Headline News part 1: new blue otter at the Abbey!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Reaper is sitting by the fire, a gigonourmic mug of hot coffee on the table beside him. He's still wearing yesterday's clothes and his headfur is all messed up. It looks like he's fallen asleep there. He's got a slight snarl, though it might have been a yawn that caught on his incisor. His breathing is slow and steady and his left paw is resting on the hoster attached to his belt.

Shandar creeps into the hall with Ahndia, both are dirty. Shandar's pale pink tunic looks to be grey, and her friend's blue dress is anything but. Ahndia giggles quietly and points at the sleeping otter, and Shandar nods, a grin making it's way across her face. The mischevious mouse tip-paws over the chair Reaper is in, and blows gently on his nose. Ahndia covers her mouth with both paws as she follows Shandar, waiting behind her, supressing another giggle as she waits to see if Reaper will wake up- if not, then she knows what Shandar is planning on doing.

Reaper's right paw moves of it's own accord as if brushing something off his nose and then returns to normal. It doesn't appear as if the sleeping otter is going to do anything else though.

Shandar looks back at her friend with a scowl and a nod, saying a silent "Stop making so much noise! And yeah, he's not waking up." But the scowl dissapears almost immediatly once Ahndia has stopped her quiet laughter. Creeping around to the back of the chair, Ahndia pulls out a jar of something, probably from the infirmary or kitchens. A sickly sweet smell pours out as she opens it, and the viscous liquid rolls about inside. Shandar dips her paw in, and dabbles it lightly over Reapers head, rimming his ears with it, around his eyes, and the tip of his nose. Her touch is lighter than the blow on his nose, and the liquid gets caught in his fur instantly, some dripping down onto his clothes. From her pouch of miscallaneous dibbun things, the squirrel puls out and hands another jar full of blue powder to Shandar. Shandar doesn't bother with gentle- she upends the whole thing over the poor otter with a loud whoop.

Reaper that snarl becomes real for a couple seconds until he realizes who did it. His right paw clenches and a growl emits from his mouth as he steps toward thd dibbuns... until he spies them that is... "What in the name of Martin... Oh..." Reaper takes a breath "It's you guys... I should've known. Now I don't like being played, but with that being said... Well played little ones"

Corinne starts to enter when she hears the growl and whimpers dashing under a table and shivers as she stays there.

The growl caused the jittery Ahndia to jump, and then she tripped and fell flat on her tail. Shandar's laughter, infectious, makes the squirrel laugh as well, and it doesn't look as if she is going to be getting up without help. Shandar tries to cool enough to talk, both to talk to the now-mostly blue otter and the scared Corinne, but it doesn't happen before she slides to the floor and sits next to her partner-in-crime, chuckling. She waves a paw at Reaper, gasping out words through her laughter. "Heeheehee, oh..hahah sorry....you just look...looked

so..hahahahaha /peaceful/hahhahahaha"

Reaper catches a glimpse of himself in a window reflection and rolls his eyes muttering "Oh, really!? wow!" snorts "peaceful? really? That's a first haha. Sorry I didn't mean to growl I was just surprised, you know?" Reaper sits back down, knowing that running out of there to get the blue stuff off would only further play into Shandar, and he wasn't about to be beaten by a beast 8 seasons his younger twice in as many minutes. Reaper hasn't noticed Corinne yet.

( Sariel pushes open the Great Hall door, though to him it's more like a castle gate. "H...hh...hi?" he says with trepidation )

The arrival of another beast- without first knowing who it is, causes Shandar and Ahndia to jump up, fearing to worst. Shandar even salutes, a strong military slaute. Ahndia laughs at this, and, seeing as it is a squirrel, but not Benar, she goes to give him a hug. "Hi! I'm Ahndia. What's your name?" Shandar gives Corinne a smile before giving Reaper a light push. "Cummon, it'll wash out."

Corinne looks at the growing group of dibbuns and peeks out from under the table.

Reaper laughs at the young mouse's audacity "Alright, it better. Nice salue by the way, where'd you learn that?" Now, Sariel is not used to being hugged, or to hugging, and so his return hug is fairly... shall we say sheepish "I'm Sariel, who... who are you?" He glances over to the otter as if to ask "Is he okay?"

Shandar grins. "A family friend." Ahndia releases the other squirrel and takes his paw, leading him towards the rest of the group. "I just told, you silly! I'm Ahndia, but you c'n call me Ahndi. Oh, Reaper, uh....I don't actually know /when/ it'll wash out. All I know is that it isn't permanent." She blinks at Shandar, wondering is her friend knows, either.

Corinne slowly gets out from under the table and looks at all the beasts

"Ahndia? that's a nice name" Sariel let's her lead him to the group "Sorry, I got a little nervous didn't mean ta forget your name"

Reaper rolls his eye "great... ya had to dye my facefur didn't you" he says not believing it'll wash anytime soon

Leon enters the room from way of the stairs, checking off some things on a list, he then puts it away into his robe and nods to those in the room, "Hello there all"

Ahndia smiles, enjoying the company of another squirrel. Shandar is nice, but she's a mouse- not the best at climbing. She always gets yelled when she tries to reach the highest branches that Ahndia likes to be in. "That's ok." She lets her friend reply to the otter. Shandar's grin turns sheepish. "Of course I had to. But if it doesn't come out ina day 'r two, go get that stuff from the infirm. They use it on us when we get sap on our paws." She waves at Leon, and Ahndia lets go of Sariel's paw to wave as well. "You have a nice name too, Sariel. Have you been here b'fore?"

Corinne sees Leon and rushes over to him and hugs him tightly and smiles.

the blue masked Reaper shakes his head wondering why he didn't see this coming. He turns and waves at Leon with the most silly grin on his face. "N...no, I haven't" replies Sariel "I was told to come here by my mom... well kina." His speech pattern is still a little young but it's growing up. "This is Redwall right?"

Leon smiles and hugs Corinne "Hey Corinne..doing ok?"

Shandar nods. "Yup! With big red walls and everything! Who is Kina? Does she live here?" Questions, questions, questions- the basis of Shandar exsistence! Ahndia flaps a paw at her friend. "You ask a /lot/. What if he doesn't wanna say? Well, welcome t' th' abbey! Don't listen t' her. She's Shandar." Shandar shrugs, and goes to hug Leon as well.

"No, silly kina's not a someone, kina's a word kina, like almost." Sariel breathes a sigh of relief "So I made it? No, my mom told me to find Redwall if we ever get separated, we were going to visit a friend of hers in an otter camp." Reaper scurries over to his former perch and grabs his coffee and starts sipping it, hoping that the tiredness may soon leave him

Leon smiles "well dibbuns hugging me now, this is nice unlike what happen with a group of dibbuns once"

Shandar makes a face at Sariel, then at Leon. "oh /yeah/" She breathes out, remembering. "I wasnt a part of that, though!" She puts her forepaws up in the air, a gesture of innocence. "And hey, I hug you /alla/ time!" Ahndia laughs at Shandar's tone. "You hug /everybeast/. Sariel, you can stay here until your mummy gets here. How did you get separated?" The question gets Shandar's attention, and the little mouse takes residence in the chair Reaper had been sleeping in, listening in.

Leon nods "I know, I am just glad Oz is back on duty again"

Reaper pulls up a couple chairs by the fire for Leon, Corinne and the newcomer. "Well" Sariel begins "We were camping out, like I said we was going to a otter camp, not sure what it's called but it reminded me of a tree. I woke up in the middle of the night a couple nights ago and no one was there, I saw a lot of pawmarks on the ground but no one was there. So, I grabbed my stuff and found the road and headed east like momma said to. Guess I got here first. Maybe she passed by, her name's Triss" Reaper by this time has finished pulling chairs by the fire and motions everyone to the warmth. He still really hates cold... like a lot, and the damp blue on his face only makes it feel like his nose is going to fall off.

Ahndia climbs up into the chair Shandar stole, but Shandar, feeling slightly guilty, runs into the kitchen, for what? That'll be apparent when she comes back. Ahndia watches her leave, then turns her attention back to Sariel. "Camp Willow? And no, i dont think a Triss has been here. Though you'll be th' first ta know when she arrives." A loud commotion can be heard in the kitchens- no doubt caused by Shandar.

Reaper is sure he's going to look absolutely rediculous saying this with his new masquerade mask on but his concern wins out over his self-consciousness "Ahndi's right, I'll make sure that as soon as I know, you will, kay buddy?" He pauses for a moment and then an idea comes to him "I'll also talk to the Abby champion, Flicktail, see if we can go find her." He pauses and half winces at the clatter in the kitchen "In the mean time, you just worry about yourself kay?" Sariel nods "Thanks mister." he says "and all of you, you really are as kind as momma said you were. And thanks for the hug Ahndi, how'd you know I needed that?" he asks blushing a little

Ahndia blushes as well. "Um..I dunno. You just looked like it." Shandar comes running back in, and the hard snap of a dishtowel can be heard, ushering her along. "Ah, i'm leavin, i'm leavin!" She shouts as she runs to Reaper. She climbs into his lap and dabs at the blue dye. The water is a pale shade of green, and smells a tad minty. "Whadid I miss?" She looks around at the others, raising an eyebrow at the blushing squirrels. Ahndia is in for a little teasing later.

Reaper wrinkles his nose at the smell "well at least it smells pleasent" he laughs "And not much, I was jus tellin Sariel here that he's safe here and that maybe later Flick and I'll go look for his mom"

( Sariel nods )

"Oo oo oo, c'n i come!" Shandar /really/ wants to go. "And yeah, it does smell nice, doesn't it." She breathes deep. "Yup! Mint, and some other random thing. Supposed t' help take off th' blue stuff." Ahndia twitches her tail. "Ya aren't gonna tell on us, are you, Reaper? Cause i only jus' got /off/ of kitchen duty. I dont wanna do it f'r

two days inna row."

Oz slowly makes his way in, walking staff in paw, he nods to those gathered as he heads to his chair, "Greetings all, how is everyone today?"

Shandar turns from her work on Reaper's face. "hi..." Oh dear, please dont ask about the blue otter. Ahndia gets up from her chair, runs to the badger, and hugs him. "Papa Oz!"

Reaper smiles at the young'ns "no I won't" Hearing Oz come downstairs he turns, his face looking like he's wearing blue camo paint now, and waves at him "Hi Oz! How are you!? Oh! let me introduce you to someone." He motions for Sariel to follow him "Sariel, this is Oz, he's the official kido papa here," Sariel puts his paw out, "Good t'meet you sir Oz!"

Oz studys the otter as he gets a hug from one of the dibbuns, "Umm..why is there an otter in here with a blue face?"

Shandar looks innocently up at the badger. "Dunno. I was just trying t' help him clean up!" She continues to dab at the paint- some of it smears, but the cloth is steadily turning blue itself. Ahndia laughs as she returns to her chair. "You may not be helpin' very much, Shan. Come sit again." She pats the left over space next to her. "Well, Sariel, whadda wanna do in the meantime?"

Reaper glances back up at the badger and replies "Well, I fell, and then all this blue stuff got on my face." He glances down and to the left and then back up grinning. Sariel looks back at the other squirrel, "I dunno... what is there to do, Ahndia? I never been here before."
Oz nods "I see, well I will have to tak your word for it as I was not here when it happen"
"Do you know where Flicktail is, Oz? I haven't seen him around and I need to speak with him before the day is out." Asks Reaper
Oz shakes his head, "Sorry I have not seen him today, I have been with the dibbuns all day, so..sure he is here somewhere"
Reaper nods "Thank you" then breaks out into a grin knowing he must look downright hysterical right about now
Shandar grins, takes one more wipe at Reaper's dyed face, then leaves the bowl of water and sticky rag by the otter as she goes to sit with Ahndia again. "You think I'm lying, Papa Oz?" Ahndia smiles. "When don't you? Um.." She thinks. "Well, the snow is always fun to play in, but we have to go out with an adult. And there are always games inside. Hide an' seek an' stuff. Oh, and if you like t' sing or dance, there is always somebeast willin' to join in with that. An' if you're hungry, we c'n get somethin from th' kitchens."

Sariel actually smiles, legitimately "Well, can't say that I'm too hungry right about now, but what do you want to do?"

Reaper can't tell whether that was a veiled request for him to go outside with the dibbuns, but he offers anyway "Well now that my facepaint is mostly off, If you need an adult I can come outside with you, provided Papa Oz says it's okay." Reaper looks back at Oz for a response.
Oz smiles "Going outside sometimes is a good thing, just not too long as winter storms can happen,..one happen last year and it wasnt too fun"
Shandar jumps back up, always eager to go outside. "Well, cummon then!" She looks at Ahndia, and laughs, then looks down at her own clothing. "The snow we touch is gonna turn grey!" Ahndia smiles, and holds out a paw for Sariel. "Let's go t' th' orchards!" She turns to Reaper and Oz, expecting them to follow.

Reaper smiles and turns to OZ seeing if he's gonna follow, turning to follow the trio outside... Sariel takes Ahndia's paw and lets her show him where they're going... Reaper starts toward the door then grabs his coffee and heads out