Drawings of a Dibbun.

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Ferravale infirmary....

Raymond is not back to full time duty yet, just part time as he walks into the infirm with his arm in a sling.

Blisa is sitting on a cot, drawing. There is a stack of cards beside her, and she seems intent on whatever she's sketching.

Raymond walks over and looks at the drawings, "Intresting" he says softly, he looks around the room to see whom is here.

Blisa jumps slightly at the sound of the wildcat's voice, and looks up with fear in her eyes. She relaxes a little when she sees that it's just Raymond. "They're Get Better cards for Oz and Leon and Kiara and DoraRose and Flicky." She hesitates, the asks cautiously, "Do you wanna see what else I drew?"

Raymond shrugs, this seems the first he has really talked to a dibbun, yes he knows who she is just never really spoken to her, "Ummm...sure why not, and I am sure the other beasts will like the cards"

Blisa picks up a fineshed drawing and holds it up. It dipicts a badger trying to pick up a big rock, a mouse standing nearby, about 12 monitors, 1 of which is holding a small cat that looks suspiciously like Blisa, and a fox killing a magpie. The kitten takes a quick peek over the top of the paper, to see Raymond's opinion of it.

Raymond tilts his head and studys the drawing, "It's...intresting, but why would a badger have a hard time picking up a rock?"

Blisa gives the wildcat a look that comunicates just how obvious she thinks the answer is. "Papa Oz was very weak. He could hardly walk, much less pick up a big, heavy rock."

Raymond ohs as he then knows "Oh its a picture of something that happen,..detailed picture, so what happen to all the lizards?"

Blisa's green eyes turn hard as she replies in a flat voice, "I hope they all got killed by DoraRose and her friends who came and saved us."

Raymond nods "I am sure they...died, I was not there, was at the abbey fighting evil lizards and ravens."

Blisa nods. "I hope you killed them all." she says bitterly, then turns to the drawing she's working on. It seems to be the fox from the other picture killing a raven that's wearing a black skull pendant on a brown cord, a brown bag on another cord, 2 anklets, one blue, one red. The fox is throwing a bola at her.

Raymond frowns, " They were killed to protect others, some on our side died too...we had a monitor on our side,but he died"

Blisa glares at the picture she has on her lap. "They deserved it. I hope Daddy does something to honor those on our side who...yeah, um, yeah." She goes back to drawing, giving almost loving care to the raven's face.

Raymond nods "I..think we are going to have some sort of....something soon, we still also have a couple at the abbey yet, Ragg and...think Nightbreath is there, but its safe again and you can...play or what ever dibbuns do, again."

Blisa looks back up at Raymond. "Don't you know what Dibbuns do? I thought everybeast was a little once."

Raymond nods "They play and run around and stuff."

Blisa eyes the sword that the wildcat is lugging around. "Could you teach me to fight?"

Raymond blinks "Umm...maybe, when your older and I can't do anything without an ok from your father"

Blisa frowns and looks sorely dissapointed. Sighing, she turns back to her drawing. She is colouring it now, working on the fox's cloak.

Raymond asks, "So what other pictures do you have?"

Blisa glances up, then flips the page in her notebook. "This is the only other one." The picture is a childish drawing of Martin the Warrior swinging his mighty sword at the fox from her other 2 drawings.

Raymond nods "He was someone there too?"

Blisa shakes her head. "No, it was a dream I had." she turns back to her unfineshed drawing, colouring the cloak and moving on to the fox's bola.

Raymond nods "Dream....Scioto had a dream or something bout a mouse"

Blisa looks sharply up and figurativly pins Raymond down with her gaze. "Oh? He did? Was it Martin? What did the mouse say?"

Raymond frowns "I dont know, he may of been seeing things he was sort of out of it at the time." He backs up a little from the dibbun and ajusts his sling.

Blisa sighs, then goes back to colouring, kind of ignoring the wildcat.

Raymond frowns "What? I wasn't there when it happen, far as I know he was by himself."

Blisa shakes her head. "It's OK. I'll ask Daddy when I see him." she bends over the drawing, sticking her tongue out a little as she very carefully puts the details on the handle of the bola.

Raymond nods "Yeah he is..elsewhere, but you need to stay put and heal."

Blisa nods again, then smiles satisfatcorly, sets down her clouring suplies, and holds up her fineshed drawing. "There! All done!"

Raymond looks over at the drawing "It's a good drawing."

Blisa smiles brightly. "Thanks!" she turns the page, then stares at it, trying to decide what to draw next.

Raymond smiles "Your a very good drawer, maybe your be an artist when you get older"

Blisa frowns. "I don't want to be an artist. I wanna be a warrior, like DoraRose and Martin and Flicktail." she begins to sketch.

Raymond says, "well maybe an artist on the side."

Gildor walks into the infirmary, his eyes gaze about searchingly. Yup. He is on a hunt for garlic and he figures that he might as well look /everwhere/.

Blisa shakes her head, then turns to look at Gildor. Smiling, she says, "Hello."

Raymond shrugs, a guard comes in "Umm sir..two rats are fighting at the tavern and...ya better come." He sighs and rolls his eyes but follows, there are healers hee to watch the dibbun, he walks off and mutters.

Gildor's eyes turn to the kitten in the bed and he smiles back. "Why hello. Do you happen to know if they keep garlic here?"

Blisa shakes her head and inoccently answers, "No, I don't think so. Why? What do you need garlic for?"

Gildor frowns and looks a bit sad at the news. "I need it for....for some tests I am doing." He will not say anything about the tests being poisonous.

Blisa tilts her head a little. "Tests? What kind of tests?"

Gildor shrugs. "Oh nothing. I just boil the life out of it than....oh never mind." He is not ABOUT to give away any of his secrets.

Blisa scoots foreward and sends her most innoccent look in the other cat's direction. "Then what?"

Gildor smiles sheepishly and shrugs to himself. What could it hurt to tell a dibbun some of the ways he tests poison? "Well than I add it to a small amount of other stuff I have Perfected and see if it weakens this 'other stuff'. If it does I am back to the drawing board, but if it does not...." He does not need to finish for the look of bliss on his face explains a lot.

Blisa cocks an eyebrow, sits quite still for a few minutes, then smiles in recognitoin. "Oh...I see. And does this 'other stuff' ever kill creatures, or does it just make them sick?" Wow, she's good. How did she guess that?!

Gildor looks a bit down cast as he fails to hide the fact that he makes poison. "Well....It does both really, but you don't have to worry about it." Not like she would worry in the first place.

Blisa nods and turns back to her drawing. "I'm Blisa. What's your name?"

Gildor looks happy that no more questions come his way about the poison. "The names Gildor. Good to meet you Blisa. So why are you here in this old infirmary?"

Blisa looks up and glares at the other cat, trying to hide her fear and sadness beneath anger. "Stormfeather had me prisoner and I'm here to get better!" she shouts, trying desperatly to not cry.

Gildor looks suprised. He never meant to make her feel bad. "Oh! Sorry, I should have known that." He curses himself quietly than, trying to change the subject, asks. "What are you drawing?"

Blisa is trembling, but tries to calm herself by showing Gildor the impressive....line she's drawn. "I'm drawing a sword right now."

Gildor is not quite sure what to say about the sword, but he smiles anyway. "It looks....great! You will have to show it to me once you are done drawing it."

Blisa nods, then rubs her eyes and yawns.

Gildor smiles at the dibbun once more than looks around. He MUST find the garlic and soon for he left somthing boiling over the fire when he left his small shack.

Blisa nods, then nods again, then collapsesses, laying on her back, sleeping, surrounded by her drawing supplies.

Gildor nods a quite good-bye to the dibbun than quickly stands and makes his way toward the back room of the infirmary.