Has Bora arrived in Mossflower??? (Frosted Arrows TP, I think...?)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
Gentle breezes softly drift through the various trees, creating a soft rustle soothing to the ears. The well-worn paw path wanders east and west, not straight as a road but definitely a line.  Most of the path cuts through the thick foliage, beaten and well-trod on grass marking its main course. The trees are alive with various sorts of birds and insects, buzzing chirping and skittering about. There are flowers blooming all along the trail of all sorts of colors, scenting the fresh air lightly with their soft fragrances which almost covers the slight scent of decay that comes from the west.
A large arched brick gateway rises up to end the path to the west, tall wooden palisades spreading out from either side with a ditch at their base. Along the gate's topmost arch is carved beautifully in granite, one word. Ferravale. In the vertical sections of the arch are two large openings, within are two large ferret mercenaries, the town's guard with further mercenaries in the guardhouse that can just be seen butting up to the inside of the walls. Inside of this huge arch is a well-crafted cast iron gate, very thick with bars a paw's width apart. A symbol rests is made in the iron, a large paw print, split down the center.
Exits: [G]uardhouse, [Enter] Ferravale, [E]ast

Thunderwing the male eagle. Blisa the female cat, Ferdinand the male ferret, Basilisk 'Basil' the male whiptail snake, and spoofed guards.

Thunderwing is flying overhead and looks downwards, he circles and then lands on the path before the gates and folds his wings at his side stepping a little sideways to look around.

Blisa has been inspecting the walltop guards, Ferdinand the ferret and Basilisk the whiptail snake in tow. She was just talking to the gatekeeper when shouts and screams echo from the guards on the wall. "IT'S AN EAGLE! IT'S THE EAGLE WE'VE HEARD RUMOURS OF!!!" Leaping up the wallsteps 2 at a time, the lithe feline makes the walltop and peeks down at the now-landed bird. She scowls at the nearest guard. "That's a male, stupid. The eagle we've been hearing about is a female." She climbs up onto the ramparts and calls down, "Welcome to Ferravale, Sir Eagle! My name is Blisa Wyrmtamer. How may I help you?" Basil has stayed down on the ground, but Ferdinand is standing behind the cat, making sure that she doesn't fall.

Thunderwing lowers his head as if ready to fight if they so choose it, he tilts his head and keeps a close eye on them both, "I be Thunderwing, from far northlands be, this being village, Thunderwing notta know of village..Thunderwing hunt white fox with blue arrow on paw and holding stolen sword of friend"

Blisa, deciding that he's probably not a threat, shouts down to the gatekeeper, "Open the gates!" She and Ferdinand then vanish from the bird's sight as they go back down the wallsteps. The petite feline walks out of the gates, the ferret and the snake beside her, a few other guards following close behind. She smiles into the eagle's face in a friendly manner. "Greetings, Sir Thunderwing. You must be tired from your long journey. Would you care for some food and drink, and maybe lodging for he night?" A guard runs off to find some food as Blisa rests a paw on Basil's nose. "I'm sorry to say that the only white fox around here is Flicktail, Champion of Redwall. We have seen no other white fox for many seasons, so I cannot help you find the one that you are looking for. I'm sorry that I cannot help you."

Thunderwing nods "Thunderwing require waterdrinks and maybe breads...." He nods at the mention of no other white foxes, he knows this one's name. He shakes his head "I scout ahead for friends Zee and Flare. Need keep close to them yes"

Her ears perking, Blisa looks deeply into the eagle's eyes. "Zee! He used to live here--his house is still here, waiting for him. Is he alright? We've been worried about him." Ferdinand narrows his golden eyes and asks, "Why are they chathing a white fox? And what ith the thignificance of a blue arrow tattoo?" The guard comes back with a plate with fruit, veggie salad, and an oatfarl on it, and a canteen of sweet mint tea. He hands them to the cat, who offers them to the bird.

Thunderwing is unsure of the tea, but he does eat the fruit and oats "Zee is friendbeast, he with hare Flare 4-5 days north of here. Fox is evil...has Blade of Northwind Storms...it notta his blade, he stolen it"

Blisa nods and leans against the snake's side. Basil hisses and says, "If foxsssssssssssssssss showsssssss hissssss face, may I eat him? I've never had white foxssssssss....." Ferdinand glares at the reptile, then adresses the bird again. "Blade of the Northwind Thtormth....I think I have heard of that before.....who did the fox thteal it from?" The feline adds, "And why would the fox be coming down here of all places?"

Thunderwing eats and drinks the tea before he answers, "Belong Winters clan...badfox get key from falcon that ferret sent...now fox has sword and uses sword for bad, needa find and get back. Thunderwing also was looking for beasts Marek and Zurrgg...but may be..." He stops there.

Ferdinand stares at the bird. "Winterth clan....Zork! Wath that Zork'th thword??" Blisa bolts straight upright, staring in mild horror at the eagle. "Marek! What's happened to him? Is he alright?? You must tell us everything! Please!" She looks genuinely concerned about the stoat.

Thunderwing lowers his head "Marek friend...fall off cliffside with evil wildcat...fighting both was, no find either of them no find at all, Thunderwing still look." He nods at the name "Know of Zork Winters...friend Zee knows of...his sword need find and geta back soon "

Blisa looks devastated at the news about Marek, but she does admiringly well at composing herself. "I see. Thank you. We will keep a lookout for both him and the fox.....what did you say his name is, again?" she's so distraught that she's forgotten that the eagle hasn't actually mentioned the fox's name yet. Basil slithers a little ways past the eagle and looks around, as big around as an elm tree trunk and as long as an elm tree. Ferdinand nods. "And idea ath to where thith fox might be headed with Zork'th thword?"

Thunderwing says, "Notta say Fox name...fox be Bora, is pure evil is....wildcat is Zurrgg..but may deaded be few survive bad bad fall..."

Blisa sniffs as she tries to hold back tears. She is losing any hope that Marek is still alive. Ferdinand nods. "Bora....thank you. We'll keep a close lookout for the 3 of them. Hopefully Bora can be thtopped before he hurthth anybeatht." Basil looks at them all hopefully. "Can I eat him?? Pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssse???"

Thunderwing looks at the snake "Blisa friend have snake? Snake is good beast?"

Blisa wipes away a rogue tear and nods. "Aye, he's my pet. He won't eat you, don't worry. I don't let him harm my friends." Basil turns so he can look at them more easily and hisses happily. "May I eat Bora if he showssssssss up?" Ferdinand pinches the bridge of his nose and suppresses a sigh.

Thunderwing tilts his head "Bora might kill snake...is very dangerous." He then seems to remember something, "Bora may be after someone..."

Basil shakes his head. "I sssshall eat him firsssssst...." Blisa looks up at the eagle's face. "Who? Who could he be after?" Ferdinand suddenly looks up and asks, "Did thith Bora have a ferret working for him named Maguth?"

Thunderwing nods "Magus...magus crazy beast, thinks killed badgermaid, but Thunderwing no find proof...if still alive badfox look for her, want revenge on Winters clan... Bora killed Hyde in front of friend Zee...Bora killa other friends, but all frosted arrow but him stopped and slaves had be free now...but Bora escaped and Thunderwing track down and update friends Flare and Zee mostfast when find news"

Blisa gasps. "Zinnia! She /is/ still alive. Oh, I hope she stays in Redwall.....at least it'll be hard for anybeast to harm her there..." Ferdinand purses his lips into a thin line. "He tried to kill Zinnia, but we were able to thtop him. We had been keeping him in our holding thell, but he ethcaped....or wath pothibly realeathed, by whom we don't know."

Thunderwing tilts his head and bops his head "Badger be lives? Others thinkum dead...Friend Zee will like this news much. Thunderwing also tell of ferret being free...Ferret may find fox and travel with him"

Blisa shakes her head. "That would be terrible. We should alert the Abbey about this. They should know that they need to keep Zinnia inside Redwall." Ferdinand nods in agreement, then turns back to the eagle. "Do that, pleathe. They mutht know that Maguth wath lying, and that Zinnia is alive."

Thunderwing nods "Thunderwing can deliver message soonfast"

Blisa nods and pulls out a peice of paper and a charcoal pencil from her bag. She starts to write out a note. Ferdinand nods, too, and says, "That would be much appreciated, thank you. Mith Blitha, you might want to refrain from mentioning Marek.....jutht in cathe Lily ith who recieveth the methage." The cat nods and continues to write.

Thunderwing watches as they write and he preens a wing "Thunderwing last see white fox north of here...close to friends Zee and Flare...he follow path, but not seen since, not ona road or northern path past bridge...is good maybe not seeing"

Blisa seals her letter and holds it out to the eagle. "You can give this ot any of the guards and Order members you meet at Redwall, aswell as DoraRose or LilyMoore. They are mice, and I trust them. They will get the letter to the Abbot as soon as they can." Ferdinand shakes his head slightly, but keeps his pessimistic thoughts to himself, saying instead, "Maybe."

Thunderwing tilts head "Maybe?"

Thunderwing decides to back off and fly away, abbey can't be that hard to find from the air

Thanks for reading! After watching him go, they all went back inside. Blisa, Ferdinand, and Basil went home, and the cat locked herself in her room and had a good long cry for Marek.
