Going On Ahead To Ferravale

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

~~~~~ I know it's very very short but it's still a quick log me and Rayen did of them walking along the forest path and then making it to Ferravale ! Enjoy~~~~

Zinnia walks along the path and smiles “I can’t wait to see Uncle Zee I don’t get to see him too very often since he lives in Ferravale.”

Rayen nods and asks, “Why does he live there out of curiosity? Seems he would dislike the place.”

Zinnia shrugs, “I don’t know, he just does and he seems to get along with beasts there. I may ask him as he has only sent one letter to me, then again I did forget to write but I had a sparrow tell him I was ok and would be on a trip with the abbot going a few places for a couple weeks and that he could go to the Summer Feast at the quarry if he wants to and I will ask him again and if he says No, well that’s ok.”

Rayen nods again as they walk and adjust her longbow and quiver sack, “It feels good to walk and get free air, I can’t stand to be on place too long and having Flicktail seem to worry too much about me, or worry about whether he can go into Camp Willow or not.”

“Well you are with dibbun, so maybe it’s that and I have no clue on Camp Willow, sorry I never been there. I do know we go there after Ferravale and then to the Quarry where the feast is.” Zinnia says with a smile at the end.” Can’t wait for the feast! They are always fun and great and there is always a good time to be had.”

Rayen smiles to this “Yes there is. I wander through if they will have anything new and different, I have had some..well odd cravings lately. Like hotroot stew with sunflower seeds and honey. Also I want chocolate and carrots. And I know this is not too, well abbey like, but I want some wood Pidgeon with chocolate, carrots, hotroot and a little bit of onions. I could get that at the tavern in Ferravale and yeah, eat it before the others get there.”

Zinnia looks like she wants to be ill, she is not sure why but all that mixture just sounds bad to her “Umm..yeah I bet you could..do that…” She coughs and changes the subject “Anyways, any name ideas for the soon to be dibbun?”

Rayen smiles and changes the subject to baby names “Maybe Kate for a girl or Howell for a boy, I am unsure yet as I have a lot of name ideas to work with and I am sure Flicky does as well. Not to worry I have a lot of time it’s not due to come for a few weeks yet.”

Zinnia nods and smiles as they near the gates “Well we are here, let’s find Chieftain Scioto and then we can find my Uncle Zee, I am sure Uncle Zee will let us stay at his place for a day.”

Rayen looks at the gates, “Alright..find Scioto, then your Uncle Zee and then I am getting something to eat.”

Zinnia says “Alright then, sounds like a plan.” She then heads on inside and makes sure Rayen stays within sight of her. This should be a good day, long as those rain clouds stay away!