Frosted Arrows and Nightblades and Searats, oh my!

From Redwall MUCK Wiki
Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.
Exits: [UP] Stairs, [K]itchen, [F]ighting [P]it, [Out]

Zee the badger. Ferdinand the ferret, Clarissa the rat, Valerie the vixen, and Blisa the cat. Darkwatcher the fox.

Zee is sitting in a slightly different place than he used to, he has some ale and some tea he has mixed the two and is now drinking it. He is by himself right now, but that doesn't seem to brother him too much as he sits in the corner of the tavern, not speaking to any beast here and no one seems to be speaking to him. He has gotten a couple stares, but that's about all.

But that was before Blisa arrived. The front door opens, admitting her, Ferdinand the ferret, Clarissa the rat, and Valerie the vixen. They are all talking in low tones. They have come halfway across the tavern before the cat spots the badger. She stops still, staring at him, then runs the rest of the way to his side. "Zee?? Is that you?? You're here! That's wonderful!"

Zee doesn't look at her right away, first he sips his ale and tea mixture and then looks at her "It is? What is wonderful of it lass? I should of just stayed gone."

Blisa stares up at him as her bodyguards make a little half circle behind her. "Stayed gone? Why on Earth would you say that? I at least have been worried about you. The eagle, Thunderwing, told us that a fox named Bora was headed this way. I would like to offer my help at catching him, if I am able."

Zee narrows his eyes at the name Bora and takes a long drink of his ale mixture before setting the glass down, "First, Bora is a dangerous beast with or without the blade he carries, which is not his. And two...I was not here when I was truly needed, and most likely am a bit disliked now."

Blisa ohs and goes to lay a paw on the badger's paw. "The eagle also told us that he had stolen Zork's sword. I understand that he is dangerous, but so are my guards and my snake. I doubt that he would find us easy to defeat." Valerie nods and adds, "I don't think Zinnia dislikes you. I really haven't heard much word from the Abbey, nor do I know Zinnia very well, but I'm sure that she'd be overjoyed to see you."

Zee frowns "I see her...briefly, a few seconds she was so overjoyed she slammed a door in my face and locked the door before I could say anything. I stayed at the abbey long enough to visit my nephews grave, then left"

Valerie cringes and scratches her ear. "oh....well......erm.....sorry....." Blisa sighs and scrambles up onto a barstool. "Well, okay, that's bad. I'm so sorry that she did that.....and for your loss. I...wish I knew what to say...." Clarissa and Ferdinand bow their heads sadly."

Zee frowns, a few tears go down his face, "Thar is nothing to do, I can't undo not being here."

Blisa nods, her face full of compassion. "I'm sorry. But maybe you can spend time in Redwall to make up for it? Maybe seeing you there will help Zinnia not be mad at you? I don't know." She's at least assuming that Zinnia's mad.....she really hasn't heard much about how the Recorder is right now. She's mostly just guessing from what Zee just said.

Zee shakes his head "I have a fox to track down, then maybe. Not like Zinnia would be going anywhere...least I don't think so"

Blisa nods. "Would you like us here in Ferravale to keep on the lookout for Bora? If we catch him, I will be sure to alert you somehow....although I can't assure you that he'll still be alive when you arrive. Basil, my snake, has been a bit...../hungry/ of late."

Zee listens "Well feed the snake, you would need to know what Bora looks like though to find him"

Blisa rolls her eyes, but ignores the first part of his reply. "He's a white fox with a blue arrow tattoo on his paw, carrying Zork's sword, which I saw once or twice." She grins at him. "Thunderwing was very helpful."

Zee manages a smile to this, "Well, seems the eagle is helping after all, I am glad of this." Her sighs" Still...should of been here when...Zork died, but I was stuck up north. Where....fights and being captive...losing...another..." He sighs sadly.

Blisa shakes her head. "If you were a captive, then it's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up for something that was out of your control. It could've happened to anybeast." Ferdinand sits beside his petite charge. "What thould we know about thith Bora?"

Zee answers, "His fighting skills is very good, he has even fought badgers...though most of that was a like 2nd in command he has that we have reason to believe is dead..." He frowns at a thought "Which brings up something else...Bora's 2nd in command fought someone one on one and according to Thunderwing both most likely died when they went over the cliff into the waterfall, but I also believe in...unless you find a body, someone is not dead"

Blisa's jade green eyes widen. "That's a good stance to have....was this......the beast that.....might have....killed....Marek?" It's obviously hard for her to answer this question; she sees Marek as her friend, and now she's regretting never letting him see that. As Ferdinand lays a consoling paw on her shoulder, Clarissa asks, "What should we know about Bora's Second In Command? Just in case 'e shows up."

Zee nods "Yeah..Marek and if they live, either one, not like they would be back here for a long time, but at the same time neither was found by's...hard ta tell"

Blisa nods sadly, hoping that the stoat still lives. Clarissa leans on the bar. "Well, mate, that does sound rather suspicious. I for one am hopin' that Marek'll be sailin' back down here soon. 'Owever, the beast 'e was battlin' against....I wasn't there when this.....Thunderwing or whoever was talkin' to our dear Captain Blisa, so I would appreciate you tellin' me anythin' you can about Bora and this....whoever fought Marek."

Zee says, "Yes...A wildcat named Zurrgg, he carried twin longswords at the time but the swords were found dented and one had a lose blade from his handle, but again no wildcat. He was helping Bora and didn't ever become one of his own tribe beasts. He was helping Bora take over land, he...helped Bora kill beasts...he fought..." He frowns "Fought Hyd...Hyde...but it was Bora who killed Hyde and laughed as he did it while I was forced to watch and do nothing about it...I knew he was dead, even before they knocked me out and I woke with a muzzle on and in chains"

Blisa goes to rest a paw on the badger's arm. Ferdinand shakes his head angrily as Valerie gasps and says, "I'm sorry! Hyde must have been very dear to you." Clarissa purses her lips. She has seen many such terrible things in her life, and even done some of them, so she's not affected as much as the other 3. "I'm sorry. That must've been terrible. And this....Zurrgg. He's a wildcat, you said. He can fight a full-grown male badger and walk away alive? That's.....impressive." They are all over at the bar.

"Pah. Impressive? More like lucky." A few heads turn to the door, where a black fox wearing a mask over the lower half of his face stands. It's Darkwatcher, who hasn't been seen here in quite some time. He strides slowly over to the bar and grabs a stool, sliding onto it. He crosses his arms. "So what's going on?"

Zee nods "My....son never was one to fight too well" He sighs sadly, "Zurrg...may be more dangerous than Bora if he survived that fall"

Ferdinand smiles slightly at the newly-arrived fox. He's met him before. Blisa turns and stares up at him, her brain working to try and place a name to that face. "......I know you, right?" Clarissa and Valerie look over at the ferret, see that he is not reacting in an aggressive manner, and do their own things. Valerie goes ot rest a paw on the badger's shoulder. "I'm sorry. It must've been terrible, losing your son like that." The rat hooks her thumbs into her baldrics (which contain her 13 throwing knives and 1 bullwhip) and nods to the fox. "We're discussing a possible threat to this luverly area of the world. Clarissa, former searat, bodyguard to Captain Blisa 'ere. Who are you?"

Darkwatcher offers his gauntleted paw. "Darkwatcher, mercenary, formerly of the Nightblades team which is somewhat defunct, I regret to say. A sellsword of the highest name it, I've killed one." He then turns to Blisa. "Yeah, we've met, I helped save you from my brother, Stormfeather, a few seasons back."

Zee looks over at the fox and nods a hello, he doesn't know the fox, "Hello" He says simply. "Yes a fox name Bora is possibly in the area, where...I don't know"

The name clicks in Blisa's brain, and she smiles, although not with the happiness that she once showed him. "Oh! Yes, Darkwatcher, I remember a little now. Sorry, ever since I was hit in the head by this crazy mouse Irinevok, I've not been so good with the names of beasts that I once knew." Clarissa pulls one of her knives out of it's sheath, shaking the fox's paw with her empty one. "Nice to meetcha, I'm sure. Me mates and I are tryin' to find out more about this Bora beast. May'ap ye'll be able to 'elp us." She studies her knife and poses this question to the badger: "What does he want with Mossflower?"

Zee frowns, "He wanted land, but...I am not so sure now. I know he hates me and my family, always did since he was 2 seasons's a...long story." He then frowns as a thought comes to his mind.

Darkwatcher nods. "I can probably help you. I may need gold depending on how much you want me to do, but...Anyhow," he says, "Where would he be now?"

Blisa stares at the fox, trying to remember. ".....have you always insisted on being paid....?" she asks in the tone of one who can't quite recall. Clarissa shakes her head. "'E just said he doesn't know. 'Owever, we are pretty sure that 'e's somewhere 'ere in this area." Valerie notes the look on the badger's face. "What? What have you thought of?" Ferdinand winks at Darkwatcher and says jokingly, "Mith Blitha hath a pet thnake now. We could pay you by not letting Bathil give you a 'hug'."

Zee stands remembering words the fox spoke, "He might try and....harm. " He shakes his head "I have to find that fox and lead him away from this area before he finds her."

Darkwatcher shrugs to Blisa. "With Vladmir it was different. He was related to me, it was my duty to help take him out. A mercenary without gold is a dead man, and I need gold these days...hard to find work." To Ferdinand, he laughs, saying, "I'm not afraid of snakes. But I imagine I would be."

Ferdinand shakes his head in amusement, then grows serious as Valerie tries to look the badger in the eye. "Who? Who might he try to hurt?" Clarissa looks sharply at Zee, but waits quietly for his answer. Blisa nods at the mercenary's answer, then looks up at the badger. " it Zinnia he might try to hurt?"

Zee nods and quickly rushes out "Got to find Flare and Thunderwing!"

Darkwatcher shakes his head in slight confusion. "That was abrupt..." He flags down the bartender and orders an ale. While he waits for it, he drums his gloved fingertips on the counter.

Blisa shakes her head sadly, covering her eyes with a paw. "He's just wanting to protect his niece....great-niece. Whatever. Zinnia, his nephew Zork's daughter." Clarissa taps a finger to her chin. "This....Bora needs to be stopped afore 'e 'urts anybeast else. We're a bit short on gold at the moment, Darkwatcher, but we could still use yer 'elp. This fox is white, with a blue arrow tattooed to the back o' 'is paw. 'E should be considered dangerous, right, Captain Ferdinand?" The ferret nods. "Yeth, he mutht be thtopped at any cotht. Innothent beathtth might die if he ith not."

Darkwatcher sighs. It's a hard decision...what is right and what is wrong? He doesn't have much gold left--even less, he thinks ruefully as his ale arrives and he takes a swig from it--"Sounds easy enough to recognize. And I consider anyone dangerous. I'll ask around, see what I find."

The guards nod, and Blisa adds, "I'll do my best to come up with some way to pay you." She rubs her forehead and Valerie bends down and whispers something to her. The petite cat nods, and the vixen turns to the barkeep and orders mint tea. As Ferdinand gently hugs the feline, Clarissa turns back to the mercenary and asks, " said that your little, Nightknives or whatever, is defunct. Sorry to 'ear that." Perfect ice breaker, right? Right.

Darkwatcher nods, saying, "Thankee," to Blisa. In between swigs of ale, he says to Clarrissa. "Defunct because they mostly ran off or retired. Just me and maybe one or two I can rely on now. No point calling it a team if nobody's offering contracts for us anymore, y'know. Mossflower ain't prime merc land anymore."

Clarissa nods, then throws her knife at a little brown spot above the fireplace, which causes a poor, innocent drunk weasel to scream like a little girl and faint clean away. Shrugging, the former searat walks calmly over to the fireplace and retrieves her knife. Coming back, she says, "That makes sense, mate. Well, I think ye've got yerself a job huntin' down this bloody Bora." Blisa's tea has arrived, and Valerie (who appears to be a healer) is mixing stuff in it.

Darkwatcher nods. "Good. I've gone hungry for too long and our gold from the last big job we did is finally running dry..." He glances over at Valerie, trying to recognize the herbs.

Valerie finishes mixing in the powder (no luck on trying to figure out what they were before they were dried and crushed), then hands the tea to Blisa, who drinks it with an unhappy, pain-filled look on her face. Clarissa nods, ignoring Ferdinand as he comforts the petite feline. "Aye, I understand. After I ran from me ole ship, I spent a season tryin' to make what little money I 'ad last as long as possible."

Darkwatcher nods. "The last major operation we did was a siege, up north, at an old fort called Marshank. Hired by some cat named Morgoth. Incompetent, but he was at least ambitious. Siege ground on for about a month, but we got first pick of loot."

Clarissa sits on a barstool, idly flipping her knife by tossing it into the air and then catching it again. "Marshank, huh? 'Eard o' that ole captain believed that ghosts 'aunted it; 'e wouldn't go near the place."

"Yeah, that place had some history for sure," Darkwatcher sighs. "Apparently a legendary warrior once was held prisoner there...Anyways, we rolled over that place pretty fast once the time was right. Nasty fights, lots of archers tho'."

Blisa has drunk all of her tea, and now she pipes up, saying, "It was Martin the Warrior, founder of Redwall. He was a slave there once. When he went back to defeat Badrang, his former owner, his love, Laterose, was killed, and that drove Martin to get away from the Northlands to get away from the painful memories there." Clarissa stares at her charge for a few minutes, then gestures at her with her throwing knife. "Yeah, that's what 'appened up there."

Darkwatcher blinks. "Okay, then." He stands up, finishing his ale. "Anyhow, I have to get going...was going to look for some trouble down at the Black Gull. Bye all." He heads out, nodding farewell.

Thanks for reading!
