How Hard is a Simple Question?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Cosmo has made it back to Ferravale as he did not want to stay too long at the abbey and frankly he rather not get fired from a job he just recently got, he sits on one of the cots and sighs, his tunic is off and you can easily see his tightly bandaged side.

Aneko makes her way into the infirmly, she keeps her hood up and as she sees Cosmo she looks to the wall and looks at some drying herbs.

Cosmo notices her, he speaks softly, "Aneko? Is that you. Please let me know if it is you I have been worried."

Aneko doesn't turn around at the sound of his voice but does answer the question, "It’s me, not that it matters and after the last couple days of trying to talk to someone I have given up and I am leaving." She finds what she was looking for and places it in a traveling pouch.

Cosmo blinks, he stands and walks over to her, "Leavening? in the village or what?" His voice shows concern and at the same time he is curious of what her answer will be.

Aneko pulls back and still keeps facing the wall, "Leavening Ferravale..Mossflower..whole lot of it, maybe get on a ship and got where ever it takes me, so if excuse me I shall be going now"

Cosmo frowns, he goes to follow and lay a paw on her shoulder, "Why leave? You..we...could live here, and if you’re worried about Stormfur, I think he is not going to brother anyone anymore."

Aneko ask, "And how do you know that? Is he dead ?"

Cosmo shrugs, "Last I seen he was arrested and was going to be taken elsewhere, sure if he came back Probably be killed or something."

Aneko rolls her eyes, "Either way, yes it makes me feel safer and better. I can travel without worry he will be around, as for anyone else I can handle it."

Cosmo sighs, he folds his arms over his chest, "But your still heading out, look you should stay I mean where would you go and."

Aneko looks at him slightly, but keeps the hood over her left side of her face where a healing cut still is, "I don’t know yet, guess where ever I was when tried, not any good reasons to stay."

Cosmo tilts his head and walks over to her, if she allows him to, he gently takes off the hood and lets it fall to her shoulders, he smiles, "I could be here to say you look very nice today, and that..that" He stops there.

Aneko moves back as the hood goes to her shoulders, she shakes her head, "I am not pretty...this cut will scar up and, and I will be...well ugly, there I Said it and what else, that what?"

Cosmo blinks, "You’re not...who said that, I never would."

Aneko frowns and looks down, "You didn’t, but it’s still true and its one reason I am not staying around...I am use to a lot of travel anyways, not something new to me, I should go. “ She starts to head out again.

Cosmo watches her and slips in front of her, "Aneko, wait...stay, I want you to stay and to me your beautiful and always will be."

Aneko listens and smiles at this, she goes to hug him very gently as she knows he has the bandage on, "I will stay, but not sure if my skills are really that good"

Cosmo smiles as well, he returns the hug "Course they are good skills, all skills are good skills and helpful to have."

Aneko steps back, "So what now and how long are you supposed to be off duty?"

Cosmo starts to say something else and stops to answer her question, "About a week, then it's back to duty for me..till then guess will be in the tavern, still can sort of keep an eye on things but have to let my injury heal."

Aneko nods, "Well then take it easy the next few days"

Cosmo nods, "Of course of course ummm, been meaning to ask you or tell you something else but, I don’t know..." he sighs, "Want to go get an ale at the tavern?"

Aneko smiles, “Sure, why not.” And heads out.

Cosmo follows after her.


Cosmo is already at the tavern and has gotten a couple ales, he pays for the drinks and goes to sit by Aneko, "Here you are. “ He slides the ale to her.

Aneko takes the ale and nods her thanks, she sips it, and, “its good, thanks. I wonder where every beast is, it’s quiet today."

Cosmo shrugs, "Slow part of the day, but that’s ok could better, umm be better, oh.." he sighs and shakes his head and drinks the ale.

Aneko watches him as she drinks her ale, "What’s the matter, you seem worries about something, something else happen?"

Cosmo asks, "umm, no nothing else is wrong and no nothing else happen, why?""

Aneko looks at him and narrows her eyes, "Your lying to me, something is wrong cause your all worried looking and acting odd."

Cosmo sighs, "it’s just, wanted to say something and ask something but maybe it’s best to wait till later."

Aneko seems to wait, "Well ask it already."

Cosmo nods, he puts own his ale and looks in his pockets and his pouch and frowns, he looks back at her, "One’s, know I had it somewhere this like..words and it was nice and well planned out and took me awhile to write this and then I lose it"

Aneko watches him and looks ready to leave but is also curious "Lost what? And if you’re wondering if I see it how could I know unless you tell me what it is Cosmo"

Cosmo frowns and looks at her, he smiles a little "Well it’s more of a..well, guess not good with plans and stuff."

Aneko shakes her head, "Guess not." she smiles a little "Hope you find whatever it was you lost"

Cosmo opens his mouth to talk and loses it again, he then says, "’s alright wasn’t something for work or.." He looks at her again.

Aneko nods, "Then what was it? what..?"

Cosmo has been quiet and then looks at Aneko," I need to ask you something, is important, to me it is and..little worried on answer to it."

Aneko blinks, "Ok, not sure how I can help you, maybe that Lorimis or the chieftain can help you"

Cosmo starts and then stops again, "Well..Probably not, he wouldn’t..neither would know the answer, just you as it’s a question to you Aneko"

Aneko finishes her ale, "Well then ask, and not sure will have your answer but no harm in asking."

Cosmo nods, he stays seated and then stands and smiles at Aneko, "Ok..yeah here goes.."

Aneko watches him and blinks, "Ok why you standing for, couldn’t tell me sitting down."

Cosmo has stood up, he blinks at the question and errrs.. "No, well could but it wouldn't be very good and."

Aneko folds her arms over her chest, "Now you’re being annoying again, but thanks for cheering me up earlier it was nice of you but, like I said may go elsewhere.."

Cosmo starts to speak and sighs, "Could you maybe least stay long enough, for a quick little..question, then you can decide if want to leave or not."

Aneko sits down, "Fine, get what you need to say out and then I will go or not go guess, not sure how what you say will make up my mind."

Cosmo nods, " I had this grand speech, and had a poem all set; but all my words, fail me right now...badly fail me and, guess...I don’t rhyme well huh?"

Aneko looks confused, "And your point with this is a poet now?"

Cosmo says, ", it’s why this Probably sounds dum and I wanted it to be good but...oh""

Aneko chuckles a little, "Congrats Mr. went from annoying to funny."

Cosmo frowns now, "Well is isn't like I..have anything to give you anyways, this can wait till later I guess."

Aneko watches him, "Oh sit down, don't worry about it we can just have some lunch and you can ask me later."

Cosmo shakes his head, "It’s important and if I ask now I will forget to later or decide to not ask you at all."

Aneko leans back on her chair as she gets another ale and takes a couple drinks of it, "Ok, if it’s that important then ask already."

Cosmo blinks, "Ask?...oh yeah course, hee..asking"

Aneko shakes her head and takes a long drink, "This should be interesting" She looks back to Cosmo.

Cosmo smiles and goes on, "Like I said...words, none so forgive me please, while here I stand with trembling paws that barely steady as I kneel in front of you." He kneels as he says this though its slow and he needs to gather his courage, he then asks." Will you marry me?."

Aneko blinks at the question and just sits there a long or what seems like a long time, "I..wasn't expecting that question.." She smiles and goes to hug him.

Cosmo smiles at the hug, "So?..that a yes or a no on the question?"

Aneko smiles, "’s a yes."

Cosmo smiles big and is happy, he closes his eyes some as his side still hurt but he is happy.