Fun by the Pond

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Oz is in the great hall with Zarok and Fourstone and half a dozen other dibbuns.

Flicktail comes walking in with Luna and Benick.

Luna see's Fourstone and runs over to give him a hug, while Benick waves to Zarok.

Zarok waves to Benick. "Hi." Zarok! how are ya Bikket knight!”

Oz nods, "Yes different...", He nods to Flicktail "Greetings Flicktail"

Fourstone hugs back and holds up his new glasses to Luna. "You like?"

Luna blinks, "oooooo PUR-dee!”

Zarok grins. "Me good..."

Fourstone sighs in relief and says to Luna "good, I frade you not like them”

Zarok's tail twitches, almost reflexively. "How you been Benick?"

Benick smiles, "Good, had to have the Bikket knights look for Fourstone the strong when nastybadger got have smooth fur...."

Luna smiles and puts her paw in Fourstone's paw "I like you not matter wot “

Zarok smiles at the compliment to his 'fur'. "Thankzzz...”.

Oz smiles as he watches the dibbuns, "So..since there is a lot of dibbuns here, what is an idea for something fun to do?" .

Benick looks envious "I wish I had fur like you.... .”

Fourstone grins at Luna and blushes slightly, "Thanks." Then he says to Benick, "Thanks for trying to find me" .

Flicktail smiles to Oz "Hello Papa, how went the dibbun outing?”

Oz says, "Didn’t have one yet"

Flicktail asks, "Well when is it?" .

Benick looks at Fourstone "yer a BIKKET knight...all fer one! .”

Zarok shouts, "And a Bikket fer all!" .

Fourstone grins "And all for...ALL!!" .

Luna looks up at Fourstone "Kin...Kin I have a Bikket too? .”

Oz says, "well we could maybe go to the pond today, could have a little campout under the stars, it is a clear night tonight"

Taran enters the room and stays by the doorway and simply listens as they talk.

Fourstone nods, "I think..." He looks at Flicktail "Luna have bikkets?"

Zarok's eyes glitter. "/The zzztarssss/" He whispers .

Flicktail says, "Yes you can all have Biscuits and if you ask Taran nice he may have honey for you" .

Taran looks at the dibbuns, "Umm...honey? may be some don't know."

Fourstone looks at Taran "do you have...GARLIC!!?!?!"

Zarok taps Fourstone with the tip of his tail. "He'zzz beekeeper, not /garlic/-keeper."

Oz says, "Let’s go ahead to the pond then, little campout, maybe have biscuits with honey or roasted apples over a campfire .”

Flicktail exclaims, "To the pond all!" .

Fourstone grins at Zarok, "True"

To the Pond

Zarok looks at Benick. "Where you live before redwall?" He asks curiously.

Fourstone shakes his head "I NEVER leave you, Luna"

Benick blinks "Always live at Redwall..born here”

Oz has gotten ready the campfire and some apples, he watches as the dibbuns arrive and smiles, "We need a story too I think, anyone know a good one?"

Flicktail says, "That about the story of Blagut Rat..It's me Favorite"

Zarok scratches his reptilian head with one claw..."Hmm..."

Other dibbuns sit down to listen and enjoy the stars.

Zarok looks up at Flicktail. "Who that?"

Taran sits by a tree, a bee buzzes around his ear and he gently shoos it away, he looks at them, "A lot of..umm different stories even ones bout bees"

Flicktail says, "Blagutt is a rat that was a Vermin but become a good friend of Redwall he be in the grave yard even"

Zarok whispers, "Wow."

Oz hmms "I never knew a rat was a friend of Redwall," A couple dibbun mice sit close by but not too close as Oz tends to the campfire and makes sure all the dibbuns stay a safe distance as a couple brothers set up tents.

Zarok indicates Flicktail with his paw. "Me know a fox..."

Taran says, "I could tell ummm...a story well...maybe. or maybe not I could listen to one"

Flicktail says, "oh Aye, Blagutt was a Pirate rat, first mate aboard the Pirate ship Slobberchops, but the Otters found it and Burned it and Blagut and his captain came to redwall and asked to stay and be GOOD beasts...."

The dibbuns listen as Flicktail tells the story, a couple run around but soon sit back down.

Flicktail says, "I want to hear Taran's stories too though"

Oz gets some apples, "Taran could tell a story, always good to hear a new one now and then"

Taran blinks, ummms. "Errrr...ummm, ok one on bees my father yeah he told it, and think maybe was told to the bee got its stinger.."

Luna goes over to pet Zarok's hide she seems to like it too and Benick goes with a smile to bring Fourstone a roasted apple

Zarok smiles, whispering, "Hi Luna..." Then he returns to listening to Taran's story. "How did that happen? Thought it always had one."

Oz says, "Careful the apples are hot everyone"

Fourstone grins at Benick, "Thanks!"

Flicktail's ears perk as he leans in to listen to Taran

Benick whispers to Fourstone. "I put garlic in yours”

Fourstone grins even wider and he says to Benick, "REALLY?!? thanks so much"

Benick smiles. "You Pikket knioght we sticks tagether”

Taran says, "Well...ok all started a long time ago when beasts wanted something different to eat, something sweet they said, so the...the creator may bees and at first the bee had no stinger, the bee made its home and soon more bees were to be found and they made the first honey and the beasts liked the honey, but they were greedy and ate all the honey and demanded more and the bees said sorry we have no more and the beasts were sad, so the bees asked for more flowers to be made..."

Oz listens to the story, a mole dibbun climbs into his lap as they also listen to the story, he still keeps an eye on the dibbuns, still making sure they stay the safe distance from the fire.

Luna's eyes get wide and she listens clinging to Zarok's arm

Zarok smiles and leans his head against Luna's shoulder.

Fourstone whispers to Benick, "You like flowers? This Mullagin." He pulls a flower pot from behind his back, inside the flower pot is a daisy.

Benick nods but points to Taran "You like story? Sounds like a GOOD one”

Taran smiles, he is relaxing as he tells the story and so is stuttering less, "The flowers were helped by the bees to make more honey and the beasts saw the hives grow and grow and the bees shared their honey but had to keep some for themselves, but the beasts were greedy and wanted the honey all for themselves and the bees said they had no more to share and the beasts got made and destroyed the hive, the bees called for help and the creator had the flowers make "Sharp bards" and the bees ate these and soon the bees had more honey as the flowers still helped to make the honey for the bees, the beast came back and started to take all the honey but the bees had stingers now and stung them, soon beasts learned to share with the bees and only take what was needed so the stingers would protect the bees and the bees would gladly share with the beasts who are kind and good and willing to share with the bees so that all had enough food and...that’s the end of my story."

Fourstone nods and settles down to listen

Zarok smiles. "That a /good/ one!"

The dibbuns cheer and giggle, a couple are asleep now by Oz.

Zarok has a knack for picking the /randomness/ times to get tired, a drawback of quick reflexes and heightened senses, and now, still leaning against Luna's shoulder, his eyes mist and he drifts into slumber.

Oz smiles as the story ends, "Yes a good story indeed and seems to have taught a lesson too"

Flicktail claps his paws "I always KNEW that was what Buzz did with his stinger “

Taran tilts his head " liked the story then?"

Flicktail exclaims, "aye! Did buzz tell you that story?"

Taran shakes his head "No but he knows it, yeah he does"

Oz smiles "Well seems everyone is having fun now, fun is always good "

Taran asks, "no one was having fun earlier?"

Oz looks over at Taran "Had a beast that was a little sad, but I am sure he will cheer up soon."

Flicktail asks, "Why would you say that Taran?"

Taran shrugs "Well he said everyone was having fun now, like maybe wasn’t before...sorry if made anyone upset, I can go away."

Flicktail says, "Oh Stop that Taran, when you CAME here is when the fun STARTED"

Flicktail says, "No one is ever going to want you to go away ever"

Taran smiles "I, no one’s ever said that before"

Flicktail says, "My Dibbuns like you just look at the smiles on their little muzzles"

Oz watches Flicktail and Taran and checks on a couple dibbuns who fell asleep and places them in one of the tents and then sits back where he was.

Taran says, "I like the abbey, all the beasts are nice and friendly, it makes me...happy and happy to know my story is liked too"

Luna tries to crawl up in Tarn's lap

Pike walks slowly to the pond, he slows as he sees a crowd and leans on a tree.

Flicktail smiles "Pike! You came Me friend! Pike Oz wants to be yer friend too..I said maybe I could help you .”

Oz nods "Greetings are you?”

Pike sighs, "I am ok...I guess, just washed some dishes and walking around."

Flicktail says, "come join us Pike of Pikes"

Pike walks over and sits down "I will stay for now"

Benick walks over to Pike and sticks out his paw, "Hi matey" He says in his best sailor voice

Taran has gone quiet now as he simply watches beasts come and go, he looks down at Luna on his lap and smiles a little at the dibbun.

Luna stands on Taran's lap and takes his face in her two tiny paws and looks very serious at Taran "Thank you for the story, I always remembers now where Bees get stinger and ta share" ,she leans in and nuzzles Taran's cheek and smiles shyly

Oz places another bit of wood on the fire as it starts to get dark slowly, "You can stay as long as you like Pike...sometimes being with friends can ease any sadness one has."

Pike shrugs, "I suppose, hey little matey" He says to Benick.

Fourstone nods trying to stay awake but it is a hopeless fight. he falls asleep with a slight frown.

Taran blinks at Luna and then achally chuckles.

Benick Salutes Pike "Can I be yer first mate?”

Pike says, "First mate of what, I not be a captain of anything now, tried ta be once but decided not ta.""

Benick blink "But we have a pond we kin BUILD a boat" the dibbun protests

Pike listens ,"Yeah but..would haf ta be a small boat, not really interested and..probably not allowed ta make one, Benar may get upset at me little matey"

Flicktail says, "Benar would not get upset Pike, but if you do not want to I will tell Benick not to bother ya"

Luna hugs Taran and smiles curling up with him

Taran yawns and walks over to a hammock he has in-between a couple trees and lays down, the swaying back and forth puts him to sleep soon, his friend Buzz asleep on his ear and Luna curled up beside him.

Pike says, "I..will haf ta think on it, it may cheer me up some...I do know how ta build boats."

Benick looks excited "Please Uncle Pike..I'll help however ya want me and all the Bikket Knights”

Oz says, "not sure how big a boat he could make, then one just big enough for maybe...don’t know half a dozen dibbuns may be interesting, then that may be too big"

Flicktail says, "that’s too Big Oz"

Luna snoozes with Taran

Pike sighs, he then grins at the Uncle Pike, "Well..I could, be a fun project, and been a while since build one and a small one be...neat" He chuckles feeling a little better now.

Benick jumps up and down "HUZZA! 3 cheers for Capin brother Pike!”

Oz watches Pike and the others as he speaks "Well, looks like your cheering up some Pike, not good to stay sad"

Pike chuckles "I not be Brother yet, soon maybe and yeah a little more cheerful, dibbuns be good cheer upers"

Benick smiles proudly "That’s because I am a BIKKET kight..we the best cheerer uppers”

Oz nods, "Maybe you can help with the dibbuns sometimes, they can cheer you up more that way"

Pike smiles a little "Aye, I will think on it, but not right away"

Benick hugs Pikes leg "Thnk you Cap'n”

Pike smiles at the hug, a few tears go down his face as he kneels down and hugs Benick, he is silent for a long time before getting out "Welcome..."

Oz watches close by, he watches a couple dibbuns go to the tent and a sister keeps an eye on them, he looks back to the otter again as he keeps an eye on things.

Benick Hugs Pike "We'll be yer best crew matey! I love otters!”

Pike says, "glad ta hear it not sure when we can start buildin'...soon maybe"

Benick Salutes "You tell me and the Bikket Knights will be there.”

Oz smiles as he watches, "Well good to see you starting to be happy again Pike, and the boat idea should indeed be fun for the dibbuns but do ask Benar just in Case first"

Flicktail says, "And if he says no then tell me, because *I* wanna boat"

Oz chuckles "Can’t picture you on a boat Flicktail"

Flicktail says, "well *I AM* an otterfox"

Pike grins, "You know thar is one thing all de dibbuns need ta learn if want a boat...ta swim"

Benick nods "Otters swims right?

Oz nods in agreement "That is a good idea Pike, knowing how to swim is important"

Pike nods "Otters swim a lot, they be de best...I know beasts that can swim and those who couldn't swim"

Oz nods, "Well if no one knows how to swim maybe you can give lessons."

Pike nods, "Will do sir, and like I said..dibbuns be good at cheering one up"

    • Not too much happen after this think except some talking and then everyone went to sleep in the tents, Oz made sure the campfire was out as being late spring it’s not cold during the night now and just in case slightly cold was blankets**