Excerpt from Sariel's Journal

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated November 16, 2012 in the category Art and Fiction by Anonymous. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 13:03

Author's note: I fully intend to write and post several "articles" such as this one from Sariel's journal. However I do not know or have any ability to predict when the following posts may be, as they are being written as more and more of the young squirrel's past becomes clear to me. I have interviewed Sariel on multiple occasions, but he is still warming up to me as his biographer. I do guaruntee however, that as he releases the information to me, so will I to you. Sincerely ~J.S. Reaper

November the 12th:

I finally made it to Redwall today! It's been hard trekking through the snow and cold weather for the last day and a half to get here. Still very worried about momma but somehow I don't think she's gone, just missing. Reaper and Flicktail offered to help out with the search and even sent out bats who can see in the dark to look for her. It seems that everything momma said about this place is true, everybeast really loves working together and making sure everyone is taken care of. I didn't think this was possible! I hope that when she's done visiting her friend at Camp Willow maybe we can live here. There's not much left up north for us anymore and it would be nice to be around goodbeasts again.

I also met some very neat younger beasts today! Corinne, Shandar, Ahndia, and Zarok. We had a lot of fun and some of us even had a snowball fight! I thought I saw mom way out in the distance and fell out of a tree into a snowbank and had to go to the infirmary where Ahndia's mom gave me something to help the bruises go away fast! She's so smart! And her daughter Ahndia is very cute! I think i actually /like/ her. I know I'm way too young to think about much in that way but maybe someday... we'll just have to wait and see. She even stayed with me the whole time I was in the infirmary! She's so sweet. Shandar is more of a tombeast which makes for an interesting pair. Right before I got there, she turned Mr. Reaper's face blue with some kind of powder, it was funny! Corinne didn't say anything, which is sad, I was hoping to get to know everyone. Zarok, well now, he's an interesting one. He reminds me of someone who thinks they're still in a hostile area when they're not. I hope he's okay.

The badger they call papa Oz is cool too! he's really helpful and caring. I can see why he's in charge of watching the dibbuns. I hope that we'll be able to spend a lot of time here when momma arrives. I would miss everybody so much already. Well, Shandar seems to be trying to read my journal so I'm going to stop here. Maybe I'll continue when I'm in a more private place. It's also pretty late, time for bed. Goodnight, Redwall.
