Earthquake MP Room Descs

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated September 19, 2010 in the category Chatterbox by Vlen. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 1 replies.

Sun, 09/19/2010 - 19:02

Be ready for some nastalgia! Here are room descs from when the Abbey was hit by an earthquake in the MP that happened all those years ago ;) New desc's follow the exits. Enjoy! To note, these were recorded 10/13/2003.

Mossflower - Dirt Road ---------------------------

The massive form of Redwall abbey rests on the east side of the road like a wounded animal, licking its wounds. The rose colored stone has been cracked and mared in many places, allowing water to seep in and turn many of the crack into streaks of blood red stone upon the face of the abbey. A certain amount of mence comes from the sight of the entry gate, the once proud and strong gates have been hewn from their moorings on the wall, leaving only splinters, and being replaced by the presence of armed guards. The earthquake left the abbey a wounded and aching animal, ripe picking for some beasts of ill intention; now though, it has grown claws and teeth, intent upon defending its life to the last. As start contrast to the destruction of the walls, the grass of the meadows grows tall and strong, unadulterated, life goes on.

Exits: [G]rasslands, Redwall [Gate], [S]outh, [N]orth

RW Abbey: Main Gate

The once strong and impenitrable gates of Redwall Abbey are eerily absent, being shattered to splinters by the actions of the earthquake. Everywhere there are cracks and rivulets in the rose colored stone betraying the devistation of the upheval. A couple of beasts might be glimpsed moving about hither and thither ont he grounds of the abbey, but most of quiet excepting the motions of the winds or the march of time.

Please visit the Redwall Abbey Site at: [1]

Be sure to check out the MOTD for the abbey when there is new information: type '+motd $redwall'

Warning: Redwall Abbey is still governed under the 'Redwall Earthquake MP Rules' These can be found at: [2]

Exits: [Enter] the abbey, [R]ight [W]all, [L]eft [W]all, [R]oad

RW Abbey: Entry

The sandy entry between the Great Hall and the Main Gates as definately seen better days then these, All manner of activeity is happening here, beasts running back and forth with carts of rubble, guards marching around keeping an eye out for danger, and dibbuns running and playing among the large peices of rubble in the distance. Underneath it all though is a hollow feeling, Redwall Abbey has lost its warm feeling of safety; it would seem that the brigands and rogues who roam the road are more deady and dastardly.

Exits: [C]limb to the [R]amparts, [G]reat [H]all, [Ga]te [H]ouse, [C]hampion's [C]ottage, [Leave] through the gates, [A]bbey [P]ond, [Open] Ground

RW Abbey: Great Hall

The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey, countless paw falls have echoed through these walls and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings. For all the hopeful memories of this fond room, the devistation wrought by the earthquake seasons ago still shows vividly at the minor repairs that the beasts living in the abbey were able to make. Rubble has been cleared and the floor swept clean, but only a few tables occupy this room with their accompanying chairs. The once great stained glass windows have been patched with canvas and boards to keep the wind and rain out Beyond these visual sights, the hall still contains an unmistakable feel of emptiness.

The Tapestry hangs proud and tall over the roaring fire, the figure of Martin the Warrior watching over his own at this festive celebration. For its own sake, the massive wall hanging seems to have been taken down and beaten of some of its collected dust, so each of the colors appear more vivid and bright.

Exits: Abbey's [Li]brary, [K]itchen, [C]avern [H]ole, [B]reezeway, [En]try, [Stairs]

RW Abbey: Kitchen

The Abbey's Kitchen is a long and narrow room with five large fireplaces set in one wall, and two impressive, wood burning, iron stoves on the oppisite wall. Several tables sit in here flanked by a whole array of shelves and cupboards that hold day to day cooking supplies and serving utensils.

It is a sad sight to see in the Abbey's kitchens, known far and wide for the feasts they produce, to see so little food here. Only a couple bags of flour or jars of preserved fruit sit here a mind some baskets or scant nuts and berries.

Exits: [Wine] Cellar, [G]reat [H]all, [C]avern [H]ole, [Ki]tchen [P]ath, [Pan]try, [Sc]ullery, [La]rder

RW Abbey: Orchards

You stand in a sort of verdant sanctuary where the sun glares through the once thickened leaves. The occasional downed tree, in combination with the standing, murky water, cause the harsh light to bounce about the pond. A soft covering of moss and grass finds itself suffocated by the oozing sludge of mud, seeping in, and crushing into the trunks of the many once-proud trees, only serving to add to the displeasure of the whole scene.

Flowers, leaves, fruit, lie face down, dead in the mire below, leaving cool, empty branches. Fruits of all kinds are crushed and destroyed, as a result of the deluge of water, and the shaking all about. Any trace of the snow and death of winter is completely replaced by the great doom of despair and loathing, as of blooming flowers, developing fruit add to the slush below. The little flowers of the ground-covering plants, now covered by the marsh, begin to add a musty smell to the air, as they begin to become dusted in rot.

Something flashes in the sunlight up in a tree, maybe you can climb up the apple tree.

Exits: [Wander] deeper into the Orchards, [P]ath by [G]reat [H]all, [Ki]tchen [P]ath
