Food Fight! or Poor Oz...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Redwall Abbey:Great Hall...

Oz the badger. DoraRose the mouse. Random Dibbuns. Odira and Ahndia the squirrels. Chud the otter.

Oz, yet again is busy as the dibbuns seem to not totally want to sit down for snacks, he finally gets them settled and walks back over to one having a time out in a chair, " If you agree to behave your get the afternoon treat tomorrow" The dibbun frowns and hmmphs. the badger sighs and sits down nearby to watch the dibbuns and rubs his forehead.

DoraRose has been helping in the kitchens, and is now taking a break to get gather some early crops from the gardens, and has decided to take the long way by going through Great Hall. She has a basket over her arm and a large, floppy hat in paw. Smiling warmly at the Dibbuns, she skirts the group, calling out a greeting to the Badger Father. "Good day, Oz. How are you?"

Oz looks up and nods "It would be better if wasn't concern for a missing child, but I think she was found..still other than that hoping someone else is back soon."

DoraRose decides to make a slight detour and so ends up stopped beside Oz's chair, her eyebrow cocked. "Leon sent me a message saying that he and Flicktail had found Cera and were staying in Ferravale for a little bit. Who else is gone?"

Oz nods "Thats who, Cera ran away, this being before...other matters, which may of made it worse, but things could of ended differently, I was not there when it happen the guards told me of the fight in the entry"

DoraRose furrows her brows, looking distinctly confused. Looks like no one has been keeping her in the metaphorical loop. "What fight?"

Oz sighs, "A ferret threatened the abbey, he sneaked weapons inside and attacked Flicktail in the entry,.the fight ended with the ferret's death, he also threatened others."

"Why would've that have made it worse?" DoraRose pulls up a chair and slowly sinks into it, basket and hat in her lap, slightly forgotten.

Oz answers after a while, "He was Cera's..Father, he was evil and someone else mentioned he was wanting to make her one day be like him, but she is good and guess he didnt like that and may of wanted to do her harm, but he is dead now so no longer a threat to the abbey or Cera."

Eyes wide, the warriormouse sits back, a frown crossing her face. " Poor Cera. That's awful. I mean, even if he really was evil, it's awful having somebeast you love die."

Oz nods slowly, "Yes, I have not heard how she is and her father was killed the day after she ran away,..Flicktail and Leon and a hare also were in the group to look for her, its hard to say what her reaction was to the news"

DoraRose looks down at the hat in her lap and fiddles with the ribbon, thinking. Meanwhile, a Dibbun otter picks up an oatcake and smiles wickedly. Rising, he takes aim and gets ready to throw the piece of food at a Dibbun mouse. A few other Dibbuns sitting nearby look at their food, obviously thinking that a food fight would be, like, seriously huge fun.

Oz doesnt notice the one dibbun with the rice cake, seems he has a headache right now.

The main Great Hall doors are opened by Odira the infirmary squirrel Sister with some difficulty. The reason for the difficulty is she's opening them with her back- her paws are holding her daughter's shoulders, dragging Ahndia into the building. Ahndia's tail droops, and there are tear streaks down her facefur.

Just as the door opens, the otter throws the food and beans the baby mouse, who starts to wail. Somebeast yells, "FOOD FIGHT!!!" and without anymore warning, Great Hall becomes a scene of flying-food-chaos.

Oz frowns deeply as the food fight starts and food is flying, he shakes his head as his headache worsens quickly, first he goes to sooth the younger dibbun that is wailing "Shhhh...its alright," He looks at the other dibbuns"Ok, thats enough its time to stop!"

Odira growls as the food fight starts- how inviting! Now the Great Hall is /such/ a /pleasant/ place to be! Ahndia doesn't notice, she just allows her mother to drag her to a chair and dump her in it. Odira gets wacked in the arm by a mushy scone, and she slicks it off contemptuously, glaring at the hedgehog who threw it.

DoraRose comes out of her reverie and covers her face with her floppy hat, to protect herself from flying food as much as to hide the huge smile that's threatening to turn into gales of laughter. The Dibbuns, meanwhile, are too busy being mischevious to notice the grummpy grown-ups, although a couple of the ones near Oz sit down and act civilized so as to try and not get into trouble.

Ahndia moans and covers her ears with her paws to block out the noise. Odira hushes her, bending over to hug her, until she gets a muffin right in the face, a sticky muffin with honey.

Oz shakes his head as glob of fruit hits him in the face, he wipes it off and takes a deep breath, "Enough!!"

In the midst of the chaos, a brown-furred young otter slips into the sea of disorder, ducking under a table and grabbing a half-eaten pie, hefting it in one strong paw.

Ahndia's tail droops even lower with the wieght of someone's drink. Odira doesn't bother to wipe the muffin off her face, but she stands straight (she's kinda tall, with broad shoulders, so... a little imposing, maybe?) and shouts, paws in fists at her side, in a fine, military parade-ground voice. "H'any dibbun who throws h'another thing will be sent to the abbot h'or Brother Benar! You /will/ listen to Oz!" Well, /someone's/ a little stressed.

All the Dibbuns give off one huge shriek, and they all drop to the floor en masse, sitting like little saints. DoraRose, after coughing a couple of times, gets the smile off her face and so can bring her hat down, but she still looks like she's about to choke on something.

Oz scans over the group of dibbuns, he looks like he is going to be stern and shakes his head,"Someone get sister Andrea.." He walks off with the one sniffing dibbun, yeah his headache is worse.

Chud crawls out from under the table--for it was him that slipped in in the middle of the chaos, and hands the half-eaten pie to the nearest Dibbun. "Pass this down the line," he whispers. "Each take a bite then pass it on. Then get the empty dish back over here."

Odira throws a glance at Dorarose, and then goes to glaring at the dibbuns. She points up the stairs. "Baths.All of you. And early bedtime." Indeed, chud has gone unnoticed. Ahndia flaps her tail on the floor, and the drink- whatever it is- makes a gross wet noise. She sniffs, her crying easing a bit, but she looks thouroughly grossed out by the mysterious substance.

DoraRose swallows a few times to keep from laughing or smiling. The Dibbuns pass the pie around and it comes back to Chud, literally licked clean. At the punishment from Odira, all the dibbuns wail, then get herded off by Brothers and Sisters of the Order. After the whole lot have gone, the warrior slowly stands, walks over to the otter with an empty basket and big floppy hat in paw and murmers to him, "Y'know, you really shouldn't encourage them."

Chud hops up to his feet and says innocently, "Whaaat? I wasn't _encouraging_. I just was making their day a bit brighter 's'all. Did I tell them to throw pies at each other again? No. I just figured it would be nice for them to know somebeast is on their side." His eyes twinkle roguishly.

DoraRose snorts and smiles rougishly. "Did you see that muffin bean Odira in the head?" she chuckles out.

I ahd to leave 'cause of an emergency. Thanks for reading!