Enough Talk...

From Redwall MUCK Wiki


Dylan vs. Nissyia in an ooc brawl. Both parties start with 15 hp. Each roll subtracts your opponents hp. I included dice rolls for...reasons.

Not all paths cut a strait course through the wood. Some wind and bend around the uneven ground, cutting around trees and over creaks. The path here leads off to the main road that connects several farms to the great redwall abbey.

A small wooden foot bridge cross a dry stream bed. The trees here are devoid of trees. The ground is blanketed in leaves. The air is still, silent, with a bit of a chill.

On one end of the small wooden foot bridge, Nissaya stood, clothed in his brown cloak. The hood was down, and he stared defiantly ahead, paws balled into fists. He said nothing, but simply stood there, silent and still as the air.

Rorgan room-pages, "that...looked like it'd be longer".

Standing across the bridge there is a lizard. He gives the otter a grizzled glare while chewing on a blade of wheat. The lizard looks like times have been better. His belly is hollow, his limbs are lanky and lean. The sword at his side is no less deadly though.


The blade comes free, slowly. Taking up a fighting stance with his long sword the lizard get's ready to pounce. "Enough talk. Let's fight!" Gripping the sword in both paws he lunges forward, the deadly tip of the blade aiming for his opponants heart!

You room-page, "also, did you want to log? Or should I?"

    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Dylan :
    • ROLLS: 1
    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
    • ROLLS: 4

Narrowing his eyes, both paws rose, and he rushed forward, twisting his body to avoid the point of the blade. WHAM WHAM WHAM! Three swift, open-pawed strikes landed on the lizard's midsection, producing three solid, meaty thunks. The otter's next strike aimed straight for Dylan's chin.

GAK! EEK! GAH! GRK! are the sounds the lizard makes as he goes flying off of his feet, landing his back on the bridge before bouncing onto the dry river bed.

"Ok, time out, time out. Just, time out man." The lizard struggles to get to his feet. "Bloody bleedin..." he shakes his head clear of stars, "The heck was that? That was, that was a total fowl! Don't you know how robbery goes? You're supposed to fall over and DIE!" On the last sylable he slashes at the otters leg from the dry creek bed.

    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Dylan :
    • ROLLS: 5
    • TOTAL: 5
    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
    • ROLLS: 6

Nissaya quickly jumped, aiming a kick to the lizard's head, though landing back on the ground right side up whether he lands it or misses. The same leg lifts again, shooting out a thundering back kick towards Dylan. "You're the one that should fall over and die if you think you're going to rob me," the otter shot back with disgust as he kicked.

The lizard brings his sword up to defend the blow but is still knocked backward onto his rump. He tucks and rolls, landing back on his feet in a more defensive posture. "Listen mate. It's nothing personal, but winter's coming. I need to eat. If you surrender now, I will jsut take your wallet, as opposed to eating YOU. Th-that sounds far, right?" The lizard takes a defensive posture this time, sword held out infront of him.

    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Dylan :
    • ROLLS: 6
    • TOTAL: 6
    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
    • ROLLS: 1
    • TOTAL: 1

The otter hesitated, then growled, one roundhouse kick aimed at the side of the lizard's leg. He then stepped a little on the outside of Dylan, one low punch aiming for the lizard's side. This lizard had threatened him. This lizard was going to pay for mouthing off. He had no pity that day.

Dylan growls as he leaps backward, casting a wide upward stroke at the otter to keep him at bay. "Fine, be that way you miserably flee bitten river dog!" Dylan leaps half on half off of the creek bed's wall then rebounds off of the wall with renewed vigor. He rolls again, bringing the sword around in a deadly arch against the otter in a slash aiming for his waist, side to side...

    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Dylan :
    • ROLLS: 1
    • TOTAL: 1

You room-page, "o.o dylan! you had one job. ONE job!"

    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
    • ROLLS: 1
    • TOTAL: 1

Rorgan room-pages, "xD".

You room-page, "niss is at 2"

You room-page, "dylan is at 3"

New Activity ---------

New Activity ---------

Nissaya shuffled backwards quickly as the first upward strike came, effectively dodging it. He backs up bit by bit as Dylan rebounds of the wall at him, and again, the otter did a rapid shuffled backwards. Despite his sharp reflexes, the sword left a sizeable gash accross the otter's torso. "You still have a chance to walk away with your life," He warned, growling lowly.

The otter's mercy is met with a cold half manic laugh, "Oh, sure, sure. I can just walk away, and if I don't starve to death tomarrow I can let winter take me." The lizard examines the trace of otter juices running down his blade, "Nah, I think you and me both know only one of us is walkin out of this here creek. And I ain't plannin it on being YOU!" The lizard makes one last effort to rid the world of the albino otter, thrusting forward with his blade, aiming just below the rib cage...

    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Dylan :
    • ROLLS: 1
    • TOTAL: 1
    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
    • ROLLS: 2
    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Rorgan :
    • ROLLS: 5
    • TOTAL: 5
    • DICE 1 d 6 + 0 ROLLED by Dylan :
    • ROLLS: 4
    • TOTAL: 4

Nissaya's teeth ground together in a snarl as the lizard spoke, and as Dylan lunges forward, the otter sidesteps, both arms catching the reptilian arm. With a swift yank, there is a loud SNAP, coming from Dylan's arm. Seizing the opportunity, Nissa snatches the sword from the lizard's paw, his back leg dealing a swift kick to the back of the reptile's knee, knocking him to the ground. Finally, with a swift twist, the otter drives the point of the sword down towards Dylan's back.

There is a frightened squeak as Dylan's arm snaps. Before he can come to process the pain he is thrust towards the ground. "This isn't pos-" His body jerks upward as his own blade is thrust into him, running through the lizards scrawny body, coming out through his chest. The lizard clutches at the blade then slides forward onto the ground, struggling to breath. "This...this isn't fair...this..." he begins to gurle, "Bury me...with my..." he lets out one gasp and is forever lost into the dark forrest. "haAAaAAat..."