Disasters galore

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

This page was imported from a forum post dated January 11, 2009 in the category Roleplay Discussions by Gwen. Its content is likely to be out of date!

This post had 20 replies.

Sun, 01/11/2009 - 14:22

The Redwall Abbey, a place of constant joy and wellbeing...

I've noticed over the years that I've roleplayed here that the Redwall Abbey seems to nearly constantly be afflicted with disaster of some kind or the other. If it's not under siege, then famine has struck, or disease runs rampant, or it gets flooded, or...

I know disasters are an easy way to bring drama into the play, but when it gets too frequent it gets too much, and it gets boring. We just had a situation where we were under siege, and now - surprise plague! Sometimes there's so much it gets silly. The Abbey is hit by an earthquake, then gets invaded, then flooded, then a plague hits, then famine, all at once. What's next? The River Moss turns to blood? Fire and brimstone? The vengeful spirit of Brian Jaques?

Does it have to be like this? Do we have to wake up every morning to the cries and wails of the bereaved? One more day when we have to deal with [insert disaster here]?

The angst and drama gets too much after a while, and before you know it you stop logging on because you know it'll just be to hear about how somebody died and some other guy is looking for his long-lost relative and half the people in the Abbey are mortally wounded in the infirmary.

I know I'm sounding harsh, but really... it gets too much. Can we have a disaster free week? Some kind of limiter? Only one calamity at a time? I have much more than enough depressed and suffering people to deal with in real life.

I would like to be able to log on to some roleplay that does not deal exclusively with pain and suffering and the utter ruination of lives. Does anyone else want that?
