First Of Many Lessons

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

    • Somewhere in southern Mossflower close to the old church is where Zurrgg and his growing group of vermin stay with a lone captive ***

Xander was tried; he had done a lot of sit-ups and push-ups the past few hours. He had lifted heavy stones and logs and sweat was going down his face.

Ripfang watched and hisses “No resssssst for you sssssssssssssripedog.”

Zurrgg watches and grins as he walks up, and drawing a blade he slices at the badger cub suddenly.

Xander gasps and barely gets out of the way, a small tear is in his tunic now, ”W..Wot was that about sir?”

Ripfang hisses low and turns to the wildcat “I say kill him masssssster, I have yet to eat lunch”

Zurrgg attacks again as he speaks “Surprise is one thing one must be ready for. Always be alert and ready boy!”

Xander is ready this time and gets out of the way of the blade, he narrows his eyes at the wildcat, and looks at the monitor but knows better than to anger it and looks down at the ground.

Ripfang quickly goes to pounce the dibbun as it looks down, fangs and claws out and meaning to hurt. A hiss or warning is not given and he hopes to hurt a lot.

Zurrgg watches for now but has his blade ready if it’s needed.

Xander screams in pain as he is slammed down to the ground and sharp claws dig into his back and ear.

Ripfang doesn’t make the claws go in deep, but enough to draw blood and the force to be knocked down most likely knocked the wind from the badger. He hisses at the smell of blood and shows his fangs, he then goes to open his jaws and starts to aim for the dibbun's neck.

The monitor will soon find himself shoved off by 3 tall stoats and one angry wildcat. Zurrgg eyes narrow as he growls “He is not food…he is MINE! He is MINE to train and to punish if needed, is that clear Ripfang or do I not need you around?”

Xander whimpers as he feels the lizard push him down more and then a gasp as he slowly looks to see the wildcat and 3 stoats…wait save him? This is odd to him as he stands and limps over to a tree and climbs it with a little difficulty due to a sprain foot paw.

Ripfang looks up at his master and hiss low, he then speaks “I am ssssorry Masssster. He was being rude to you with hisssssss look.”

Zurrgg glares at the monitor and backs off ”He will learn. He gets stronger every day I can see it, he pays attention to things around him..” He looks and catches sight of the badger and walks over to the tree, “Down…now Xander” The tone is a command, one best listened to.

Xander frowns and slowly gets down and stands in front of Zurrgg ”Yes sir.”

Ripfang stands and his tail coils behind him, fangs still out as he watches the cat and badger.

Zurrgg grins and singles for the group, now 3 dozen strong to be before him. It does not count 2-3 dozen in Ferravale .”As you see he also has learned to obey me.” He smiles “Obey me without a 2nd thought.”

Xander stays in front of the wildcat. He tries to not show fear and in fact has less fear of the wildcat since he has been with him for some time.

Ripfang only watches and then nods to Zurrgg “Yes obeying is good. He best be less rude or he issssss lunch” With that the lizard goes to hunt some birds, or maybe some lost beast of some sort.

Zurrgg narrows his eyes at the lizard’s back and then back to Xander” You did well today Xander now to my tent” Yeah is the only tent here. “You and I need to chat and have some lunch” He heads inside and looks like lunch is fish, wild greens and bread with water to drink. They also will talk of whats important for training, or least he wildcat’s idea of training.

Xander nods and follows as its unwise not to. He sits and eats, listens to all that is said carefully and when able will sleep.

What will happen next? Is it safe to keep that monitor around even? What sort of training and lessons will Xander do? Will the camp be found before the wildcat moves elsewhere? Stay tuned for more logs to come……………