Hey, lookit....a new arctic fox!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale: Entry

Belindo the monitor lizard. Blisa the cat and Ferdinand the ferret. Toran the fox. Fargo the weasel.

Belindo walks along with a grumble, he ventured out and is wearing a thick green sweater and over this some sort of fur coat with a hood on it, least there is no snow yet this season and for this he is glad.

A small (for her age) white kitten and a lean, tall, strong-looking ferret guard exit the tavern, bundled up tightly against the cold. Blisa, the cat, sees the lizard and gulps slightly. She still hasn't gotten over her fear of monitors. But, good future leaders and mature young ladies greet other creatures, even if they're scared of them. "Good day!" she calls, waving.

Walking down the road is a white furred fox armed with twin daggers but nothing else seems to be visible. The fox looks around, scanning his new surroundings and looking rather strange in this environment.

Belindo turns "Hellozzzz to you, leazt you izzz warm, fur and all, I hatezzzz de cold"

Blisa smiles politely. "I'm sorry. But fur doesn't help very much to cut the wind." She draws her cloak closer around herself. Ferdinand the ferret nods politely, but stays quiet, mentally debating about revealing his lisp or not.

Toran frowns as he gets closer, though he stays silent. He doesn't quite feel the cold, but that's what happens when one lives in bitter cold most of one's life.

Belindo speaks "Fur help..yezzzz" He studies Blisa and the ferret with her, "I am Belindo...de Blacksmith of Ferravale, I zztays mainly at home in forge"

Coming from the market a young, if very heavy, grey furred weasel walks toward the entry way. Dispite the chill in the air Fargo doesn't look too cold and he seems to be in a rather chipper mood this morning.

Blisa curtsies. "I'm Blisa. Scioto's my Daddy. This is my bodyguard, Ferdinand. It's nice to meet you, I'm sure." Ferdinand nods and smiles.

Due to Toran's attentiveness, he notices the weasel rather quick. His eyes widen slightly, but he gives no other reaction. Despite this, he simply continues on his way, already feeling uncomfortable with the number of beasts present.

Belindo nods "I knowzzz of ..Scioto, yezzzz He izzz one of few allowed to just walk into my zhop without knocking first, truzt me wizzze to knock first"

Unlike the fox Fargo has the trained perception powers of a potato, it might have been why his entire gang was captured when he played look out as a bandit so many seasons ago. The weasel's attention is trained on a stall of sweet smell pastries when he wanders too close to the fox. Another step and he will bumb into him.

Toran's ear twitches, and he turns, his eyes widening as the weasel bumps into him, sending him stumbling backwards and eventually hitting the ground.

Blisa was about to answer the lizard when the fox got knocked over. She gasps and hurries over to him, her bodyguard following closely, keeping a close watch on all the beasts in the area. "Are you alright?" The kitten asks.

Belindo blinks as the fox falls, luckly not near him or he would of been grumpy, he stays back and out oif the way and watches as they go to help the fox.

The hefty weasel is also knocked over by the collision but in the opposit direction. Probibly a good thing Fargo didn't fall on him. Still on the ground the weasel sits up, "I'm so sorry! Are you..." he takes a look at the fox he bumped into and gulps. Armor, daggers and a fox. He hasn't had a great time with fox's lately so of course he had to bump into one again. "...er...are y-you ok?"

Toran quickly stands up, looking anywhere but at the beasts around him. "I'm fine," he mumbles, attempting to continue walking. Obviously he isn't that comfortable with social situations.

Belindo shakes his head, he shivers as he hates the cold, even all bundled up.

Fargo sighs in relief. Most vermin warriors would have gutted the weasel for the slight mistake on the spot. He's obviously glad the fox didn't. Just another day in Farrevale. Rolling to his feet the weasel dusts himself off, "Sorry about that sir. Guess I got distracted." he smiles sheepishly

Toran stops, turning to look at the weasel with his deep blue eyes. "It's fine, weasel," He says, staring directly at Fargo.

Ferdinand relaxes slightly when he sees that no one is angry. Blisa smiles in relief, and looks up into the foxes face. "It's alright. I don't think anybeast will hurt you here. I'm Blisa."

Fargo nods in thanks once again, "Ok...glad to known." The weasel rubs the back of his neck, unsure what to say next or what to do. Talk about awkward situations...

Toran looks down at Blisa, taken slightly aback. "T-Toran's my name." He says, trying hard not to turn and walk away from this extremely uncomfortable situation.

Blisa looks between the two adults, cunfused. "Um, well, then welcome ot Ferravale, Toran. It's nice to meet you, I'm sure." She slips her paw into Ferdinand's, and he smiles and nods. "I am Ferdinand, and I, too, extend a welcome." He chose his words very carefully, so as not to show his lisp.

Fargo chuckles, "We don't usually try to run over new people in the city, just to let you know." The weasel then nods to the chiefs daughter and body guard. "Oh and good afternoon to you Blisa and Ferdinand. Nice to see you up and about as well."

Now it is Toran's turn to look between the three beasts. "Right...well I'm just exploring. This is my first time in the mossflower country, so it's a bit disconcerting to not know where I'm going."

Blisa curtsies. "Good day. I can understand that....it would be very disconcerting to not know where you were." Ferdinand nods. "I had the thame exthperiance when I firtht came here." Dumb lisp.

Fargo laughs, resting his paws on his sides, "I rememebr the first time I came here, trying to find a job. I stopped off at pipkins place first. I swear those bees tried to pick me up and toss me down a well!"

Toran raises an eyebrow at the weasel, clearly not amused. "Right.." He says, still slightly uncomfortable and taken aback by the social ability of these creatures.

Blisa giggles, then shivers and rubs her arms in a fight with the cold. Ferdinand lays a paw on her shoulder and half-envelopes her with his simple black cloak. "Who'th Pipkin?"

Fargo raises an eyebrow, "Pipkin? He was the town bee keeper...until Nightfur killed him...and the undertaker." the weasel shakes his head, "I swear that fox just did NOT like weasels. He even came after me once!"

Toran simply stands to the side, unwilling to speak unless he really needs to.

Blisa 'ohs' and nods, then facepalms and whirls aroudn to look at Ferdinand. "Oh! Oh, we need to go home and...get that...thing and give to, um, what's-his-face! C'mon!" She grabs the ferrets paw and forcibly drags him off. He can't even say good-bye because she accidentaly dug her claws into his paw and he's trying to get her to let go before he starts bleeding. Worse.

And so I had to leave....thanks for reading!
