Down the Rabbit Hole (pt. 2)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Down the Rabbit Hole (pt. 2)


  • Mirabella
  • Oz
  • Lacota
  • Lee

The Hole

You find yourself in a dark, dank hole, apparently directly under the South Wall. The hole is circular, with fitted stone walls. The stonework is clearly ancient, older even than the Abbey above. There are holes in the stone wall at equal intervals, the only remaining evidence of the wooden stairs that were once in this ancient tower.

Down in the hole, Mirabella is stirring, scooting around on her bum with her paws. Her dress, if she could see it, would horrify her; it's covered in mud and dust. Her face, ears, and headfur are in a similar state of affairs, but right now she's feeling around on the stone floor, looking for something cold and metallic to use the flint Zinnia dropped down the hole with. Her ears are pricked up, listening for a call from above, while her eyes studiously avoid the light.

Up Above

This is a small strip of land between the pond and the orchards which is bordered on one side by a portion of the Abbey's southern wall. This particular section, while well built and sturdy, is obviously much, much newer than the sections to either side of it. The ground is clear of almost all grass and weeds, and is somewhat uneven, still bearing deep ruts and impressions that have not yet been worn away by the rain. The center of this area contains a large firepit lined with flagstones and encircled with log benches.

Oz has left the dibbuns with Sister Jenny like he usually does this time of day, but he is not sitting down and having his afternoon tea, he is making sure a couple guards know where to go, then were they told for sure where by the wall, well hopefully they can find out by listening closely."Hello?"

Lacota is outside as well, pushing his spectacles up his nose. "By Martin's whiskers, Zinnia said the lass fell *under* the wall... Can mean only one place, that I know of... I've talked about it with Benar before... The ruins of Kotir. Guards, have you found the opening yet? We must hurry. There's no telling how badly Mirabella is injured."

It's quite a fair drop down there, and Mirabella doesn't hear the first greeting. The mousemaid is intently focused on finding a piece of metal to make light. Her nails scrabble about on the stone, before finally knocking something skittering away with a satisfying clink. "YES!" She lets out a jubilant shriek, scooting herself in the direction of the sound and wrapping her fingers, finally, around a ring of steel about the size of a bracelet.

Oz may not be able to see but his hearing is very good, better than most by a god deal as he listens and seems to tune out any other sounds of walking. He moves slowly and a guard steps out of his way and watches him, till he stops and speaks "I think the hole she fell in is somewhere along here." He shows an area of maybe a couple feet along the wall. "But do be carefull no one else falls into it"

Lacota nods grimly. "Indeed, we don't need anymore accidents. Has anybeast got a rope? Bah, we need several burly novices or something..."

Lee arrives not long after, carrying his new daughter. "Oy, wot's all the commotion? I 'eard somethin' about a beast fallin' unner the wall?"

Down in the hole, Mirabella is scratching the metal ring against one of the chunks of flint with some level of determination, sending small sparks flying as she searches for the best angle to hold the thing. "This is really not ideal," she mutters, pushing a strand of stray headfur out of her eyes.

Oz listens trying to hear Mirbella again. A guard is close to the hole now "Hello. you ok down there?!" The guard asks, about a foot from the hole now. Another guard goes to get some long rope quickly and Oz tilts his head towards Lee "Someone is down under the wall, I believe Lacota said something on ...ruins or..something?"

The Friar nods quickly. "Yes, that's what I said. Castle Kotir. What most of the Abbey does not know is you have an ancient, ruined fortress beneath your feet. And now the mousemaid Mirabella has quite literally fallen into it."

Lee frowns with concern. "'Ow deep, Friar, any ideas? I remember this from awhile back. Leon fell down that hole, too. 'E was lucky there was somebeast there ta see it 'appen." He gestures to the remaining guard, "Oy, ye there, go sound the alarm. This is an emergency, an' we can use more able-bodied beasts ta 'elp."

The guard nods and quickly gos to find some strong and able bodied beasts in the abbey to help while the other guard has returned with a long rope now and a 2nd one just in case its needed as well.

At the bottom of the hole, Mirabella's ears perk up at the guard's cry, but her eyes remain fixed on the small shower of sparks she's striking up before her, one finally landing on the candlewick. A slow, gentle blow coaxes the ember into life, and the flame slowly pulsates a dim light into the blackness. "I'm down here," she calls up, staring at the candlelight. "I'm down here, but I can't stand up."

Oz does hear her and is able to, very carefully, find the hole by moving slowly and edgeing a fotpaw along, he then steps backwards "Well..found the hole, not sure how big it is but guessing not too big, just the right size for her to fall into"

Lacota shrugs at Lee. "I have no idea. Ten feet? 15? It's deep, is all I know." He nods at Oz, carefully kneeling at the edge and feeling along it. "As I suspected." He cups his paws about his mouth, and calls into the darkness, "It's alright, Lass, we've got a rope. We'll have you out in no time." He peers up at Lee again. "She can't stand, so she'll be unable to climb out using the rope as a harness. The rope will have to be tied around her, so she can be lifted out... Do you think we need to send someone down there?"

The otter frowns. "Oy, we may have to. Unless she's able to tie it herself, but I'd hate to risk it. Wot do ye think, Oz?"

Oz is silent and then speaks" It may be wise, but who? They would have to be about the same size as her as we don't need the hole any bigger. I would also suggest making sure the moles find a way to fix the hole and make this area by the wall strong again so this doesnt happen again. I do not think it possible to fill in the whole ruins, it seems only this area right here is weak and no other areas so...somehow fix this area, hmmms unless special support beams could be made and placed by the moles, and of course filling in the hole as well"

Oz says, "Of course fix the hole after she is gotten out" then he is sure thye know he ment that but just in case he added that" But like I said..who goes down?"

"I'm /down here,/" Mirabella calls again, as loudly as she can. No reply, so she assumes she hasn't been heard. Curious green eyes begin to look around the chamber she's found herself in, spotting an opening a short distance away. "Interesting," she murmurs, eyes wide with fascination. After a moment, she calls up again. "Be careful! It just collapsed underneath me."

Lacota crosses his arms. "Ahem, if you two fine fellows haven't yet noticed, I am quite spry and slender. I volunteer myself, and I won't take no for an answer. As for filling the hole, we can discuss that with Benar later. I'd advocate covering it, as opposed to completely filling it in, Oz. We don't know how extensive the ruins are beneath our feet, it may be wise to have them surveyed so we know Great Hall won't collapse into a giant hole in the ground someday."

Lee just blinks, somewhat dumbfounded. "*You*, Friar? I... I'm not sure I can allow it. Yer an Elder of the Abbey, in charge of the kitchen, a senior member of the Order, Lacota. Ye'd be takin' an awful risk, mate."

Oz nods "That does sound wise, the moles could easyly do that and still find a way to make supports somehow." He frowns at the idea of Lacota going down there," Maybe one of the smaller guards would be best"

"Hello?!" Mirabella's voice is beginning to sound panicked again, as no one has replied since the initial greeting. "I'm down in this hole! Please don't go away, I need help!"

Lacota stomps his foot. "Listen, I'm here, we need to hurry, so let's get this done. I know some minor healing techniques, so I can help her. Are doing this, or not?" He turns and calls down into the hole again, "Sit tight, Miss. I'm coming down." He grabs a stick from the firepit. "Now then, as an Elder of the Abbey, I am requesting you to tie that rope around my waist. Oz, you know I'm a stubborn old coot, and when I get it in my head to do something, I'm going to do it, come heck or high water."

Lee sets his daughter in soft, grassy spot. She had fallen asleep, despite all the commotion. Grumbling, he picks up one of the two ropes. "I 'ope ye know wot yer doin', Friar." He starts to loop one end around the squirrel's waist, then ties a strong knot, before looping again. "Yer a squirrel, though, I'll grant ye that, an' ye oughta be an excellent climber. Anyway, I'm gonna lower ye carefully, an once ye reach the bottom, I want ye ta give the rope a sharp tug, so I know yer there. I'll drop the end of the second rope after ye. When yer ready ta come back up, just tug the rope again. 'Ave ye got all that?"

"Is anyone up there?!" Mira's candle is about halfway burnt out, posted on the stone floor next to her to keep the hot wax from burning her delicate paws. The rescuers are doing a terrible job of reassuring the rescue-ee. She clutches tightly to her basket.

Oz starts to say something and then when Lee goes to tie the rope instead he is glad of this as he would of asked Lee to do it instead as he would want to make sure it was tied very well and one needs to see for that. He steps out of the way but stays close by in case needed.

Lacota nods his head. "I understand, Lee." He grips the stick, and starts to carefully crawl toward the edge of the hole. Once there, he peers over, straining to see into the darkness. "Here I come, Mirabella! Watch out!" he yells, and then he carefully slips over the side, gripping the damp stones of the wall as he descends.

Oz nods to them as a novice comes to tell him about a dibbun that needs some attention, he excuses himself and heads off. He knows Lee and Lacota can handle this and there is the guards as well that are here.

Lee had already made sure one end of the rope was securely tied around a nearby tree, and stood a couple feet away from the hole, lowering the length of rope into the hole, as the Friar makes his way slowly toward the bottom.

A furry tail obscures the light from the hole from Mira's view as the friar makes his way into the ruin. "Brother Friar?" Mirabella calls out, recognizing his voice and the shape of a squirrel. "Be careful, the stone is ever so slippery. And cold. It's quite cold." Her guttering little candle doesn't spread light much farther than the first few feet, so everything between the daylight from the hole and the candle is dark.

"Yes, it is I, Miss Mirabella," comes the reply. Lacota is trying to lower himself slowly, but the stones are ever so damp and slippery. In spite of the rope around his waist, the squirrel still experiences the uncomfortable sensation that if he fell, nothing would be there to catch him. He gets along quite fine for several minutes, until, in the pitch darkness, he misses a foothold. The squirrel lurches backward, making a mad scramble to grab at the wall with his paws, and misses. Suddenly, he is falling, several feet, with a startled yell, before the rope goes taut suddenly, and his caught, dangling free in the darkness.

Up top, the otter Lee is still lowering the rope as fast as he dares. Just as the guard returns with a few strong and burly abbeybeasts, the rope suddenly goes slack in his grip! Reacting quickly, the otter makes a quick yank upwards, gripping hard to stop the Friar's rapid descent.

Mirabella gives a startled gasp from below as the friar tumbles a short distance, hanging now an arm’s length or two above her head. "It's not far, now, Brother Friar, but it would hurt terribly if you fell on your back from up there," she observes, large green eyes narrowed with worry.

Lacota dangles precariously, face up, unable to see the bottom. "Not far, you say? Alright, miss." He sighs, then reaches out around himself, but his fingertips just barely brush the wall. "Blast, I'm going to have swing over toward the side again. I can't tell Lee to lower me further because he won't be able to hear me... and if I tug the rope right now, he'll think I'm at the bottom and just drop me... And as you astutely pointed out, Lass, I don't need a broken back." With that, squirrel starts trying to swing himself gently, until he can touch the side again, and starts trying to climb the last few feet to the bottom, without another accident, hopefully.

Meanwhile, Lee enlists some of the other Redwallers in lowering the rope, which he starts again after a few moments of worry. "I did say this were an awful risk, but did 'e lissen? NOOO..." the otter grumbles to himself.

"Oh, it's not far at all, now, Brother Friar. You've nearly made it. It must be remarkable to be a squirrel and have all that agility and climbing ability. I probably would never have fallen in here if I was a squirrel." Mirabella chatters away, happy to have someone to listen to her again.

Lacota nods a bit, listening as he quickly reaches the bottom at last. "Well, that was more worrisome than I expected it to be. That dark area is quite treacherous, never know when there won't be a foot or pawhold." Once safely on the bottom, the squirrel gives a sharp tug to his rope, and seconds later, a second rope comes tumbling out of the darkness. "There now, that's better." His eyes slowly adjust to the darness, and he retrieves his necessary spectacles from a pocket in his habit, perching them on his nose. "Now... What seems to be the problem with your foot, hmm?" He kneels, trying to get a looks at Mirabella's ankle in the very low light.

"Well, I can't stand up," Mirabella explains, gesturing vaguely at her leg area before realizing that that's probably not very useful. "I think I sprained my ankle. It hurts in my thigh too, but I don't feel a break. It just hurts terribly." In the light of the candle, it should also be evident that there is some blood on her forehead, perhaps from the walls or the floor.

Lacota nods his head. "Lucky for you, Miss, I'm not just the best chef in all of Mossflower. I also know a little first aid." He pulls the stick he brought with him out from his belt. "A wise beast many seasons ago taught me some of the basics, like setting a broken bone, or applying a splint." He makes note of the blood on Mirabella's forehead as he breaks the stick in two. "Miss, tell me about your head. Are you feeling dizzy? Or do you have a headache? You have nasty gash on your forehead." The squirrel then gently rubs along the mousemaid's ankle. "This is going to hurt," he warns, as he starts to straighten leg and foot. "I'm going to make a splint."

"That /is/ lucky for me," Mirabella agrees, nodding slightly, bright green eyes staring around her. A paw flies to her forehead when he asks about her head, then recoils at the sensation of blood. "I'm bleeding!" She blinks prettily with alarm, trying to wipe the blood from her face. "Alright, I understand. Please, just get me out of here."

Lacota reaches into a pocket in his habit, and pulls out a small knife. "Will do, Miss, don't you worry." He quickly sets about cutting and ripping long strips of fabric from the hem of his robe. "Now, I need you to hold still, alright? This is going to really hurt most likely." Once satisfied he has enough strips, the squirrel places the two halves of the stick on either side of Mirabella's ankle. Selecting a strip of cloth, he begins wrapping it around her ankle, before tying it off. He wraps a second strip, then, once satisfied, he says, "Alright, Miss, try to stand. I'll help you. I'm going to tie this second rope around your waist securely, and the Lee up at the top will get us back out."

Mirabella totters carefully to her feet, wincing in a way that is somehow adorable. "Thank you ever so much, Brother Friar," she manages, leaning against the wall for support and keeping her weight off that foot as much as possible. "I could have died down here. /You/ could have died. And then there would have been no one to cook the summer feast!" That seems a fate worse than death.

Lacota chuckles softly at that. "Indeed. What would Redwall do then?" He puts his knife away, then grabs the other rope, and starts to wrap it securely around the mousemaid's waist. He wraps it around twice, then ties it off in a tight knot. "There, that should do it. Now, I'm going to give my rope a tug, and they should start lifting you immediately. I'll be climbing beside you, so don't worry." He looks around the hole once more, noting the opening on one side. "Hmm... Bears further exploration. Another time, though." With that, he gives his rope a sharp tug.

Lee, at the top, feels the tug, and immediately orders the assisting abbeybeasts to start pulling on the two ropes.

Mirabella emerges shortly into the light of day, blinking her wide, pretty green eyes in the sun, clutching the nearest guard for support. "Well! That was certainly an eventful start to the day. If you just help me inside, I'll be getting about my chores. Gracious, I'm dreadfully far behind after all this..." The guard gives her an askew glance and begins walking her towards the infirmary stairs. "Or... or the infirmary," she agrees, stepping delicately with her bad leg.