Family Reunion (LP Log)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Salamandastron: Recovery Room

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

This is the recovery room for the Long Patrol. It is the place that, once

initially treated, injured Patrollers retire to convalesce. As such, it is

dimly but pleasantly lit, the lantern light casting a calming light on its

inhabitants. One row of cots have been provided for short term patients,

with a bedside table between each, while the long-term patients receive

considerably more comfortable lodgings. With curtains for privacy, the beds

are larger, they have extra padding, and When in season, fresh flowers are

kept in evidence. A small bookshelf with a rotating selection is kept well

stocked. The other half of the room is devoted to providing therapy to the

recovering Patrollers. All healer supplies are stored in a long row of

cabinets that line the wall from one end to the other, and from floor to

ceiling, while the rest accommodates a variety of therapy tools - light

weights, balls, jumping ropes, and other such strengthening equipment.

Crutches are hung neatly on pegs on the wall.

  • -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
                 Visible Exits:

[Out] to Level Three

Hares: Flint, male. Felicity 'Lissie', female.

Flint is laying on one of the cots, his side bandaged up and a small patch of a bandage on his forehead. He has been given a clean hospital type tunic to wear and right now is the only one awake it would seem. He has found sleep to be hard at times and welcoming at other times the past couple days. They have also placed him on a cot on the far side of the room.

Felicity enters, looking around kind of anxiously. She had been told that Celina and another hare had been rescued from toads, but she hadn't been told who, exactly, the other hare had been. She stumps in, leaning on her crutch, her right ankle in a bandage, and looks around the room. She gets closer to the buck, not really seeing him until she's about 3 cots away...and then. Then she spots him, and her eyes go wide, and her mouth drops open in an O. She looks like she's seen a ghost.

Flint doesn't see the haremaid right away as he is looking at the celling, he then hears the crutch and looks over. Hares have come in and out of the room to get a look at him, him who has been missing over 3 seasons! He has seen old and new faces, he has yet to see the badger lord, but knowing the badger lord he came in when he was asleep.

Felicity stumps forward a step. ".....Uncle Flint?" It's been 3 seasons since she last saw him, and my, how big she's gotten. So many things have happened since he went missing, he's gonna need ALLOT of catching up on events.

Flint studies her for a long few moments before painfully sitting up a little, she would look basically the same just taller and more grown up of course, "Felicity?" He asks and coughs, he reaches over and gets some water from a cup that was left for him.

"UNCLE FLINT!!" Lissie stumps forward and stumbles into the end of his cot. Sitting down on it, she goes to hug him tightly as tears course down her cheeks. "It's been seasons since I saw you!! Where have you been?? Oh, Uncle Flint, I missed you so much!!"

Flint smiles, a rare one lately and hugs her as well, he has happy tears, "Lass....oh ya don't know how good it feels ta be home." He looks at her, "Wot happen to ya?"

Felicity sniffles and tries to stem the flow of tears coursing down her cheeks. "I....I sp...sprained my ankle wh...while fi....fighting a v....vixen....I...I'm a Runner and a Private in the Patrol now," she adds proudly. "Oh, I missed you so much!!"

Flint smiles "I am sure your Mom and Dad are proud of ya, and that brother of yours." He has found it odd they didn't come to see him as well, just her, not that it seems off to him yet. They could be busy or he was asleep, "Where...are they anyways?" He doesn't mention the little sister as he didn't meet her or know of her even.

The happiness drains away from Lissie's face, and she bites her lip to keep from crying again. "" the tears come anyway as she realizes that no one has told him. ".....they died. Davie was m.....murdered sear....rats, and Mum' Da d....died wh....while h......huntin' th....them down....." she hiccups and covers her mouth with a paw to keep from sobbing.

Flint looks in shock, he shakes his head "'.I am so so sorry." He shakes his head "Those slimy stupid...toads keep me from my family, and I wasn't thar to blooming help..." Tears go down his own face as well. He coughs and speaks " still have me lass, and I promise not to...not to leave your side "

Felicity nods and goes to hug him again, aiming to rest her head on his chest. "I......I 'ave a sis....sister, t....too. 'Er....'er name is Jul.....Julia...." she sniffs and closes her eyes. "I'm......'m so g....glad that....that you're back, th....though....."

Flint smiles a little "Me too too, I couldn't let the recruit stay captive, had to try and get out of there, to run...a couple other hares came and helped by wasn't a LP hare but darn well should be made one"

Felicity nods, her tears drying. "That would be Celina. I'm hoping she will accept my friendship. I was told that she had been rescued along with another hare, but nobeast told me that.....that you had been rescued."

Flint nods "It feels...strange to be back here, I have missed a lot it seems. Even a new badger Lord I heard, not meet them but then maybe I was asleep." He looks at his side, a small red mark is seen so maybe he should try not to move too much.

Felicity nods. "Aye, Lord Ciocan. 'E's 'uge! And you should see 'is war 'ammah." She follows his gaze to the red spot, and immediately sits up, her paws covering her mouth in horror. "Oh my heaven's, Unlce Flint, are you alright? Did you get injured in the escape? Did I just make it worse?"

Flint looks at his side and shakes his head "I'm...fine, had worse and got sliced during my escape, almost died if that arrow didn't hit the toad would of died." He wraps his arms around himself some as if he wants to hide something, which is easy right now he has that tunic on.

Felicity's brow furrows in concern, and she goes to take his paw. "Are you sure? I'm not a little girl anymore; I've killed beasts, and I've seen much in my time in the Long Patrol. I don't think a little blood would scare me." She goes to pull his arms down into his lap, but that's all. She doesn't try to do anything else other than hold his paws in her own.

Flint nods "Just...hurts, I needed stitched and prob'ally lost a...good dal of blood lass, maybe pulled a stich " He has pulled one, maybe two of them in fact.

Felicity she goes to give his paw a little squeeze as she nods. "Would you like me to get a 'Ealer? I'm sure there is one in the Infirm. Although I think you should wait a little bit before you meet Julia; she's a bit of a handful some days."

Flint nods "They can, check on the wound as that be best lass"

Felicity nods and stands up, grabbing her crutch and leaning on it. "I'll be /right/ back." She stumps out of the Recovery Room and heads to the Infirmary to get a Healer.

Flint nods slowly as he goes to lay back down and tenses up in pain, he looks at his side and no other blood is seen but it does seem to hurt more.

Felicity comes back within a few minutes, a Healer hare following her. "I got somebeast, Uncle Flint. Are you still alright? I'll be right 'ere, so you won't be alone while the 'Ealer checks you ovah."

Flint nods as the healer does check him over, the healer frowns and sighs "Couple stiches came lose.." She sews the wound where the stiches are lose and re applies herbs and rebandages the wound "He needs to not move too much, least twist and turn alot."

And RL called Flint away because it's evil like that. Felicity would've nodded solemnly and toned down her excitement during the rest of the visit with her uncle, and she will DEFINITELY make sure Julia doesn't meet him until he's well enough to leave the Recovery Room. Thanks for reading!
