Dibbun Day Fun!-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Involved in log:

Oz-papa Oz and dibbun caretaker of Redeall

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Kiara-Abbey Guest and a Hare

Flicktail-Abbey resident

Zee- Temperary Abbey Resident

-spoofed dibbuns, circus beasts, varies abbey beasts

RW Abbey: Open Ground

The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings. The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat. But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower. Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up. A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary. The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.

The earth is worn slightly bare in some patches here. The area for conversing in the heat is used often by small children by the size of the dry spots. The summer is in full blast now, trees from the orchards near-by tempting one to seek shelter under it's shade.

Exits: [Gr]aveyard, [Up] the stairs to the Ramparts, [G]arden of the [L]ate Rose, [A]long [S]ide the [I]nfirmary, [B]ell [T]ower, [Infirm]ary, Lower [Dorm]itory, Redwall [Entry]



Greased Pole

The dibbuns invented a pie eating contest, but it soon ended up a throw the pie in the face of an adult, also there was magic show by an otter dressed in blue who made coins show up in ears, much too surprised dibbuns. Another area had races to see whom was the fastest dibbun and a squirrel won.

Zee decided to venture into the area and chuckled as he watched the dibbuns.

Oz nods to Zee”Dibbun day can be tireing and making my one knee fairly sore”

Zee frowns “I can help ya Ozzy, it be fun”

Oz tilts head and blinks when a cream pie barely misses him and heads to Zee, he steps back a little “It may be wise to get out of the way” Well least it’s a pie and nothing dangerous.

Zee is hit face first with the pie and licks his paw after getting it off his face ”Mello cream tis good” He grins and gets a pie to throw at a dibbun.

The dibbuns eeek as one is hit and look between one another and a ring leader otter seems to grin “You is our prisoner now Mr. Zee and you is gonna help us out ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL…DAY…k?”

Zee nods and fakes a frown “OH no, sounds dreadful”

Another one nods “Yeah we gonna makes ya eat broccoli for trespassing without permission and you laughed at the pie” He nods to another dibbun “Let’s go with de captive and you march 1…2…3…1…2…..3…”

Oz shakes his head, maybe the friar shouldn’t of made broccoli today, well least it’s being eaten…right?

Zee nods, hey he likes broccoli but it doesn’t mean he has to let those dibbuns know that as he has his best sad voice “Oh no I do hope one saves me soon” He lets them led him to where ever.

The dibbuns also has a not too happy vole Brother blindfolded “I do say this is annoying I just want to get inside.” A quiet and then a “Noooooooooooooooooooo” From the dibbuns and chuckling as it seems since the Master Healer escaped earlier…they have a new victim or the dunking tank. Also much to the horror of the vole when the blindfold is off.

Oz listens and stays somewhat close by, a dibbun mouse scraps her knee and he gently pics her up and takes her inside, but sure enough the dibbun maid is right back to playing and the fun lasts into the night when Papa Oz , with the help of Sister Jenny takes most 0f the dibbuns inside for sleep and a bedtime story.

Maybe an Hour Later=

The dibbun day was full of fun and games and luckily no one was hurt, except maybe pride. Some dibbuns are carried off to the dibbun quarters for sleep, a couple stay around and nibble some muffins as some clean up begins for the next day. This is when the abbot shows up and chuckles "Well looks like dibbun day was a success" An otter grins "Yep, it was Father Abbot, they will fer sure sleep well tonight"

Kiara has mainly stayed away from the open ground, too many beasts around to suit her but she does venture into the area now, "Tis it...safe now?"

Zee grins as he has a sleeping mouse dibbun in his lap, "should be lass." He volunteered to help today

Benar smiles “Hello Kiara, I did not see you all day or did you avoid the carnal area today as well, I know some did.

Kiara shrugs "Too many beasts around, and.....sort of still getting use to being back here is all"

Zee nods, he stands "Be right back getting this last dibbun" A couple others go to follow him as he grins "And these back ta Ozzy" He exits the grounds long enough to do just that and returns after a short few moments as the dorm rooms are not that far away.

Benar nods "Yes there has been a bit of excitement the past couple days and more to come as the week is not over yet and at the end is my feast for Summer. I do hope you can make it" Around the grounds varies beasts from the circus have finished straightening up and getting ready for to rest for the night.

Kiara says, "well I don’t plan to miss a feast so I will fer sure think on it Abbot Benar, not to worry about that"

Flicktail walks over toward Kiara and Benar; he places a fishing rod down well enough away that no dibbuns could get in trouble with it. "Good evening Zee, Kiara, Father Abbot" He stretches his tail flicking to and fro. "Nice Dibbun day, as always...and I think the orchards will begin making more fruit soon”

Zee decides to let the two talk as he walks over to look at a couple of the tents, a quick wave to the fox and he goes closer to the tents, one sparks his curiosity a little more than the others-fortune teller-. He pokes his head inside and looks around.

The tent is not empty as a voice calls out to him “Do enter; I was expecting a late night visitor tonight.”

Benar nods "Yes fall harvest should go well, but that’s a whole season away still." He nods to Kiara “Do you plan to stay afterwards or go elsewhere after the feast?"

Kiara says, "I..don't know yet, still have yet to decide and I don't have anywhere to go if I do leave, maybe wander around?"

Flicktail sits down with a cookie and begins nibbling at it thoughtfully, listening to the hare and the squirrel talking

Benar nods "Your welcome to stay if you wish Kiara" He looks at Flicktail" I would not let the friar know you have a cookie Flicktail, he doesn’t always like it when beasts sneak snacks"

Kiara shrugs again, she glances at the tents and sighs, she had her reasons to avoid most of the fun the past couple days as her ears droop to the sides "I..I think I will go inside, tis late and all" She heads to the main entry of the abbey to go inside.

Flicktail cocks his head, ear perked "Father Abbot, I am a grown beast, I do not think that even here we restrict when and wot a beast can eat. My mate made the cookie" he winks

Benar says, "Well the friar does have his set times for meals and with visitors this week he is a little more strick about it, so how has your day been any troubles with dibbuns

Flicktail says, "well he can have set times and down in cavern Hole I will respect this...but I fought and defended others to have a free choice, and I know you know that Father" He smiles

Benar shakes his head "Just letting you know Flicktail, now if you will excuse me he a couple more things to do before bedtime"

Flicktail nods “Of course Father Abbot”


This part happen in the fortune teller’s tent=

Zee walks on in and looks at the oddly made tent “Interesting.”

In front of him is an oddly dressed beast “You seek info on a family member you do”

Zee blinks “I…wait wot? How do you know me thoughts I was just curious of this tent is all and I know where ….well most of me family is…me niece is wandering around, sends letters at times so she be ok and Ozzy is in his room.”

The fortune teller nods “But one member is elsewhere, where sea meets land and has many days yet of unknown times and in different places in known and unknown lands. He was taken in a lost battle by one whom is dead now but his kin is not”

Zee sits down “Xander? Ya know bout me nephew..where is he?”

The fortune teller frowns “That is unclear but he is with the brother the beast whom is now dead. The cub lives”

Zee grumbles “Then he can be rescued maybe…found?”

The fortune teller shrugs “ It is only clear that a family blade will be passed down to him before its wielder passes on to the dark forest.”

Zee blinks and stands slowly, many thoughts go through his mind, one being is this for real of made up, but he knows this beast never meet him or would know of the fight between him and Zurrgg…”And that simply means…wot? I..will I ever…..”

“See him again? Yes…your eyes will see him before your eyes see the dark forest, that is all I see in the vision I was given, I am sorry as details are not always clearly given”

Zee nods “Tis..alright..thank ya” He then heads outside and on to his room, he has some things to think on.

The badger is watched as he exits, “Have faith…your see him again...but not the same as before and maybe not as soon as one hopes….”