Heya, a new Dibbun! Nice!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


The scent in the air notably changes within the village compared to the sweet fragrant flowery smells outside the east gates. Stale air, rotting food and the occasionally not particularly pleasant smelling inhabitant all assault the nose until it gets used to things. Mercenary guards patrol the high wooden palisade wall separates the vermin village from the outside world, the only break in sight in the form of the main gate to the village to the east. North of the path one of the few stone buildings in the village stands a little run down, now an inn it butts up to the side of the tavern and boasts many beds available, at least that's probably what the sign says, much like the building it's old and the beast who wrote it has probably died of old age long after the paint was last touched up. West finally buildings begin to spring up everywhere and the path widens into a large clearing at the centre of the village.

Exits: [F]erravale [Inn], [T]avern, [Back] to gates, [W]est

Astra is finally enjoying a day outside the infirmary and walking, even if it is, slowly around the village, she smiles and sniffs the air enjoying the flowers that are finally out as it is finally spring.

Many creatures are out this fine day, walking around and breathing in the pretty spring air. 2 of these creatures are Blisa the white-furred, green-eyed kitten and Ferdinand the young adult ferret guard. Blisa has a tight grip on her bodyguard's paw, and he's allowing her to lug him around to various places as he carries the small haversack with the couple of things they bought at the market in it. In her other paw, the Dibbun is clutching a fistful of pretty flowers, and she's talking ecstaticly about this that and the other...pretty much whatever comes to mind. They now stop under a tree as Blisa pummles Ferdinand with questions.

Cera has come to see Ferravale as she has been curious of it for some time and finally got the chance to see it, she walks along the path and almost trips a rat who she bolts from before he gets too upset, she comes to a halt and glances around more and smiles at the sites around her and giggles a little.

Astra stays by the gates, she is not on duty today as she is still healing up, she pushes back some headfur from her eyes as she sees if anyone she knows is outside today.

Suddenly, a shreik resounds out from under the tree. "/ASTRA!!!/" Blisa tugs her paw out of Ferdinand's and runs at a breakneck pace over to her friend, the guard hot on her heels. Skidding to a stop, she wraps her arms around the adult cat as high up as she can. "You're up! You're outside! Are you feeling better? Are you gonna be well soon? I'm so happy to see you!" Ferdinand looks around, always on duty, and catches sight of Cera. Smiling, he nods in a friendly sort of way at the ferret, never missing the opportunity to make friends with a dibbun.

Cera jumps at the sudden noise and looks ready to bolt, it seems loud noise is not her friend, she sees the wave and frowns as she looks for a dierection to go and finding no good ones she sits along the dusty path and watches the small group from where she is.

Astra smiles and carefully hugs Blisa, "Hello Blisa, how are you and I am doing better and decided needed some fresh air."

Ferdinand gives a tiny wave to Cera, inviting her over. Blisa smiles brightly up into Astra's face. "I'm good. I'm so happy you're outside. I picked these for you," she adds, holding up the fistful of flowers.

Cera smiles a little and walks over towards them, she stops a few feet from the group and oves a footpaw back and forth in the dirt as she looks down, "H.....H...H..ello"

Astra takes the flowers, "Oh..thank you dear, lots of flowers starting to come out now it's spring time" She glances at the other dibbun before looking back to Blisa "And its warmer, so also good, I hope to be back to danceing soon"

Ferdinand smiles and bends down to look the ferret dibbun in the eye. "Hello, Mith. My name ith Ferdinand. May I athk what yourth ith?" Blisa nods, not really noticing the other Dibbun. "It is warmer, which is nice, but I miss the snow. Can you teach me how to dance?"

Cera doesn't answer right away and tilts her head, she then smiles.."Cera..." She places her paws behind her back and rocks back and forth some, still a bit shy.

Astra nods "I can teach you to dance, need to restart someone elses dance lessons, if he is still intrested, not sure how soon will dance, still a little to go to full recovery"

"YAY!" hoots Blisa, jumping up and down with excitment. She lands on the hem of her dress, falls, and lands at Cera's feet just as Ferdinand, says, "It'th nice to meet you, Mith Cera --" Looking up from her dusty, flat position, she smiles up into the female ferret's eyes. "Hi."

Cera eyes go wide and she backs up quickly as the other dibbun falls in front of her, she gets a few feet away and looks at all of them.

Blisa scrambles to her feet and smiles gently. She is smaller than the average 4 season old, and her eyes are a soft green. "It's OK, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just clumsy sometimes. My name's Blisa. What's your name?"

Cera smiles a little "Cera..." she says quietly. She is still a little edgy but trying to make a friend.

Blisa smiles, accidentally showing off her pointy white teeth, and extends her paw. "It's nice to meet you. Welcome to Ferravale! Are you planning on staying here?"

Cera shrugs, "Not know....not up me"

Blisa looks dissappointed, but tries to hide it. "Well, I hope you do stay. Maybe we can become friends. I could show you all the best places to play and hide." She digs a woven bracelet out of her bag...not the haversack Ferdinand is carrying, her own personal bag. "Here....I made it. You can use it to remember me."

Cera smiles and slowly takes the bracelet and looks at it, "I..see later.." She decides to rush off, and disappers into the crowd of beasts.

Blisa waves good-bye, then grabs hold of Ferdinand's paw and tugs him through the crowd. Maybe they should go home now...

Thanks for reading!
