Dreaming of Revenge

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated August 28, 2012 in the category Art and Fiction by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

Tue, 08/28/2012 - 16:15

OOC : This has to do with the Thorns of Steel TP. Now, do be warned, I made up a rather scary monster for this fan-fic, so if you don't handle scary stuff very well, then you might not want to read this! BIC:

A dream...

-DORAROSE was in a dark forest that was filled with mist and gloom. She turned this way and that, but the swirling, ink-black fog hid everything beyond a few feet from veiw.

-No other beast was there, yet the warrior felt the presence of another being. Fear began to creep up her spine. She could not see this other creature.

-Suddenly, as if from nowhere, she felt a weight on her paws. She looked down and saw a sight that made the fear grow larger. Her feet were encased in a large, heavy block, and about here wrists were large iron shackles that were connected to thick chains that disapeared into the ground. She tugged, but they were too firmly anchored.

-A great roar, like that of a mighty beast, shook the air. Fear spread through the mouse, and she began to desperatly fight her bonds as another roar rent the air. Then she froze, fear grasping her heart in its icy grip as the monster came into veiw.

-It was as large as a hill, and was covered in shaggy black hair. Its mouth was large enogh to swallow DoraRose whole, and was filled with row upon row of sharp, jagged teeth. Above this were 6 yellow eyes. Sprouting from its forehead were 2 large, curling horns, like those of a goat.

-It walked on all fours, and had the look of a predator. Its claws were like those of a cat, and it had the tail of a serpent, with spikes added to the end.

-DoraRose's scream echoed through the trees as panic descended upon her. She fought her bonds wildly, causing the shackles to cut into her wrists.

-The monster roared again, drowning out the warriormaid's cry for help. She screamed and collapsed, covering her head with her paws as it lunged.

-A paw grabbed her shoulder, and a gentle voice said "Rose!"

-The terrified maid raised her head and gazed into a pair of gentle eyes. Relief flooded through her as she recognized the other mouse. "LateRose..."

-LateRose held up a paw. "I have a message, and you must obey it if your heart is to be free."

-She turned towards the beast, which was pacing back and forth a few yards off. "This is the creature Revenge. When you first set out on your quest of vengence, it was small and could do you no harm. But you fed it and let it grow, and now it is here to consume you." Turning back to DoraRose, she gestured towards the chains and block. "These are also the results of revenge. Over the seasons they wrapped around you, disabling you for this day. They are to hold you still so Revenge can kill you and all that you stand for, and turn you into a deadly fighting machine."

-LateRose knelt before the other maiden and looked her straight in the eye. "There is a fine line between revenge and justice. Cross that line, give up your quest for wengance, and seek justice. Kill Stormfeather only to keep him from killing anyone else." She stood, adding, "Don't ever seek revenge again, or you might never be able to come back." She turned and began to walk away.

-DoraRose stood, the fear rushing back like a flood. "NO! No, no no no, please, no, don't leave me!"

-LateRose stopped and looked back, pain and sorrow etched deeply within her face. "You must continue this fight alone. No beast can give you any more help. This is your fight and your choice." She walked off, and was quickly lost to veiw.

-DoraRose turned back to the monster just in time to see it lunge at her, claws extended and jaws agape.

-The warriormaid screamed.


SHE SAT UP, soaked in a cold sweat as her scream echoed around her.

-Had that been a dream, just a nightmare, or had it been the message from LateRose she had been waiting for?

-She heard footsteps, the door opening, voices asking her if she was alright. She nodded numbly. It had just been a dream. She was fine...right? It was just a dream, revenge wasn't consuming her. She was OK, she didn't have to worry, nobody did.


-"Revenge is OK to do, right?" she asked the empty room. And for the rest of the night, that question kept her awake.

OOC : ICly, she had this dream on August 27, 2012. Thanks for reading!
