Hi again!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated September 24, 2014 in the category Chatterbox by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 4 replies.

Wed, 09/24/2014 - 08:57

Hello all! Still not quite back due to real life. But slowly easing my way back in. Just thought I might update you guys on some ideas I had.

First, when I get back, I am ret coning Arundal. Many of you will probably scratch your head and ask, 'what the heck is Arundal?' Yeah, that is the reason I am ret conning it. I don't think anyone has actually used it more than once or twice so I am rebuilding it into something a little easier to get into.

Icly, the city just got raided by Radion and his for lack of a better term, horde, and basically razed it to the ground. My idea this time around is to make a settlement town out of it. Basically anything that exists will owned by another player.

The initial city will be nothing more than a general store, a jail house, and other necessities to live. Otherwise, a player will have to built it and add onto the city.

And yes, there can be more than one of everything.

And since it's a new town you don't have to know any of the local lore beyond 'The tribal vermin in the area don't take too kindly to outsiders.

The area will be a forest setting.

What do you guys think of this idea? And yes, I am open to suggestions :3
