DoraRose : The Lost Season : "Dear Diary..."

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated June 07, 2013 in the category Art and Fiction by DoraRose and Friends. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 2 replies.

Fri, 06/07/2013 - 13:39

This happened a few days after me first fan-fic of this series ( DoraRose: The Lost Season, p.1 ). I wrote it in February, but forgot to post it here on the forums until, well, right now! It's from DoraRoses' point of view, and is kind of dark. It shows the slight depression she was in after losing Stormfeather's trail. I hope y'all enjoy!

It's been 3 days since I left Delphi. I stayed there for a night and most of a day. I would've stayed longer, but creatures started to recognize me.

"Oh, aren't you Farrer Strongpaws' daughter? I'm so sorry for your loss." (Yeah, like you care.) "It's so brave of you to go in search of your sister's murderer. Not many creatures in our class would do that." (Well, that just shows that I've got more guts than you do.) "The lower classes do that all the time, but of course they have to do everything themselves. They can't afford servants and mercenaries."

Those kind of creatures make me sick, so I left. Why can't they understand that we are all equals?

Delphi was a dead end, anyway. Nobeast had seen hide nor hair of Stormfeather there. I feel so hopeless. How can 1 creature disappear so quickly and easily?

I hate Stormfeather. I've envisioned his death so many times. I find him, fight him, and break him. I see myself beating him with my blade until he's screaming for mercy, and then I show him the same mercy he showed Lily...none. I hope the carrion start their feast while he's still alive, like his bird did Lily. I hope that when I swung at it and chased it off that I wounded it. And that it died slowly from infection.

The days are getting shorter and colder. I'm going to start having to build bigger fires.

The moon is full, and all the stars are out. LilyMoore loved the stars, but she was so scared of the dark. She was so much better at finding the constellations than I am. She could find the 2 Dipper, and the Hunter, and the 7 Sisters, and so many more. She taught me wich star is Polaris, the North Star. Hey, look...I can see it from here, without turning.

I remember 1 time, when Lily was about 2 seasons old, she got herself locked in the broom closet. She was terrified, but not because she was afraid that she'd never get out; but, rather, because she couldn't see.

Why couldn't she have lived? She was my baby sister, me best friend. She was so young...why did she have to die?! I love her so much...

I failed her. I wasn't fast enough. I should've been more prepared. I should've been in her seat, closest to the door. I failed her...

Why couldn't it have been me?

DoraRose Strongheart
