Geting Biff back.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

 In the Great hall.

Lot comes from the entry.

Lot has arrived.

Silver smiles."Well its not that bad astro!'

Lot steps quickly into the room and looks around,he frowns and seems worried.

You room-page, "hi"

Jake looks at the door and blinks,he folds his arms over his chest"Well...someone showed up"

Jake has disconnected.

Astro says, "Yes, it is that bad." He turns and sees /another/ big rabbit. He calls out unshyly, "Hi there!"

Silver frowns, walks over to the hare and grabs the hare by the thoat."You better tell me where my wife is if you enjoy liveing..."

Thomas stands a little taller and indavertently tightens the grip on his son's shoulder. He watches the two hares cautiously. "Hey, what's going on here?"

Lot frowns, ok he was expecting that,he coughs some and goes to move his paw..he gets out gets out a word "D..Dibbuns..."

Jake rasies an eyebrow and then frowns "Dibbuns?...wait he doesn't mean?....does he?"

Astro's eyes go wide as he stares at the hares.

Silver frowns and looks at lot."Just tell me where my wife is!"

Lot manages to get the paw away from his thoat and coughs a few times and rubs it.." church."

Silver frowns and lets him go."Show me..."

Lot frowns and nods "Alright, I will show you..." He looks at the others and sighs as he heads back out.

You have been offered a ride by Lot. Use '+ride accept Lot' to accept.

You are now traveling with Lot.

Lot heads outside and into the Abbey Entry..

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

RW Abbey: Entry

This is a sandy area between Great Hall and the main gates of the Abbey. It obviously gets a great deal of traffic, if one is to judge by the number of pawprints going every which direction here. There is an obvious path leading to the double doors of Great Hall. In places that are not so trampled, new shoots of green grass and budding dandelions are making their presence known.

There is a bustle of activity here, and you can hear the occasional murmur of a passing conversation. The sun is high overhead, and shadows are small. All is bright.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage


[IC] Lot


Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot walks boldly through the gates and leaves.

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

RW Abbey: Main Gate

Only the smallest fractures suggest a earth tremor almost brought Redwall Abbey down to its very feet. But today it still stands, with the sounds of good will and hard work piping over the walls While there are racks and rivulets that show the damage that happened quite some time ago, The abbey beasts are at hard as work ever. As snow has given way to spring, there is so much do do now-- won't you come in?

Are you a newcomer to Redwall? Type +skills apply rwchat to keep track of what's happening.

Be sure to check out the MOTD for the abbey when there is new information: type '+motd $redwall'

Our Website is being updated: -- grab an account and join in!

Exits: [Enter] the abbey, [R]ight Along [W]all, [L]eft Along [W]all, [R]oad


[IC] Lot


Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot steps onto the road.

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

On the east side of the road rises the main gate of Redwall Abbey, a massive, ancient structure of red sandstone that nearly obstructs the entirety of the eastern horizon. Here the road has been noticeably better cared for--ruts and potholes are few and far between, and the surface is smoothed and kept free of cropping weeds. Despite this, there is the sense of a thousand pawtreads beneath your feet, taken by beasts long forgotten. Only the Abbey seems a constant, unchanging sentinel--worn and battered by the elements, but still standing tall.

Exits: [D]itch, [G]rasslands, Redwall [Gate], [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot travels South along Dirt Road

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

You stand upon the dirt road, the great barrier between the neverending oceans of golden grass and the green boughs and iron trunks of Mossflower Woods. To the east stands the crimson stone of the walls of Redwall Abbey, pocked and marred by the labors of time, and laced by the beginning shoots of climbing vines and wild roses. The dirt under your paws is hard packed, though in places the rains have carved out little potholes and rivulets.

Exits: [G]rasslands, [W]all, [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot travels South along Dirt Road

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

the road. The white, slender stalks shine in the sun's embrace, and

the rich, warm, scent of the dry earth rises into the air. White and

well-traveled, the road meanders north and south, with the pale scarlet

silhoutte of Redwall Abbey rising proudly against the dark sky in

the north. The repaired section of the wall sticks out a little with

it's slightly different hue. A few tough clumps of grass have sprouted

in the middle of the road, dotting the dull brown with patches of white

and green.

Exits: [G]rasslands, [W]all, [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

[IC] Gregorian

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot travels South along Dirt Road

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road -------------------------

Winding to the north and south, the road leads onward to unknown lands.

Grasslands surround the dusty trail, shining golden in the sunlight.

The grasses are thick and high, concealing any beasts that may travel

there. The road itself is plain, yet it serves its purpose well. Free of

potholes and bumps, the hard-packed dirt is obviously employed often. A

few glimpses of green wildflowers can be seen dotting the grasslands, and

the occasional scrub tree emerges from the sea of gold.

Exits: [M]eadow, [G]rasslands, [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot travels South along Dirt Road

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road -------------------------

Simple, and ever-lasting, the dirt road travels on, to the north and south,

as a highway for all beasts, shining in the sunlight and warm with

the summer's heat. Grasslands surround the road, gently swaying in an

unseen breeze, golden stalks, like beams of sunlight captured on their

journey from the heavens to the earth. To the south, a single structure

emerges out of the sea of grass. The building, seemingly abandoned, is

only the singed framework of what looks to have once been a church. Now,

though, it offers only scanty shelter. Though the road is slightly

rutted, it's condition is certainly acceptable for most beasts to walk

upon, and by the pawprints marking its surface, it appears to be often


Exits: [M]eadow, [S]trange [C]learing, [G]rasslands, [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot travels South along Dirt Road

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Dirt Road

Mossflower - Dirt Road -------------------------

The road travels on, to the north and south, as a winding ribbon of

simplistic service. Unchanging, and plain, the hard-packed dirt that

forms the road is riddled with a myriad of small ruts, and printed with

the marks of countless beasts' footpaws. A sprinkling of wildflowers

offer random dots of color against the sun-scorched brown of the road.

To the east, a charred skeleton of a church rises from the grasslands

as only a sad remembrance of what was once a magnificent structure.

Westward, and all around the church, grasslands stretch onward, swaying

lightly in the sunlight.

Exits: [E]ast to [M]eadow, A [F]ork in the [R]oad, St. [N]inians [R]uins, [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot heads for St.Ninians Ruins from the Dirt Road

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

St.Ninians Ruins: Churchyard

The churchyard stands quiet as few beasts seem to roam within

it. Though vermin seeem to have long left the old church, the

area seems to have a coldness about it. In the distance looms

the burned out hulk of the old church, still standing despite

its old age. Darkness just seems to encompass the area in a fog.

Rubble is scattered around and the ground lies charred and

barren, even after many year. The area is void of much life and

has a foreboding feel to it. Equally obvious is the ancient

graveyard, fenced in by an old and rusty fence breached only by

an equally ancient and rusty gate.

Entrances/Exits: -----------------------

[I]nto the [C]hurch, [C]emetary [G]ate, [D]irt [R]oad,

[I]nto the [F]orest, [M]ossflower [W]oods


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Mossflower Woods

You stand somewhere between the threshold of the forest and the small dirt road that lies before you. You look up it, and down it, and see that it stretches as far north and south as you can see. Closer to the north, you can see the ruins of a small chapel through the trees. Behind you lies the dense forest.

Exits: [S]outh, [M]olty [B]ookworm [P]ub, [S]agebrush [I]nn, [F]urther into the [W]oodlands, [S]t. [N]inian's [C]hurch, [Fo]rest, [R]oad


[IC] Lot

Lot arrives with: Silver

Player Title S Species Stat Idle Location

RiverBot M Eel OOC 2m [ [1] ]

Madison #WINNING! F Squirrel DYN 23s Floret: Courtyard

Laura Reborn F Squirrel IC 15s Floret: Courtyard

Garheld King M Squirrel IC 19s Floret: Courtyard

Arevin Barkeep F Fox OOC 6m Mordor Vault

Biff wth child F Hare IC 18s Mossflower Woods

Lot M Hare IC 6s Mossflower Woods

Silver Healer M Hare IC 1s Mossflower Woods

Thomas LVTER M Otter IC 35s RW Abbey: Great Hall

Astro Dibbun M Otter IC 5s RW Abbey: Great Hall

Jake Guard M Hare IC 27s RW Abbey: Great Hall

Lucas Brother M Mouse IC 5m RW Priory: Guest Dormitory

Layne Beekeeper F Mouse IC 2m RW Priory: North Bedroom

Aeysin Barking F Fox OOC 16m Send - Snow Dragon Inn - Room 1

Teela TypoQeuen F Mouse AFK 14m Snowfire Cabin: Master Bedroom

SSward_build M Falcon BLD 1m Southsward Forest

Ajax +staff M Cat OOC 10m Southsward Forest

04:52:41 PM - 04/28/11--

Lot walks off to St. Ninian's church.

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

St.Ninians Ruins: Churchyard

The churchyard stands quiet as few beasts seem to roam within

it. Though vermin seeem to have long left the old church, the

area seems to have a coldness about it. In the distance looms

the burned out hulk of the old church, still standing despite

its old age. Darkness just seems to encompass the area in a fog.

Rubble is scattered around and the ground lies charred and

barren, even after many year. The area is void of much life and

has a foreboding feel to it. Equally obvious is the ancient

graveyard, fenced in by an old and rusty fence breached only by

an equally ancient and rusty gate.

Entrances/Exits: -----------------------

[I]nto the [C]hurch, [C]emetary [G]ate, [D]irt [R]oad,

[I]nto the [F]orest, [M]ossflower [W]oods


[IC] Lot

You found a OOC building credit!

Lot arrives with: Silver

Lot enters Mossflower Woods from the Churchyard.

Lot leaves with: Silver

Lot has left.

Mossflower Woods

Beyond these trees lies an old ruin. St. Ninian's chapel. None know where it came from, but all know it has been standing since as far back as any can remember. Doubtless these woods have as well. To the north, south, and east the woods stretch, becoming thicker and thicker the deeper you go. A bird chirps somewhere, and you feel the trance broken.

Exits: [R]uins of [S]t. Ninian's, [E]ast, [S]outh, [N]orth


[IC] Lot

[IC] looking like she is with dibbun (Biff)

Lot arrives with: Silver

Silver walks behind lot...still not looking happy.

Lot points to Biff

Silver frowns and walks over to biff."Biff...are you ok?"

Biff frowns."No...but glad someone you made it...was thinking i would would be stuck out here in the woods alone haveing to find a way to birth the dibbuns myself..."

Silver blinks."Oh..well do you think we can get you back to the abbey?"

Biff shakes her head."No...its a bit late for that..."

Silver sighs."Ok than...umm"He looks at lot."Lot go find some water or something!"

Biff asks."So you know wot you are doing right silver?"

Silver nods."Yes...dont worry, but do try to stay calm."

Biff nods."Ok...I can do that..."

Silver begins helping biff birth the dibbuns...

Lot isnt sure how to help he just

The soft cry of dibbuns can be heard as they are born...

Lot room-pages, "missed the water pose, add he got water...or something".

Silver sits back and looks at lot."Did you find any water?"

Lot blinks "Oh yeah..water" He hands him the water and looks at the dibbuns "Everything alright then?"

Biff nods and holds the two dibbuns."Yes...i guess its fine now..."

Silver shrugs."DOnt know...biff and I are going back to the can do wot you want..."

Lot starts to say something and frowns, he shakes his head "Wot ever..I..I'm sorry" He walks away looking depressed,he looks back one last time and weakly smiles " you two...yeah" he slips off.

Biff sighs and looks at silver." do you plan on geting all of us back to the abbey."He points to her foot."I kinda got stabbed..."

Silver sighs."Dont know i can help you...and i guess the dibbuns can stay in my pack..."He helps her up, wraps the dibbuns up in some cloth and put them both in his large backpack...

Back at the Great Hall.

You go into the Great Hall.

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.

Shadows are long in the dying evening light.

              [K]itchen    [St]airs   [C]avern [H]ole
              [Li]brary    [En]try    [B]reezeway



a message (board) with notes tacked to it


[IC] looking like she is with dibbun (Biff)

[IC] Oz

[IC] [Thomas] is a tall, muscular otter.

[IC] [Astro] is a rambunctious little otterling.


Silver walks into the abbey helping biff walk along side him...

Biff walks into the abbey with silvers help...her foots is bandaged up and she is looking alot more like her normal small self...

Astro looks at the hares. "Hello, Mistah Flowerty. Is that Mrs. Flowerty?"

Oz looks up as Biff and Silver enter, "You found is she..what happen?"

Silver looks at astro and nods."Yes...this is Mrs. Flaherty."

Biff smiles."Hello oz!"

Oz smiles "Its good to see she is back" she looks at Astro and chuckles "Baths can be fun"

Astro sticks out his tongue. "Nuh-uh. Swimmin's fun. Eatin's fun. Stayin' up late's fun. Bathin' isn't fun."

Holly arrives from the Staircase..

Holly has arrived.

Biff smiles."Its good to be back...but we umm...brought back a few extras...

Oz chuckle at the otter and then blinks at Biff "Extras?"

Thomas laughs, understanding the meaning there. "Congratulations!"

Silver nod and set down his backpack."Aye extras..."He pulls the two small dibbuns who were sleeping in his backpack out and sits donw."See extras..."

Biff laughs."Silver had to put them in his back pack so he could help me get back stabbed in the foot by a i could not walk..."

Astro asks, "Didja kill the rat dead?"

Biff nods."Yep!"

And once again, the door opens to give entry to a rather disheveled, rather muddy mousemaid. Holly doesn't appear to be any worse for the wear, save for a few leaves and bits of mud stuck in her pigtails as she proudly tromps into the hall.

Oz shakes his head"Silver..ok you need to learn to carry dibbuns better maybe you can wear on your side, and they sleep safe in it," He smiles "Yes and they will need...ummm, well feed soon unless was already"

Thomas raises an eyebrow at the whole carrying newborns in a backpack thing. It raises higher at the muddy mousemaid who enters. "Hello there, miss."

Astro points at Holly. "Pa, /she/ needs a bath way afore I do."

Biff sighs."DId not have time...we left as soon as we could...but can do it later..."

Silver laughs."Sorry...did not have anyother way to carry them..."

"Hi!" Holly chirps out to Thomas, continuing on her path as she tromps across the Great Hall, spreading muck and dirt in her path. She seems to be on a mission.

Silver smiles."Hello holly!"

Oz blinks"Looks like baths tonight" he chuckles a little and looks at Silver "Take Biff and the dibbuns to the infirm or..maybe I can help" He gets up and goes to gently take the newborns hares in his arms,he looks at Silver "And you help Biff upstairs, she will need rest feed the dibbuns"

Silver nods."Ok..."He stand up and starts to help biff up to the infirmary...

Oz heads over towards the Stairs..

Oz has left.

Biff sighs and goes with silver saying."I hate not useing both feet..."

Biff heads over towards the Stairs..

Biff has left.

You move off towards the Stairs..

RW Abbey: Staircase

A flight of stairs that curve counterclockwise up through the abbey. The walls close in around the stairs tightly, ensuring that no dibbuns will go toppling off the stairs. Each level of the staircase has a stone platform that leads off into the different floors. The advent of an earthquake has not made these old stairs more stable, though the upheaval of the earth does not seem to have rendered them useless; it would be wise for all beasts to heed the squeeks and creaks of the staircase now.

Exits: [G]reat [H]all, [L]ower [F]loor, [M]iddle [F]loor, [U]pper [F]loor


You head off to the Middle Floor..

RW Abbey: Middle Dormitory

The middle dormitory is composed of a large hallway that is lined with brass lined doors that lead to many obvious places. The infirmary being one of the most hectic places in the abbey always has beasts rushing in and out of that area. The bunkroom for visitors is almost as equally hectic. The northern and southern ward are set into dormitories for the male and female abbey beast that have not yet earned their own dormitory on the lower floor.

Exits: [N]orthern (Male) [D]ormitory, [S]outhern (Female) [D]ormitory, [B]unk [R]oom, [St]airs, [In]firmary


You move off towards the Infirmary..

RW Abbey: Infirmary

Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall. Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds. Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper. A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Exits: Infirmary [Rec]overy Room, [H]ealer's [D]ormitory, [O]pen [G]round, [Hall]


[IC] looking normal! (Biff)

[IC] Oz

Oz lets Biff lay down and lets her hold the dibbuns and feed them while he looks around, he lets a healer tend to her and the dibbuns and looks at Silver "So what happen to ...her father or did you sneak her off?"

Silver sighs."He just kinda left...just hope he does not come back..."

Biff laughs some."Well this has been a fun day...geting stabbed...giveing birth..."

Oz looks at Biff and back to Silver "Just left,thats all?"He nods "Ok Biff, rest and finish feeding the dibbuns"

Biff smiles."I think i can do that!"

Silver nods."Yes he just left...did not even put up a fight..."

Oz hmmms "Odd, hope he isnt planing on anything"

Silver nods."Me too..."

Byronn arrives from the Middle Dormitory..

Byronn has arrived.

Biff smiles."So wot now?"

Oz smiles "Well you rest and..congrats on the newborns, you...have names yet?"

Byronn Walks into the infirmary carrying a small dibbun. He looks around and sees Biff. " Your back!"

Biff smiles as byronn walks in."Yes i am back!"

Silver sighs."Not yet..."

Byronn Sits in a chair and smiles. " Newborns? congrats!"

Biff smiles."Thanks..."She looks at silver."Did you ever think of any names?"

Oz smiles and points to the newborns in Biffs arms.

Silver thinks for a second than grins."Yep!"

Biff smiles."Well wot are they?"

Byronn grins and listens, tickling the dibbuns ears

Silver smiles rather proud of his idea."Wot do you think of Ryan and lacey!"

Biff smiles."Well thoes will work!"

Silver smiles."Well than ryan and lacey it is!"

Oz smiles "Fine names"

Byronn nods. "Both are nice names" he dabs the dibbun's face with a damp cloth, trying to help the fever. " He's been burning up all day" he says worridly

Silver frowns."Well here."He digs in his backpack and pulls out some herbs."These will help with the feaver!"

Byronn takes the herbs thankfully and begins to administer them to the ill mouse

Biff asks."How long has he been sick?"

Byronn says, "a few days now..."

Biff frowns."Oh...well i hope he gets better..."

Byronn nods " Me too..." he lightly kisses his head. " so...twins?"

Oz has left.

Silver nods."Yep..."

Byronn exclaims, "thats fantastic!"

Silver smiles."Yes it is."

Biff smiles."So how have you been byronn?"

>> The game will paws in two minutes to save changed objects. <<

Byronn Shrugs "I've been alright, Haven't slept much the past few days"

Biff frowns."Oh, well i hope you can get some sleep!"

Silver smiles."I can give you some herbs that will help you sleep if you want!"

>> Pawsing to save changed objects. <<

>> Save Complete. Next save will be in an hour or so. <<

Byronn Chuckles " I'd take them but It'd mean leaving him in here...."

Byronn says, "not that theres anything wrong with the infirmary"

Silver smiles."Well i spend alot of time in here being that i am a healer, so i can check on him for you if you would like!"

Byronn Nods " I suppose that'd work, thank you"

Silver smiles."Well i check on the beast in here every night anyway!"

Biff laughs."You also get a snack!"

Silver nods."Yes i also get a snack..."

Byronn Smiles and rocks the now sleeping dibbun. " When did you get back then Biff?"

Biff says."About an hour ago!"

Byronn exclaims, "wow! just in time too"

Silver nods."Yes...i had to carry her and the dibbuns though the woods..."

Biff hmms."Just in time for wot?"

Byronn exclaims, "oh! I thought you delivered them here,"

Biff shakes her head."Nope...we were in the woods when that happend..."

Byronn nods and places the dibbun onto a bed. "I think I should try and sleep a bit, Could i have a few of those herbs Silver?"

Silver nods and hands byronn the herbs."There...just put them in some tea or something!"

Biff smiles."Good night byronn!"

Byronn smiles. " Thanks, Goodnight and welcome back!" he whispers into the sleeping dibbun's ear and brushes the headfur from his eyes before leaving

Biff yawns."Well i think i am going to get to bed..."

Silver nods."Well goodnigt biff!"He walks down the stairs and out of the room leting biff get some sleep.