Errors when posting logs

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated May 21, 2010 in the category Website Admin by church rat. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 13 replies.

Fri, 05/21/2010 - 19:51

I noticed this the last few times I posted logs.

I would post a log like normal but when I save it I am taken to white page with an error message.

I hit back and am in a blank log post form.

I click the logs link and there is my log in the list where it should be but there is error at the top of the page

(clicking any link makes it go away).

These same errors accured when I created this post. (the white page appeared when I hit save and going back and hitting a link caused the other error to appear in it's red box at the top of the page).

Needless to say it also happens whenever I edit this post. -.-

Note: Clicking the the title 'home' button does not trigger the second error message.
