm but quiet as she says soothing words to them to calm them best she can.

Streamheart yells out, "Lee! Be careful!"

Lee scowls, and he tries to bring his sword up to block Hudson, but is not quite fast enough. Martin's Sword stabs into his left shoulder, and he grimaces, bringing his sword up again to stab Hudson in return.

Hudson grins and chuckles coldly, he growls as he is stabbed in the chest and moves backwards placing a paw on his chest and coughing up some blood, he hears Streamheart and turns to see where she is and smirks coldly. " about I kill her..then finish off you"

May frowns, the fighting has died down except for the wildcat and Lee fighting, the hedge maid frowns deeply and keeps the dibbuns quiet, she has nowhere to go with them as she doesn’t know how to get home or anywhere familiar with as many turns and twists they took.

It’s then Hudson's words fill Lee with rage. "YE WON'T TOUCH ME WIFE!" The otter brings a knee up to slam it into the cat's stomach. "Yer gonna die!"

Hudson starts to take a swing at the otter and as he is kneed in the stomach he drops the blade of Martin the warrior and growls in pain, he coughs up a lot of blood and glares at the otter threw already blurring vision.

May stays where she is, unsure what to do, she gasps slightly as a couple of the squirrels have found keys to the slave chains and set about getting them off, once off May eyes are filled with happy tears, "Oh...this feels so good.."

Lee stands impassionately, still breathing heavily. He reaches for Martin's Sword, keeping his eyes on Hudson. "Yer finished, Cat... Surrender, an' I may spare yer life. Let nobeast say I am not a merciful beast..."

Hudson glares at Lee" Never!" He growls and reaches for a hidden dagger in his boot.

May gasps" He has a dagger!"

Before the cat can reach much further, Lee strikes, his mercy at an end. With a quick motion, he plunges the Sword of Martin into Hudson's chest, up to the hilt. The otter leans close, and whispers, so that Hudson may hear his words last as he dies, "I offered ye mercy... Ye were a fool not ta accept it..."

Hudson feels the blade sink deep into his chest as he drops the blade, he hears the otter’s words as he speaks and lets out a choking gurgling sound as his eyes mist over in deaths grip and he goes unwilling into the Dark Forest. Ending his terror on the land and never again to threaten any beast again.

May watches, then looks away as she keeps the dibbuns close to her and a couple cry a little "Its ok..Lee will..will know where to take us, somewhere save little ones."

Lee sighs heavily, feeling weary. He pulls the Sword out of Hudson's body...then, with a swift motion, making sure no dibbuns will see, removes his head.

Hudson is soon without a head, if it wasn’t clear he was dead before he is for sure dead now.

May made sure the dibbuns were distracted from that sight.

Lee puts the head in a sack for Marek, then strips the body of any useful gold or weapons, before dumping it in the stream. When that is done, Streamheart comes out of hiding, and runs over to Lee. The two embrace, and hug Konrad too. "Lee, are you hurt?"

May stands walking over to the otter, the dibbuns beside her, she lets the two have their reunion and stays quiet.

A couple squirrels still here come out of hiding, of the ten there are 5 left, they know Alvar had rushed off with Ekon and look to Lee also as if wanted to know where they will go or want to go.

Streamheart kisses Lee, and starts to cry. Lee comforts her, "Shhh, I'm 'ere, yer safe, me love."

May frowns and walks up to Lee, "Lee?..Hudson took away Oz, he said he was...please tell us the wildcat lied to us..Is Oz dead or alive?"

Lee looks up, still holding his wife and son close. "Oz be very much alive an' well, Zork, though... Nearly died recently."

The 5 tribal squirrels stays close, when it’s time they can help led the group to a more well know area of the woods.

May says, "Oh thank the seasons..wait what happen to Zork?!"

Lee frowns. "Let's get outta the woods, an' I'll explain on the way."

Streamheart nods in agreement.

And this is when the squirrels go to help them out of the woods, back slowly closer to Ferravale.