Free the Slaves Fight Tp Part 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Black Rose:Large Slave Cell(#171634R)

There are many unpleasant rooms in this dark place, but this is one of the most unpleasant. It is not an air of evil which affects the senses, nothing to intimidate here. It is an air of misery. The room is low and long and room lacks any windows or torches, so the only light is the small amount which slips between the cracks in the door. There is a sort of spoiled smell in the room, as it seems to be the only one not diligently cleaned, and one can easily imagine the smell belonging to some beast that may have expired long ago and left his stench behind. A few of those who are not so tired from a full day's work have attempted to sort it out a bit, pushing the debris into the corners of the room. Beds are stacked up in two layers along both sides of the room with barely a paw's width between each, simple wooden boards at the foot of each frame provide as a ladder to the upper bunks. There are as many mattresses pressed in here as space allows, the only room on the floor to walk is a narrow hall.

Exits: [O]ut


[IC] Imoen

[ZZZ] Daena

[ZZZ] Jo

[ZZZ] Longspikes

[IC] Tungur

[ZZZ] Bandaged lower arm.. (Jake)

[OOC] Camera

[ZZZ] Bur

[ZZZ] Scallion

[ZZZ] Recovering from Mystical Vision (Whoe)

[DYN] Flicktail

Blackfur walks into the slave area and looks around,he clears his thoat some.

Imoen starts to say something and stops looking over at Blackfur and nods a hello.

Tungur looks to Blackfur. This is where he usually makes some remark, but for the first time, he stays quiet aside from one thing. "Hey..."

Blackfur hisses a little,he glares at the slaves," slaves...stupid,tis what the ghost mouse wants to keep me from, but he turned into a hare, he is probally something else now knowing it."

Imoen blinks,"Ghost..sir?"

Flicktail Tosses a bad apple at Blackfur but this one misses.

Tungur blinks at Blackfur. "He's finally lost it." he just stares at the cat for a moment.

Blackfur growls,he looks at Imoen"Go do something usefull.."

Imoen sidesteps,so the apple doent hit her,she frowns and looks at the slaves and back to Blackfur"No" she says quietly,she stays where she is.

Flicktail says, "Mouse is gonnaget cat" Flicktail sing songs.

Tungur looks to Flicktail and chuckles a little. "I wonder who is going to win this little game of cat and mouse." he laughs.

Blackfur slowly turns to her and glares "What did you just say to me?"He hissses low,he growls at the fox"Shut up or I will..will slay ya right now"He draws his sword.

Flicktail says, "nut the Ghost me in here Lad"

Imoen frowns,she watches as he gets out his sword, "I say No..and" she becomes brave and kicks him in the leg"Leave Flicktail alone!"

Blackfur growls as his leg is kicked and goes to grab the rat maid by the thoat,"What the...why is everyone turing on me!"

Tungur stands up quickly. "Let her go cat. Or I'll have your head!" he's so tempted to draw his sword from under his cot and attack.

Imoen doesnt have time to react as he grabs her by the thoat and gasps, a look of fear comes across her face.

Flicktail says, "maybe it be yer management style..."

Blackfur grins,he doesnt pay attention to the two,he grins at the rat maid and goes to try and squeeze harder,either hoping to make her pass out or worse.

Flicktail throws an apple at the Cat's head...pretty hard.

"I said...let her go!" And this time, Tungur throws himself at the bars, reaching out to try to grab what he can of the cat and smash it into something if he can.

Imoen gags as she tries to breath,her eyes start to droop slowly,she srtuggles some and after a while passes out.

Blackfur is hit with the apple,he releases his hold on Imoen some and looks at the two,he narrows his eyes,he lets go of the rat maid and watches the two slaves,he grins evilly" can't do a thing Tungur..."

Tungur growls. "You want a bet cat?" he growls. He looks to his cot for a moment but just can't get those knives. He closes his eyes. Memories of the night before come back before he just stares at Blackfur. "Your days are numbered cat." he growls. "If I don't kill you, someone will." he looks to Imoen and closes his eyes.

Blackfur smirks"Kill..that sounds like a lovely idea..though not you killing me"

Imoen lays on the floor,alive but unconious right now.

Blackfur smirks and walks over to the ratmaid and draws his sword "Pitty..guess she dies," He goes rise his sword.

Tungur blinks and goes wide eyed. "No! Wait! Don't!" he puts up a paw. "Don't...please don't..." he doesn't really care about the rat, but he doesn't want her to die.

Jake slips back,he would go slowly but hearing the words peeks in and glares,he goes to get behind the cat.

Blackfur grins "Too late," He goes to stab downwards aiming to kill Imoen.

Imoen is still..unconios so couldnt move.

Tungur blinks. "No!" he turns away quickly and clenches his eyes, not being able to bring himself to watch. He didn't even notice Jake behind the feline at all.

Jake goes to grab the cat's sword arm and hopfully stop him,"No way cat!"

Blackfur just about stabs the rat but the hares paw grabs his sword paw,rage fills Blackfur as he growls, He goes to stab backwards at the hare"Something dies tonight!"

Tungur looks up when he hears the growl, quickly turning back and then he spots Jake, breathing out a sigh of relief. He doesn't seem to even notice that Jake is the one in danger now.

Jake holds the cats sword arm,he tenses up in pain as the sword gets him in the side,he lets go of his arm and stumbles backwards,blood pouring from the wound.

Imoen groans slightly as she starts to wake up and blinks.

Blackfur growls and spins around glareing at the hare,he goes to kick Jake in the gut.."No one dares stop me!!"

Tungur watches Blackfur and then grabs a rock. He hurls it hard as he can at the cat's head when he's not looking. "I dare!" he grunts out as the rock leaves his paw.

Jake goes to attempt to block the cat and coughs as he is kicked pretty hard,he goes to try and stand but more blood pours from his side and he falls down again and coughs up a little blood,he sways some near passing out.

Imoen looks at the fight and frowns,she gets up and backs away slowly.

Blackfur smiles coldly as he sees blood,he growls as the rock hits him in the head and looks at Tungur with hate,"Your next!!"

Tungur looks at Imoen. "He saved your life! Now save his!" he barks out before looking to Blackfur. "Come and get me cat." he smirks.

--- An unholy snarl erupts from outside the cells, loud enough to shake dust from the rafters. A massive shape clad all in spikes and fury erupts from the light like a devil gone mad. The first of Blackfur's guards drops his spear out of terror, the second snaps an arrow into the charging Hedgepig... and then is no more as the Longspikes' massive paws come around like a pair of sledgehammers and catch the beast in the face.Bone shatters and blood gouts as the Hedgehog starts to fights and throws the now dead guard at Blackfur.

Imoen frowns and isnt sure what to do.

Blackfur hissses,as the dead guard hits him he is sent backwards,he lands with a thud,he is a little dazed and then hisses as he goes to slowly stand,he kicks the dead guared out of the way.

Tungur watches Spikes. "Nice." he grins then looks to the cat. "Come and get us, kitty kitty kitty." he grins.

Jake watches as his vision blurs,he tries to stand and collapes,his good eye closes..he isnt dead but getting close as he has lost good amount of blood.

Imoen starts to cry,this is too much shock for her she cant take it.

Tungur watches Imoen for a moment. "Get him out of here and then get out of here yourself!" he quickly turns his attention back to the others.

Longspikes's eyes are red with rage, flicking to the still-living ferret that had dropped the spear. The creature shrieks in terror as a massive fist clamps over his head... then goes quiet as his skull is smashed into the lowest rafter with a sickening 'CRACK!' "NO MORE! NO MORE, YOU HEAR ME?!" roars the Longspikes, flinging the ferret away like it was a ragdoll and wheeling to face Blackfur, his tree-trunk arms bunching into knots of muscle. "I will have you skull, cat!"

Blackfur growls as he looks at the hare,he smiles and laughs "Lot of blood, hope he'll die and so will more!"

The door doesn't just fly, it rockets open. Erebos had been strolling the grounds to shake off his mood when he'd heard the commotion coming from the cells. So when he enters his scimitar is already drawn and his body is alive with the fury of battle, all muscles taught and at the ready. He fills the door for a moment as he stands, taking in the scene. The diminutive shrew behind him is blocked from view, as is most of the scenery.

Imoen starts to run and almost crashes into Erebos and screams,she stops in her tracks and backs up.

Blackfur looks over at Erebos and back to the others,his eyes narrow.

Jake is still,well unconious and loseing blood from his side wound, so he has no clue what is going on.

Tungur stares at Erebos for a moment. "Great. Another great stupid thing has arrived." he says loud enough for Erebos to hear then he just stares at Blackfur and to Jake.

Longspikes's broad head snaps to the door as it smashed open. Furious eyes gleam with pure hatred at the sight of the scaled Monitor, and the Longspikes turns to face him, body hunching a bit, massive fists held akimbo at his sides... No chains... the anchor chain that had been binding his wrists and ankles together have been snapped apart, and all the work he had been put to in the camp has only done to reduce his fat and make his muscles stand out... The hedgehog is -big-. "Come to lick at the feet of your master, hey, fishbait? Ifn you were lookin' for a fight, by my SPIKES but you are going to get one." Longspikes reachup up, into the rafters... and pulls free a mace bigger than most in the cage, the iron head slamming into the earth beside the hedgehog like a small earthquake, the black iron head glinting with scars. "Go. Or die, Scalekin."

Tungur blinks at Longspikes and as he gets the mace down from above, he takes several giant steps backward. "Oh dear..." he mutters before looking over to the others with a grin.

Jake moves slightly,but still is pretty much unconious,he has stopped bleeding but a pool of blood is still beside him,he his breathing is starting to get a little slower.

Erebos's own impressive chest swells and his head rises to a haughty angle, regarding the hedgehog with one glittering black eye. He re adjusts his grip on his blade, and his talons make sharp scratching noises against the metal hilt. The lizard delights in a challenge, and all other beasts melt away into the background. "We will zee zoon 'oo iz ze one 'oo becomes food for feezh..." He says with a rattling hiss. "Wiz your 'ide, I could catch enough to feed me monthz. And your zpikez would do nizelee vor 'ookz." Erebos has always detested those vermin who adorn themselves with the remnants of other beasts, but as he eyes the things on Longspikes' back, he wonders if he should reconsider. After all, he's already started his collection with a lovely badger pelt. the lizard steps forward, signaling his readiness to fight and leaving a small gap between him and the door. Little ratmaids are almost too small for him to even notice.

Imoen looks at the gap in the door and to the bleeding hare,she frowns and goes to quickly go over to him and drag him away in the confusion.

Jake weakly groans as he is pulled,hopfully somewhere a bit less..well, dangerous as he cant fight right now.

Imoen leaves with: Jake

Imoen has left.

Jake has left.

Longspikes starts to laugh, his still-mighty belly shaking with the sound. Paws like shovels grip the thick iron-bound haft of the mace and heft it upwards, holding it horizontally across the Hedgehog's front. "Ifn you can gettem off my back, Fishbait, they're all yours... But yer forgettin' who you are fightin' here..." The mace rises, then falls like the collapse of kingdombs, smashing into the floor and sending a tremour through everyone's feet. "-I-!" he bellows, spikes flaring wide, the turquoise paint gleaming on many of them. The mace rises again, this time in a single paw, only to smash down a second time, digging a gouge into the hard-packed earth, "-AM-!" The mace rises and circles round above him, his voice a basso roar, loud enough to rattle the ribs, "THE LONGSPIKES! BIGGER'N STRONGER THAN ANY OTHER!" And without waiting for the response, the lunges, taking hold of the massive mace in both paws and thundering forward, leading with a world-shattering swing that strikes the iron bars of the cage door... and blasts the thing clean off the hinges, sending it cartwheeling into the wall next to Erebos.

Blackfur blinks as the door of the cage sails threw the air and growls,he goes to stab the,..wait a moment"Where is the hare!!!"

Tungur moves over to his cot, quickly gearing himself up with his throwing knives and his sword, before standing with the sword in one paw. He resists the urge to just hurl a knife at Blackfur and be done with it. He watches the door go flying off before he takes a breath.

The door clangs loudly into the wall, the bars vibrating and continueing to ring in the air after it settles onto the floor. "Blackvur!" The monitor bellows, not even sparing a glance at his leader. Now is not the time for feigning deference. "Get to ze ouzide door now!" Erebos is a much different beast in a crisis, all raging emotions and impatience. None of his calculated machiavellan style now. Just stay clear of him or you'll get hurt. He rushes at the hedgehog, not charging at full strength but going fast enough to overtake the beast. "preziouz time wazted on zhowmanzheep!" He laughs and gets in close when he sees an opening, slashing out wildly with his scimitar. The thing must obviously have been custom made for him, as it is larger than a normal broadsword, and the ease with which he wields it indicates the many seasons its been in his possesion. "And zkeell beatz ztrength at everee turn!"

Blackfur listens to Erebos and hisses "You don't order me lizard!" yeah probally not the best thing to say to Erebos.

Tungur spots Erebos charge. And that's his cue. He ducks out of the door and dives out of the way of the two, rolling to a stop outside the bars. He looks to the two and then to Blackfur. He grabs a knife from his belt. "Hey kitty...think fast" he hurls the knife spinning towards the feline.

Blackfur hissses as a dagger hits him,in the shoulder,good grief how many times can one get hit in the same shoulder!He growls and goes to stab at Tungur.

Longspikes lumbers out the cage door to meet Erebos as he lunges, the hedgehog's face a mask of bellowing fury, broken teeth bared as the two meet halfway. Too quick to bring the massive mace to bear, too close in to swing, but no matter... That scimitar hisses through the air, powered by Erebos' knotted muscles, edge gleaming with vicious razor sharpness, enough to hack lesser beasts in twain, but The Longspikes is no ordinary beast. As Erebos swings, the hedgehog twists his bulk to that it's his back that catches the blow. The sword slams into the nest of interlocked spikes, hacking into the thick quills and digging deep... but not deep enough to find flesh. Even as the sword's momentum is halted, the Longspikes is pivting on his one foot and lashing out with a fist like the doom of gods, a straight jab aimed at the lizard's chin, powered by muscle like steel cable!

Tungur grins and then sidesteps the stab, he brings his blade upward and tries to crash his blade down Blackfur's hard enough to force him to drop it.

Blackfur growls,he grips the sword tighter and goes to try and kick at the rat"You never die do you!" He hissses low and smiles "Guess you can die then I will find the hare and make sure he is dead"

Erebos, busy with wresting the sword out of the thick nest of spikes, can only dosge with his upper body. The momentum gets the blade free, but not his head. The blow does not hit outright, but the glances off. The power behind it is enough, however, to knock his teeth together and a few of them pierce his scaly lip. The lizard staggers back a single step and shakes his head to clear it, pushing back into the fray almost immediately and with a sinister roar, complete with all the typical repitillian noises, spittle flying from his maw. "Chhhhhsssss! Peeg!" It seems his strategy is too stay near enough That longspikes cannot use the mace to any advantage, but that limits the use of his own weapon. No matter, the blade is considerably large than the hedghog's blunt piece and he can wield it with one claw, the other lashing out, talons turned upward, to strike at his thick neck. At the same time the flat of his blade pushes against the strong handle of the mace, trying to force it away. Spikes may be a better armor than scales, but they do not cover his entire body, and Ereebos has already proven his claws more than sufficient to break Nightmare's thick hide and gut him.

Tungur oofs as that kick hits him square in the stomach, sending him flying backwards into the wall. "Didn't you know? I don't even know the meaning of the word die." he grins then steps forward slowly. "But you still think you have a chance against us? How about this. You turn and run, and I'll let you live..."

Blackfur eyes narrow"I will not run,I am leader of the aBlack Rose, and your a slave ment to obey me, if anyone dies you will."

Longspikes lets out a snarled oath as those sharp claws slash towards him, the 'hog shoving his chin down to protect the vulnerable throat and so getting those claws raking across the side of his face. Blood, hot and red flows as the claws tear through fur and skin, leaving gouges in the flesh beneath. The mace drops to the floor between the two beasts, and Erebos discovers that being fat and strong doesn't stop one from being fast. Blood staining the fur all down one side of his face and neck, the Longspikes lashes out with two free paws, one huge set of knuckles driving towards Erebos' gut like a piston ram, the other making a grab for the wrist of his now-bloodied hand. "I've had worse from trimmin' me whiskers, fishbait! TRY AGAIN!" he roars, adding a shoulder to the mix, shoving forward with his powerful legs to try and shunt the lizard-beast back.

Tungur laughs and shakes his head. "If I'm a slave meant to obey you, why am I out here, fighting you, huh?" he smirks, drawing another knife. "No matter, I'll make sure you wont be fighting anymore." he hurls the knife at him again, but maybe slightly too close this time.

Blackfur goes to try and kick the rat again,he sidesteps the dagger and it slices across his arm,he hisses in pain and slices at the rat with the sword.

Erebos clenches the muscles of his stomach a split second before the paw hits. normally the blow would be enough to wind him, placed just beneath his solar plexus, but his tensed muscles and the thick padding of his coat soften the blow and he only coughs. Longspikes's other paw is much more successfull, though. He snarls and whips his claw back in an attempt to pull the 'hog into him. But then he's pushing forward and the action is made unnecessary. his eyes widen and he takes atumbling step backward as his chest catches the other's shoulders. Again he pulls with his claw, this time to the side, and throws his own shoulders into the mix, attempting to steer the hedgehog, divert his energy. As he does so, his other claw swings up towards Longspikes' head, aiming the thick flat of the blade at his temple. "Oh my dear." He whispers dangerously. "We I am onlee beginneeng."

Tungur oofs as the kick hits, and then he ends up trying to dive off to the side to get away from the feline's attack, only to get the blade just down his side, letting out a grunt as he hits the ground. He rubs at his side, seeing a fresh layer of blood on his paw afterwards. That only made his grip on his sword tighten. "I've had enough." he growls, getting up and giving a hack towards Blackfur's bad shoulder, leaving himself wide open to getting kicked in the stomach again.

Blackfur sidesteps but the sword enters his bad shoulder and deepens the cut,red blood leaks down his back and side as he growls in pain,he swings at the rats side with the sword he has and hissses low."Die rat!"
