HTML Allowed?

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated November 30, 2008 in the category Website Admin by marie. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 1 replies.

Sun, 11/30/2008 - 20:14

I was creating a page and tried to enter a table, which seemed to work fine when using the little "eye" button above the text area to preview as I went. But as soon as I used the Preview button, the table went out the window. I saved it, curious to see if there was some error with the preview, but the table is still missing.

I checked the "Compose tips" page that discusses HTML tags, and the line that talks about HTML being allowed is a little confusing to me. I read it as "All HTML is allowed, we've explained some of these useful ones", but then the sentence/paragraph ends with "these that we've enabled." I guess I assumed that since the 'eye' preview saw the table, it was fine.

Help please? The page I was working on is here. Thanks!
