Flicktain in Hati, one Nervous Fox

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 02, 2013 in the category Chatterbox by Flicktail. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Thu, 05/02/2013 - 12:57

Hello All:

This is a note, it is official, I am in Haiti, as any fox, I ma nervous of my new digs, I feel a bit homesick and in a strange place. But this is old hat for me, I am sure within a few days i will be right as rain.

I just wanted to tell everyone, and warn them, I will be at work roughly 8-5, and there will be times I need to be at "meet and greets" so my time on line may be less, but I WILL be here....

What is worse, The internet is spotty, so far it's been excellent, but I have been told that in the evenings especially, the net could go down. We also tend to lose power, not for very long, but it does happen. So if Flicky is on and sudden;y Poofs...do not worry or hold it against me please....

Flicktail t. Fox
