Giving Others The News Of The Death Of Lorimis

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

FV:Town Hall:Chieftain's Office(#226082R)

This is an office where the Chieftain does some of his work. A large desk sits in the room and has varies important papers on it. A chair is by the desk and a window looks outside.

Exits: [H]olding [C]ell, [B]ack


Blisa is beyond concerned. Her father didn't come home last night. Dragging her bodyguards along with her (but leaving her snake at home), she has made her way to the Chieftain's office. Knocking on the door, she calls out, "Dad?" Turning the handle, she goes to open the door.

Scioto has fallen asleep at his desk, using the desk as a pillow he blinks and slowly sits up as papers are stuck to his forehead he gets them off and looks to the door.."What?" He says quietly and looks out the window and frowns "'s..morning I see" He says softly.

Nightbreath enters quietly behind Blisa, in his usual outfit of robes, but forgoing his cloak for once. There's a sense of sadness in his every movement.

Blisa stomps over to her father's desk as Ferdinand and the other bodyguards spread throughout the office. "Dad, why did you sleep here? I was so worried." Ferdinand notes the Seers demeanor and silently settles into a chair.

Nightbreath sits down in an unoccupied chair and sighs, bowing his head. He glances over to Scioto, waiting, as always, instructions.

Scioto frowns, "I am sorry...that recorder, from the abbey came and the old badger, the one that talks too much and is rude and..." He sighs and lays a paw on his forehead, he did promise he tell her but how, "He..." Tears go down his face now, yes the abbot was seen as a friend, one of the few beasts Scioto truly talked to at the abbey.

Blisa softens immediately as her father starts crying. Moving swiftly around the desk, she goes to hug him, her silver locket glinting slightly. "Dad, it's okay. I'm right here. Sshh, now, hush, love..." she says soothingly, going to stroke his head. The bodyguards sit or stand quietly, dreading whatever news might have come from the Abbey.

Nightbreath has already done his grieving, for he was somehow aware of Lorimis passing already. But he bows his head respectfully once more, murmuring, "And thus the cycle continues," cryptically. He instinctively draws closer to Blisa, in case she needs comfort. Lorimis was one of the first friends Nightbreath made in this region--the Abbot, when on 'vacation' in Ferravale, was indeed the first Mossflower beast that Nightbreath ever spoke to, several seasons ago. The two were fast friends and Nightbreath regrets deeply the loss of the Abbot. He walks over to stand by Scioto's side, in his rightful position. "Be strong," he whispers to the room in general.

Scioto frowns, "Abbot Lorimis dead" He says seemly in a far off sort of voice.

Blisa gasps and covers her mouth with a paw. Ferdinand bows his head as the rest of the bodyguards look to each-other in disbelief. "No...Dad, no..." the young cat begins to sob. "He...he can't be! It...he can't be!"

Scioto clears his throat" So we are going to go to the abbey soon and pay our respects"

Nightbreath gives Blisa a hug, saying nothing, trying to project a feeling of calm into his actions.

Blisa weeps silently, sagging into the ermine's embrace. Ferdinand sniffs and nods. "I think we thould. Maybe go the day before the funeral and stay a few dayth." The rest of the bodyguards nod, sorrow etched into their features, even though for them, the Spring Feast was the first place they had ever met him.

Scioto nods "Yes...we need to go." He wipes away a couple tears, "I. At first started to tell them to go away and then the one badger. Zee is his name, said Lorimis died and the other badger ran off somewhere"

Nightbreath sighs and after a moment releases the little kitten. He murmurs, "We should go to Red wall, for sure. When do we depart?"

Scioto stands slowly "Soon, the recorder and her Uncle may of already left and on their way they said morning after all."

Blisa is sobbing still as Ferdinand stands and lifts her up into his strong arms. "I think we thould leave on Monday. I doubt the funeral will be before then."

Scioto nods and hmmmms but then who watches the village for a week, or about a week.

"Might I suggest Ragg--my apprentice? He has learned much from me and would make a suitable leader in the time that we are gone." Nightbreath offers this smoothly.

Scioto nods "That could work, would only be a week and even though I do trust one other....ummm wouldn’t be the wisest decision to choose." he lays his ears flat on his head.

Blisa has quieted down, but is still crying into Ferdinand's shoulder. The ferret nods. "Aye, I had a terrifying image of Bathil in charge of the village. Ragg would be a much better choice."

Scioto nods "He can let others in the village know of Lorimis passing to the dark forest, I wonder whom will be abbot after this"

"Most likely Benar," Nightbreath reasons. "Anyways, that's settled."

Scioto nods "Maybe he would be a wise choice"

Ferdinand sits in the chair, hugging his charge close. Sniffing, Blisa whispers, "I...think he would be a good....Abbot...."

Nightbreath adjusts his belt, saying, "I shall go inform Ragg now." He heads off.

Scioto nods "Yes and we leave as we discussed. I am sure the abbey will be expecting us"

Blisa nods miserably as Ferdinand stands. "I'll go and begin making preparations for our departure. Pleathe come home tonight, Thir. We need you." And he leaves carrying Blisa, the other bodyguards trailing close behind.

-Later That Day, Around Dinner-


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Scioto walks into the tavern slowly. He has on his sword and has done some things around the village as he gets ready to go to Redwall.

Marek is here with Zaram, Zaram is serving drinks as Marek is writing something down in a journal as he looks up and back to his work, "You know you have no recorder here Mr. Scioto, but I have managed to update records for you." He closes the journal and lays it aside," Going somewhere?" He goes to take a sip of his ale.

Scioto nods "Yes, Ragg is in charge for a few days. I am going to Redwall Abbey. It be wise if you stayed here, as...some may not totally believe you’re an ally..." He sighs, "I am going to pay my respects to Abbot Lorimis, he has died."

The ale glass drops from his paw and crashes to the floor as he looks at the chieftain in shock and disbelief, "Abbot Lorimis is...dead?"

Scioto nods "Yes, in his sleep a couple days ago."

Marek looks deeply sadden by this news, "He..will be missed. Me and him talked much while I was at the abbey, some of what he said took a while to sink in but it did after a while, maybe it’s part of why I have..changed my ways " He looks at Scioto "As most know I am no saint Mr. Scioto and most likely never will be but as for unforgivable deeds those days are gone."

Scioto nods as he listens, "I thought you may want to know"

Marek frowns, tears go down his face at the news of Lorimis. He is truly upset and when Zaram offers him a tissue he shakes his head.

Scioto sighs he doesn’t like to see any beast upset, even Marek, "Your able to stay in that guest room again it’s been...cleaned out totally and is safe again, even have some trusted guards to stay by your know in case beasts give you trouble while I am away"

Marek nods, he lets tears flow and a couple sobs escape as he goes to stand "I..will my room..g...good eve Mr. S..Scioto..Zaram..come on" Zaram quickly follows the stoat as they go up the stairs to the room. Marek can be heard sobbing now like he has lost a good friend and Zaram helps him inside the room and the door is closed. The two guards frown but stay by the doorway, if they are needed he can come out and tell them, but most likely he will be in there a while to grieve.

Scioto sits down in a chair and takes a deep breath. He wipes away a tear and after maybe an hour of just sitting and thinking he finally gets up and heads home to his daughter, as well as Ferdinand and the others...his family, final things to get ready are done and they soon will be off for Redwall Abbey.