Gathering Info On Zurrgg And A Archer Escapes!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Entry

You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages. To the south you see a small, calm pond. To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky. The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.

Coolness has swept into the air now, bringing with it the autumn leaves of the orchards. Coating the trails that lace and move through the dying grass and flowers. Regardless of the death of plants, the area is beautiful in its gold and orange season. The abbey is sporting the colors in full pride.

     [G]reat [H]all      [C]limb to the [R]amparts      [A]bbey [P]ond
     [Ga]te [H]ouse      [Leave] through the gates      [Open] Ground
                         [C]hampion's [C]ottage

Zee was in the entry with his thick cloak on, the cloak hid the bandaged shoulder, not that he cared if anyone saw it. He stood by the wall and watched some dibbuns nearby playing and chuckles to himself.

Scioto marches right up to the badger and right away one can tell he is not in the best of moods. He motions for his two stoat guards to wait for him as he nears the badger. He then goes to shove him into the wall as he speaks "You WILL tell me what you know of that Zurrgg beast and you will tell me NOW!" He keeps his voice at a dangerous calm as he looks at the badger and trying to make eye contact with him to assure he is listening to the cat.

Zee is taken a little by surprise as he hits the wall and grits his teeth, "Hey..easy chiefy de shoulder still hurts ya know." He looks the cat in the eye as he speak" If ya calm down I can tells ya some, but not much"

Scioto ears flatten on his head as he growls low, "I will not calm down. That wildcat has come to the village twice, where is he from? What does he want? Is he a threat or not a threat? Why did he target your hut or Bandits for that matter?" Yes a lot of quick, one after other questions.

Zee frowns, "Look chiefy, I respect ya, I really do. About the only one I respect in the village...well and your daughter, now" He dusts off his cloak as he speaks, “Zurrgg is from de northlands and I am unsure why he is around. I do know Marek and him have some sort of history, so I would ask Marek about it. Is Zurrgg a threat? Yes most likely he is. Why did he destroy me home..simple he hates me. I think the head guard's home was just some add bonus fer him"
Scioto backs up and still looks rather peeved, “I may just go ask him. I didn't plan on staying here too long, I still have a dislike for the abbey. And before you say a WORD ....the treaty is still there, it’s still a peace between the village of Ferravale and the Abbey..doesn't mean I like to visit and much rather have little interaction with them as possible unless it’s some no other choice thing"
Zee rubs his shoulder, it is starting to be sore after being pushed into a wall, "By the way, I will be staying here fer now..but I do have me chest and I know it should be ok, it’s made of Iron and I needs ta keep it somewhere..maybe ya house?"
Scioto lets out a small hiss, "I should say no but fine and I care not if you stay here." His tail wags behind him as he speaks "You can keep an eye on Blisa if she chooses to stay while Jase is here recovering and if there is an update on Jase or even a spotting of Zurrgg, you can send a message is that understood"
Zee nods slowly "I will make sure Blisa is fine, she should be fine here and when it’s time ta go back ta Ferravale I will help escort her back, ok?"
Scioto hmmphs and goes to head out and get his weapons back, and the guard stoats he has with him get their weapons as well and they all head on out and to the road without a word and on back to Ferravale.


Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.

There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.

A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Marek is behind the counter watching beasts as they drink ale and eat food. He rolls his eyes at the two rats in the fighting pit as one gets a little too into punching another's lights out.

Scioto marches right up to Marek as he speaks "We We don't talk later we do it now and no I am tried it can wait tell me what you know of" He keeps a very deadly calm about him, he also has 4 guards with him, a couple foxes and a couple stoats.

Marek watches the chieftain's entrance and then his eyes narrow at the name Zurrgg, he looks at the beasts in the tavern as he clears his throat "Ok..Everyone finish your drinks and your meals and get outta here." He watches as some wander out right away and others stay. The rat in the fighting pits is caught off guard .."But---" and he is knocked out by the other rat who snickers and starts to pick pocket the knocked out rat and salutes the stoat and walks out a little richer and with a shiny new knife too.

Scioto lets out a low growl and clears his throat in a loud voice, filled with some anger "OUT!!!!!!!!!!!" He screams and beasts quickly drink the last of their drinks and leave, one rat wets himself and whimpers before fleeing as if his life depended on it and maybe at this stage it does. The guards escort the rest of the beasts out so it’s just the 6 guards, Scioto and Marek, he turns to the stoat "Lock the door and we peace and quiet, no one interrupts. The guards will stay begin" His voice has an edge of anger to it, so it may be wise to start talking very very soon. One guard will be outside the tavern, and has an extra key just in case it’s needed.

Marek walks over to lock the door to the tavern once all is out and walks to a table to sit down and nods to the chair “Sit Mr. Scioto and we shall discuss this matter."

Scioto sits down and folds his arms over his chest" I am sure you have heard, who has not...the Master Healer was attacked and placed in a hut, the hut was caught a blaze in fire but also was Bandit, my Head Guard's, home..Bandits burnt to the Bandit is fine as he was not home, neither was that badger Zee and his home is 3/4 gone..Bandit's home ashes. The Master Healer is in Redwall of all places and I await updates on how he the badger said you knew more of Zurrgg than he and all he knew is Zurrgg is from the northlands."

Marek frowns a bit" Yes, Zurrgg is from the Northlands and he is a bit more insane than when we first meet. His father enslaved my family, I barely escaped and went to get help from some nearby solders. My..past has not been the best and I have always hated slavers..even when I was not on the side of good."

Scioto listens, "Go on....there must be more to it"

Marek nods" Yes..there is, this may take a while. So I hope you have no plans today Mr. Scioto"

Scioto gets large tall dark ale and then proceeds to listen.

“Well, as I said me and my family lived in the Northlands, I even had my base in the Northlands afterwards, but we are speaking of Zurrgg. Zurrgg’s father was a slaver, guess being a slaver runs in his family clearly as Zurrgg is one, though he seems to not have slaves now but trust me he plans to most likely. But it started with his farther capturing my family when I was a dibbun, Well just barely a dibbun, see he didn’t care if they were woodlanders or vermin species as to him a slave was a slave. I escaped one day and found these solders and fighters and told them of Zurrgg’s father and his band of slavers, Zurrgg was even there as well, a teenager at the time and just starting to get deadly. My father and Zurrgg’s father got in a fight and my father killed Zurrgg’s father, my father was wounded but he survived.” He gets an ale and takes a long drink before going on. “ Anyways, there was a fight and Zurrgg temporary escaped. It was a couple seasons later when I found him again. I was well in my teen seasons and would soon be an adult. Zurrgg wanted me to join his slaver band, I said no and we fought. Long story short I won, with the help of northern solders and Zurrgg was placed in prison where he stayed many many seasons till this past Fall season..when he escaped and I saw him in the Northlands again. He vowed revenge and that I would pay for placing him in prison. “

Scioto listens as he sips some ale, “Anything else?”

Marek nods “This is not a beast to take lightly Mr. Scioto. He is dangerous, he was a part of the Frosted Arrow for a short while till that group was destroyed. He also helped to kill a tribe of badgers in the snowy Northlands using poison and attacking them when they were weakened. He also knows paw to paw, knows when to punch with paw or even a finger to render one temporally paralyzed One doesn’t need to long to get away or kill a beast, especially if they are helpless and can’t fight back. He also has my crossbow and bolts Mr. Scioto. He may not have many following him yet but trust me he will, weather by fear or by finding beasts willing to follow him. You said he set a fire, probably won’t be the last one he sets, or he could do worse.” He stands “That is all the info I have for you, besides that Zurrgg hates me and most likely will do whatever he can to get rid of me. He blames me for being in prison all those many seasons.”

Suddenly a guard rushes in out of breath and pants “Chieftain!...Sir…the archer ferret he has escaped sir and he has killed 6 of the guards, including one named Kent who was bringing him his evening meal. They..They are dead sir and he got his longbow and arrows back and disappeared into the woods.”

Scioto stands and narrows his eyes, he looks at Marek and then back to the guard that just gave the info, ”Well don’t just stand there report this to Bandit Now! Have a small group of guards keep an eye out for that wildcat I want him in a cell…wait forget the cell I want him dead!”

Marek frowns as he waits to speak again, “He will not be easy to catch Mr. Scioto and if he has his archer back he is even more deadly than he was before.” He then heads upstairs to bed, stopping at the top of the stairs, “I would be careful Mr. Scioto, Ferravale needs their chieftain after all and I am very certain Zurrgg most likely has you on his list of those he wishes dead.” He then turns down a hall and the sound of a door shutting is heard.

Scioto watches Marek head upstairs and then exits with his guards, makes sure the tavern is locked up for the day and then heads to his office, “Get Bandit” One guard nods and heads off and the chieftain goes to his office to wait, a meeting before he heads home is needed and the sooner the better.”

                        • This part shows what happen in the guard house with the escaped archer, spoofs by Zurrgg of the escaped archer, Spoofs of Guards by Scioto and Kent is his own character of course *********

Kent enters the hall with a tray of food for the captive and unlocks the cell door “Your dinner is here” He says calmly.

The archer looks up and nods “Can you..bring it closer lad?”

Kent nods and walks over, He sits down the tray which is a bowl of soup, some bread and cheese and a mug of water.

The archer nods and picks up the mug and sips at the water and then suddenly slams the mug against the wall and goes to rake the broken mug piece with the handle still attached at Kent’s throat.

Kent was not expecting that, as you know captives have no weapons so why worry. His eyes widen s the sharp broken mug cuts deep and slides across his throat and a look of pain is seen for a moment before his eyes cloud over in death and he falls forwards leaking blood all over the cell floor.

The archer smirks and simply walks over the body and goes to the hallway after taking a weapon from the dead guard.

A group of two ferret guards leap out “Halt right there and get back to your cell!” They both have blades out and ready.

The archer just smirks and rushes forwards and slits their throats, steals their weapons and grins. He looks around and gets to the office where he gets his longbow and arrows back. Normal arrows and those with poison, mostly normal arrows but 3 are poison and he selects one as he knows other guards will be around.

The two guards hit the ground dead, they too not expecting a weapon of any sorts. The archer will be able to make it to the gate, then he will see 3 guards ready to fight. A rat and a couple weasels stand ready.

The archer is calm and smirks as he draws back and fires off one of the poison arrows, he then selects another one and quickly fires it before much can be done and in the panic that should happen he rushes the last guard with a stolen blade of a dead guard from the guardhouse.

One guard is hit and makes a gasping sound as the arrow hits his chest, he is dead. A 2nd only gets hit in the shoulder and still swings his blade but soon twitches in pain as well as falls over dead. The 3nd gasps and the distraction of seeing fellow guards die in front of him causes him to miss the longsword, he only learns it’s there when it slides down his chest painfully and he pours blood. He falls to his knees and then sideways and dies within a couple minutes, other guards will be called but will they be in time?

The answer to that is no as the archer bolts into the woods and leaves behind the chaos of his actions.

(That’s the end of the log)