Fun and Games

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated April 27, 2016 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Dylan Locke. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 7 replies.

Wed, 04/27/2016 - 10:56

With thanks to various players across this muck and others I present you a the rough draft version of a game you can play here right on the muck, or even on a forum if you so enjoy to.

It's designed to be like a board game pitting vermin armies against woodlander heroes.

Each side get's 50-100 points to spend on armies (Let's call it Gold for simplicity)

You buy units, move them about from area to area, then if enemies units are in the same area they do battle. You can even rp each move if you want :D

There are still a few bells and whistles I plan to add later on, such as premade units, species bonuses, roles, feats, items and abilities. Lots of fun stuff you don't really need to play.

But for now you can make your own characters into units and even play with them.


Skill -Determines who attacks first. Using abilities drains your Skill stat

Accuracy – Number defender has to meet or beat to block your attack

Might -Damage your attack will inflict

Guard – Number attacker has to meet to hit you

Endurance – Hit points. Characters are slain or KO if this reaches 0

Cost – points to field this unit / reduce cost

Character Guide

Here is a quick guide to making your character a unit. You are free to stat your character as you wish. If you feel your character is good at one of those stats, put it into the 'good' area. If they are poor, put their stat in the 'poor' area. etc etc.

Quality________SK_____ AC_______MT ____ GD_______EN______PEN

Poor___________1-2____ 1-5______1-3_____1-5______1-4

Average________3-4____ 6-8______4-5_____6-8______5-8




PEN=Penalty. For every stat that is good, excellent or legendary add this to the total cost in GOLD

Cost is the amount of GOLD to put this unit on the field. Cost is determined by dividing the total points you put into the character by 2, then add penalties. EXAMPLE: Unit A has a total of 20 points spread across his stats so his cost is 10. Unit B has 21 points. His cost is also 10, rounded down.

An example of a character would be Bandit

Bandit the Head Guard of Ferrivale


5 10 5 8 6 21



Instead of spaces you have Areas. An entire area basically represents the room you are in. For example if you were going to have the Black Gull Tavern as a map you would have the Main area, Bar, and Kitchen, plus a few rooms for the out doors around it.

The map would look like this.

Main =M

Bar = Bar

Kitchen =K

Outdoors = O

Connections = - |

  B --K
  M -M2
   |   |


Each player roll's 1d20 at the beginning. The highest has 'initiative' in the game. Players then take turns moving their units. Units may only move 1 area at a time. When your units share an area with enemy units, a BATTLE occurs.


The unit with the highest skill attacks first. If two opposing units have the same skill the player with initiative attacks first.

You declare which unit you are attacking and roll a 20 sided die. If the number you roll is less than the target's GUARD, you MISS!

If you beat or meet the unit's GUARD, you score a HIT! And that unit must roll to block your attack. That unit rolls a d20 and tries to beat or meet your ACCURACY. If they do, the attack is defelcted or blocked.

If not, then they suffer as much damage as your MIGHT stat is to their ENDURENCE. When ENDURENCE has been reduced to 0 that unit is SLAIN!

If you roll a 20 on attack, the defender can only block HALF the amount of damage, rounded down.

And so you repeat until all units have attacked and begin the movement phase again.

Rinse, repeat until only your units are left on the board.


You are free to stat your own units or use the list of Pre Made NPC's. You can mix and match them as much as you want. Eventually there will be abilities, feats, items. Etc etc

You are free to add your own lists of characters.
