He's Fine, He's Just Fine!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This is a good size room and has a large bed with a blue blanket and a couple blue pillows on it. The bed looks like it could easily fit a tall badger. At the foot of the bed is a cherry wood chest that is locked , only the owner knows what lies inside. Beside the bed is a small nightstand with a small drawer and a larger drawer. On the Nightstand are an oil lamp and a wash basin. On the wall is a picture of Brother Zork made from charcoal. And a toolbox is close to the wall, inside is forge tools, and its wise to leave them alone. There is a door that goes back to the hallway.

Exits: [O]ut

Zinnia knocks on the door and waits, she could walk on in though but if he was asleep she rather not brother him.

Zork is awake and sitting in his chair, he hears the knock and speaks "Enter" He finishes writing on a scroll and places it in the drawer and locks it with the key he has.

Zinnia goes on in and smiles "Hey, I wanted to make sure you were ok, did you really go ahead and give Silverstorm full control of the forge?" Ok she is curious mainly.

Zork nods "Yes, she is the Blacksmith now, and she can even do de small issues, since I can't really be out too long in de heat, and de forge can get fairly overheated. I shouldn't of went to the feast but I wanted to, I felt a need to."

Zinnia nods "I am glad you came, and I know you were in the shade a lot and had the healer by you a good deal. You also left later than the others did...why was that?"

Zork answers, "I had to wait till it was night, cooler then and not ta worry, Had Ness and a couple others with me on de way back"

Zinnia frowns but nods still "That's...understandable, I guess if the heat made you not feel well." She walks closer "You seemed to feel ok, least at first and then you seemed to get more quiet and didn't really talk to any beast later on."

Zork listens as she talks and sighs "Well I did get ta feeling a little tried and...bit ill, but I got better later and got a couple days rest, not ta worry."

Zinnia nods, but maybe she is still worried, " You would let me know if you were ever feeling bad wouldn't you? I mean escaping summer heat is easy enough you can stay inside during most of the day. "She then smiles "It will be less hot fairly soon, when fall season is here it will start to cool off temperature wise."

Zork frowns "Yeah, fall time. But ya right Zinnia, it be lesss hot in de Fall so that's good...that's good ta know." He seems distracted and looks at the key he has, he has mentioned it to her what it goes to as he takes it off and hands it to her, "Here, got a job fer ya....keep this somewhere safe, tis best you keep it now."

Zinnia lets him hand her the key and studies it, she remembers the key slightly but from where."Whats the key for?" She is uncertain she remembers really. It could be ANOTHER key, who knows.

Zork answers "De drawer.." He points to the drawer. He waits to see if she remembers, he could remind her if needed but half way he rather not and half way he hopes she remembers the whole this key is for this and then the other for that and ect ect ...

Zinnia looks at the drawer and the key and then the drawer as she does remember then and frowns, "Why are you giving me this now? I..I don't need it now, you can wait for a while..." Yes she knows his will is in there and one of the keys that end up going to his chest and yes she knows that's at Zee's place or least she was told he had it or knew where it was anyways.

Zork speaks softly "Calm down Zinnia, I though tis best if ya had it now...errr rather than later. That way you wouldn't have to...well look for it in me room when ya...well needed it."

Zinnia frowns and backs up, she will keep the key but its clear she rather not, "Why would I need it anytime...time soon, your fine!"

Zork frowns, well honesty is always good" No, I;m not fine Zinnia. I be getting worse not better...just sit ok, we can talk about it."

Zinnia shakes her head, a don;t really mean it moment happens, she will probably say sorry later , "Leave me alone!" Key in paw she rushes from the room and down the hallway.

The badger maid heads to the library where she finds Abbot Benar.

RW Abbey: Library

The library has never looked better in seasons as shelves have been

repaired and so have tables and chairs. The once empty sleeves now

have more books in them and not only that the books are in an ABC

order and arranged by subject to better find what one is looking for.

The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned.

This gives the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. The

room has a high vaulted ceiling. The flagstones of the floor are cool

and smooth, and echoes are sometimes heard when beasts walk. Brass

lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light

for reading. Some books are still being mended but being working on

getting on the shelves. The backroom is even very clean and organized

as well. Books were found in the attic and some from Ferravale were

added that the Ferravale beast had maybe two copies of something so

gave Redwall one of the copies for the Redwall library, all in all a

lot of hard work has done wonders for the library.

On an Oakwood desk is the charter laying inside a clear glass case for

all to see. The glass case keeps it safe and clean. Some other chairs

large and small, wooden and soft, have been placed in varies places

in the library and a pile of covers and blankets sit in one corner

with a few pillows as well.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

Zinnia quickly goes into the library and into the book binding room. She needs to get her mind off ealier and fixing books is a good idea. She sits down her knapsack and looks at a key in her paw and frowns, she stuffs it into her robe pocket and sits in a chair.

Benar is stood in the Library looking up at the Abbey Charter, a book held in one hand idly as he considers the words on the charter with interest.

Zinnia had not noticed Benar right away as she looks at a couple books in need or repair and goes to get one causing a few to fall with thumbs to the floor and she sighs.

Benar asks, "What is up my daughter?" Benar asks as he hears the badger sigh and turns to look towards her, "Is everything well?"

Zinnia is half listening when she first hears Benar, "Go away Papa I..." She then frowns, "Abbot Benar, I ..am sorry I thought you were someone else at first. I was checking on books I am meading." She picks up the two books that fell and lays them on the table as she walks over to Benar "I..made a copy of the notes I wrote from the trip, and they are in the recorder logs as well now. I even included a little history of each place." She smiles a little.

Benar says, "Oh thank you very much, I would dearly like a copy for myself. I will add them to the Abbot's records in my rooms." He smiles at the young badger, "But something else is puzzling you Zinnia, what is troubling you so?"

Zinnia nods as she gets out the copy from her pack and goes to hand it to him " Not really...puzzling me, just was checking on Papa earlier. He been in his room a lot since the feast, said he wont be so much but guess he won't go outside much or least much during the day."

Benar says, "Yes.. I am concerned about Zork, he has not been himself since we got home... I really do hope he didn't tire himself out with everything."

Zinnia nods "Me too. We talked a little bit earlier but not too long." She frowns remembering how she basically stormed off, "Maybe should of talked with him more, but..didn't, I sort of told him to leave me be and...well came here."

Benar says, "Well if I can help any Zinnia do please let me know. I will talk to him if you like... though I am not sure what I can say or do to help." He grimaces and tugs on his tail idly, "I did want to ask you to perform a special duty for me but it can wait a few months."

Zinnia still frowns but does grow curious, "Special Duty? What sort? If its to fix a book or two I be glad to help. And I didn't mean to yell at Papa earlier, its just.." She shrugs, " MAybe its nothing."

Benar says, "It is ok Zinnia you are under a lot of stress and well... this would be to undertake a journey as my Ambassador but you would likely be gone for many months. I cannot ask you to leave Zork behind at this time so it will keep."

Zinnia nods slowly, " Ok, you can let me know later then more on what it is. But who would keep track of abbey records while I was away? And would anyone come with me?" she asks as she closes her knapsack that had the copy of the recent trip logs." But yes waiting might be good for now, Papa seemed to not be feeling well earlier today and even asked me to keep something for him, which I will..just he maybe could of waited....maybe"

Benar says, "Of course I'd send someone with you but well... I may send someone else. It isn't urgent so I will think on the matter some more."

Zinnia nods to this "Alright Abbot, and maybe you can speak to papa if you get the chance. He may speak with you more than me, I don't know or maybe I should talk to him later tonight."

Benar says, "Yes of course I will speak to him for you, I would be happy to do so"

Zinnia smiles a little now, "That be good and you can tell him sorry I rushed off when he clearly wanted to talk." She takes a key out and looks at it before placing it back in her pocket for now, "And I will...keep a good eye on the key he gave me, he had mentioned one other time few weeks ago what It went to but it wasn't till today he gave it to me."

Benar asks, "Key?" He asks curious, "Did he say what the key is for?" he tilts his head to one side, "It sounds like something very important to him"

Zinnia nods "Its a key to his nightstand in his room, he has..." She decides not to mention the other key, yeah that be confusing as it goes to something else, then there is this other one and...well its a surprise she remembers. "Well one item is..well a will" She then decides to mention what else, well least what she ends up with "And there is this other key that goes to a chest he has, with...well couple things in it." Yeah his blade and armor.

Benar says, "Ah I see, well I shall ask no more, it is probably best to keep such a thing safe and try not to think about it for now"

Zinnia nods "Of course I would keep a key or any other key safe, but why did he want me to hold onto them for him, could he not just do it just as well?"

Benar looks at Zinnia, "I think he is just being prudent that is all Zinnia, he probably wants you to know where it is in case anything happens to him."

Zinnia frowns at the last couple words, "Nothing is gonna happen to him..he's..he's fine" But words from earlier as she got a clear no I am not from him, she frowns and looks like she may cry, "Excuse me...I need some air" And she walks off without another word.

The badger maid ends up going to the Garden Of The Late Rose and cries for a while before heading inside and deciding to go to bed early, she also skips dinner.