
From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [Out]

Scioto is here having an ale and relaxing for the time being.

Zinnia slips quietly into the tavern and looks around before getting a seat at a table that has no one at it.

Sarnith Strolls in and moves straight to the bar for a tankard of ale without giving the bars patrons much of a glance

Scioto waves at Sarnith as he sips the ale “Greetings"

Sarnith Turns about to Scioto and raises his own tankard to the cat as he starts moving towards him

Zinnia simply stays where she is and doesn’t interact with anyone else; she seems content to just sit by herself.

Scioto nods "So how is your day been Sarnith, been good so far?"

Sarnith Replies " Didn't start so well, Kriskia Crystal an I stayed a bit late at der hall, so getting up were a bit o a challenge. "

Scioto nods as he listens "Just so wasn’t anything major that went on, still need some order in the village, even if there is a wedding, still need order"

Sarnith Says " I's kept an eye on dat otter like I's said I's would, he tramped off after a bit with dat other one the hare lugged in. "

Scioto blinks at this news "Hare lugged in? There is a hare in the village now??"

Sarnith Scratches his head a moment as he says “He had been here afore, what was dat rabbits name.... Jake I's think, he was put up here wounded when we's was a havein problems with dat fox. "

Scioto nods "Ahh yes remember him, see if I have an idea of de woodlander, trust them little better not to start trouble for the village"

Sarnith Takes a sip of his ale before saying “I’s still don't quite trust most o dem on sight.”

Scioto nods "Can’t say I get along well with all woodlanders either, Lorimis is alright but..others, don’t know, then he has his..well they listen to him so, the woodlanders that is, he keeps them in line, I like that"

Sarnith Replies " Dat Lorimis is an odd card ter be sure. " before taking a sip of ale

Scioto nods "I am unsure how long he will be...staying either"


Sarnith Says " Who knows, I's figured he woulda wanted ter be back amongst 'es own kind by now. "

Scioto shrugs "He hasn’t caused any trouble and he..did do me a big favor, wasn’t anyone else that could do wedding cept him around the village"

Sarnith Chuckles as he says " 'Ow could a little mouse like him cause trouble here? aside from him being a woodie it ain't in dat beast ter do anythin ter cause problems. "

Scioto answers "True, know some dislike him, I get along and with any woodlander for that matter, long as they get along with me and behave."

Sarnith shrugs as he says " Some get der knack I's suppose. " he then takes another sip of his ale .

Scioto nods "Well after couple days be a little less in town, and cause two of the otters left, guessing the hare did too.."

Sarnith Nods as he relates " Dey's all took off last night not too long after yew's did, doubt dey wanted ter be around when a bunch o us started ter really get ter a drinkin. "

Scioto chuckles "Interesting, well guess it’s back ta work, ta regular rounds and stuff."

Sarnith Raises his tankard to Scioto before he downs the rest of it " If dat's what yew's think chief, Dazzle der has other plans fer yer's though. "

Scioto raises an eyebrow "And what be that? Hope it’s not too much, do have a village to run you know"

Sarnith Replies " I's don't know what she has in mind, but she sounded like she had summat planed fer sure. "

Scioto shrugs as he gets 2nd ale "Her business, she wants ta do something, fine with me..just so she lets me know when and how long be gone so I don’t worry"

Sarnith Says " Well lemme know how all of dat turns out or ifins yew's need a hand with der situation. "

Scioto takes a drink from his ale and stands as he is getting ready to head back out.

Dazzle has been cooking and leaving some instructions, seeing Scioto she smiles and walks over to him, as he stands she watches him "Where you going?"

Sarnith Moves to the bar and acquires a second ale .

Scioto stops, "My rounds, then I have something to do elsewhere in the village, be back soon."

Dazzle folds her arms over her chest and gets in front of him "Oh no you are NOT going out and doing rounds and such, get ya head guard ta do it, and what else you need done, someone else can do that too. You’re taking a break." she is calm..for now.

Seeing that Scioto is about to go Sarnith leans back against the bar to watch the door

Scioto raises an eyebrow at this "Excuse me?" He shakes his head and offers a smile "Now dear you know I have a village to run, I will be at the house later, okie."

Dazzle glares now, "I SAID you WONT...you are taking a break and you WILL like the break, we just got married last night and we are going, both..somewhere fer a week, a break will do you good..in fact I WILL talk to de head guard, the guards, be right back and you better stay put." Yeah just a little ticked off, she glares again and slips outside, seems she means business.

Sarnith Chuckles into his mug of ale at the exchange between Scioto and Dazzle

Scioto blinks at this and starts to say something but any thought is drowned out by the lady, he frowns "I..now wait a darn.." he fails badly and looks down at the ground, he looks up as she leaves, a couple rats snicker, he gives them a look and they instantly shut up and drink more ale as he stands there and stares at the door wondering what just happen .

Dazzle returns after a bit of time and looks at Scioto making sure he really does stay put, "Ok I had a chat, your guards can keep things in order, and the shops seem ok and shop keepers can keep own shops in order and sure few others will help too. Now shall we have a little..vacation now, hmms dear? “She waits for an answer.

Sarnith Snorts into his ale at the deflated look on Scioto’s face but quickly quiets it down, the occasional snicker still slipping out though

Scioto folds his arms over his chest and then sighs as they drop to his side "How you?..they?.." He sighs again and watches Dazzle, ok she won.. "Fine, where and how long?"

Dazzle smiles "A week or least 5 days, be more happy with a whole week and I am sure find somewhere nice, maybe room above the Gull be nice, could visit that abbey and...yes a little gift since that Lorimis mouse was just so nice..so why you still standing there, let’s go I even packed...for both of us “She grins as she is prepared.

Sarnith Has a large grin plastered on his face as he watches the two he’s even stopped sipping his ale now so that he won't miss a bit of this

Scioto sighs and gets ale, this will take a while, he gets only a sip and coughs as she mentions packed, he drops the glass, and well it breaks.. "Packed! both of us..what?!"

Dazzle just smiles "Yes dear, am I not nice, see less work for you dear, do calm ya self...your be stress free soon and will thank me later, let’s go....well? “She stands to go to the door tapping her footpaw.

Scioto sighs, he nods slowly "Yes dearest..coming" he mutters "Too late already stressed..."He looks up hopefully she didn’t hear the last part.

Sarnith Now has a paw over his mouth to stifle the laughter that threatens to pour out, the small snicker or chuckle still finds its way out though

Dazzle smiles, Scioto is lucky she didn’t hear the last part and happily heads off, but does make sure she is followed.

Scioto follows her, but is feeling so defeated right now, he walks slowly following Dazzle to who knows where first.

As the duo departs Sarnith can't hold it any longer and lets out a loud guffaw pounding his paw on the bar

The Dirt road

Dazzle smiles as they walk on down the road, she even has a slightly annoyed stoat carrying two bags she has and Scioto’s one bag, she speaks to Scioto "Now dear, this will be fun, your see and a break is good, a honeymoon can be another word for it."

Scioto walks, he shrugs a bit still in shock he is even doing this, "I..guess dear" He gets out.

Dazzle slows and looks at him "Come on, cheer up like said your thank me later..you been working a lot and neither of us has had a good honest break now just TRY to enjoy this."

Scioto nods "I..I know but the village it..what about." he starts and just stops.

Dazzle says, "It will be fine without you for a few days"

Scioto sighs, but keeps right on walking as if he knows better than to say he can’t, he looks back towards the village and to Dazzle “ Was this really needed dear, I mean?”

Dazzle stops and glares at him “Yes” she says firmly “It was, you never take a break its Work work work…and more work!”

Scioto frowns and starts to say his famous, but have to run a village line, and decides it’s best not to as he sighs and forces a weak smile “Your right, your right so where to then dearest.?”

Dazzle seems happy with his response and nods “We can get a room in the gull, then tomorrow visit the abbey a short while, just a little while..day maybe half, then ..well somewhere, but AWAY from the village.”

Scioto nods as he listens, he isn’t too happy right now but seems he has no choice in the matter anymore.

Dazzle smiles as they get to the Gull, “Right lets go in, rest and” she smiles at him and gives him a kiss..”Relax love.”

Scioto smiles at the kiss and returns it, he nods “course love.”