Group Positions

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

A list of jobs and the beasts that fill them. They are listed in going from highest rank (top) to the lowest (bottom). However currnetly Crew Beast, Cooks, Lookouts, and Archers hold no rank over one another.

The Ravenwing is in need of crew beasts and slaves, the crew positions are as follows.

Captain, is the current master of the ship and her crew. The Captain is currently Ripclaw, you can challenge him but as long as the loot keeps comeing in, he has strong support from most of the crew.

First Mate, second in command on the ship. The First Mate does have IC command over any beast under him/her. Status: Erebos

Bosun, this beast is charged with punishing any disobedient crew members and slaves. The Bosun can be compaired to a third in command on the ship so there can only be one. Status: Scorn

Slave Master, works below decks keeping the slaves rowing and holds rank over all but the Bosun, First mate, and Captain. Status: Needed!

Ship's Doctor, is in charge of treating injured crew members. Currently there is only one on-board but more maybe added later. Status: Erebos

Steers Beasts, steer the ship and acts as Quarter Deck lookout, have some slight command over others. Status: Needed!

Archers, are tasked with the duty of picken off the crews of other ships and also double as crew beasts. Status: Saja, more needed!

Crew Members, do such things as rig the sails scrub the decks and act as warriors when offensively boarding another ship or raiding an island. Status: Anouk, Havoc, Needed!

Lookouts, take turns watching for signed of ships reefs, islands, and rocks. Status: Marek, Pagoon

Cook, cook the crews grub. Status: Iah

And Finally Slaves, have multible jobs including rowing, cook's asistaint, Captian's server, and a quick way to get cash if sold. Status: Koller, Kisp.