Despair, hope, and more despair... (Thorns of Steel TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

OOC : You don't have to read this part...I just put it in so there wouldn't be any confusion.  :)

The person who runs Blissa has had to leave the MUCK, sadly. *wipes away a tear* She gave her permission for us to kill off Dazzle, Maxx, and Blissa, if we so desired...but, for many interesting reasons, both ICly and OOCly, we have decided to keep Blissa alive, and they have asked me, DoraRose, to run her. But because of many interesting complications, I had to change her name slightly, so she is now known as...Blisa. I am honored to run this dibbun character, and I hope y'all enjoy the changes I bring to her personality. And now for the RP... (Sorry about the long OOC talk...) BIC:

In the cell, somewhere in the depths of Mossflower Woods...

Oz is still the way he has been, though slightly weaker and with the dibbun here, what little food or water that comes in he most likely gives to her and eats even little himself.

Blisa stirs and opens her eyes. Looking around, she sees that the 2 of them are alone. Sitting up and wimpering from the pain in her broken arm, she turns her tear-stained gaze to Oz and asks, "Where's the bad fox?"

Oz looks at Blisa "I..don't know, hard to say where he is. Maybe he will stay away."

Blisa crawls into the badger's lap, tears falling from her eyes as her broken arm gets jostled. She cuddles down and half hides her fear-filled face in the remains of Oz's shirt.

Oz sighs, normally he be able to hug or rock the dibbun but he can't as his arms are in cuffs on the wall.."Things will be ok, someone will find us." He tries to sound hopeful on this but deep down he starting to be unsure of it himself. He looks around the cell and back to her.

Blisa nods, then buries her face in Oz's shirt. Just barely audible, she makes a request. "Tell me a story."

Oz smiles a little, probally the first time in several days, last time he ever smiled was a couple days before he was brought here,.."A story?" He says, "Let me, think on one."

Blisa keeps her face buried in his shirt, expanding on her demand. "A good 1, about Martin the Warrior."

Oz nods to the dibbun beside him, "Story about martin, ok...well he is the protector of Redwall abbey and sometimes will visit beasts in thier dreams when he feels its the right time to." He frowns a little, he has yet to see martin really but keeps that to himself.

"No spirit can stop /me/," comes a voice from the suddenly opened door. Once /again/, Vladmir is framed in the light streaming through the doorway. "I do not hold with muttering urgently into the air for help from somewhere above....and neither should you."

Blisa screams at the appearance of Vladmir. She is so gonna have nightmares about him doing that. Clinging to Oz's shirt, tiny claws extended, she begins to shiver.

Oz watches Vladmir, tiny claws are not bothering him right now and if he could he would hold Blisa but is unable to right now, he does speak though, "Martin always protects Redwall, always will and will help the champion of Redwall defeat you."

"Ha. It's never the beast in the right who wins out. It's the one with more skill." Vladmir snorts. "As if he had any chance of defeating /me/."

Oz glares at Vladmir slightly, "I am sure there are ones with more skill than you, so what do you want..say how you did something else now?"

Blisa turns her fear-filled gaze to the fox, the faintest of memories dancing throught her mind. "D..DoraRose will help us! Right, Oz?" How does she remember the mousemaid?

"This is pathetic," Vladmir says, shaking his head scornfully.

Oz manages a very weak smile, "Prehaps" he says, he keeps an eye on Vladmir as he speaks, "What do you want fox?"

Blisa crouches farther against Oz's chest, keeping her gaze locked on Vladmir, also.

"The same as always--Information," Vladmir says with a smirk.

Oz shakes his head, "Still...rather not, your find it hard to get it from me, also know they are probally looking for me and now the dibbun, your have Flicktail and the chieftain of Ferravale both after you now."

Blisa narrows her eyes and summons up some courage, saying, "And DoraRose, too! An..An' Martin!"

"I fear none. Living, dead, it matters not," Vladmir says, waving a paw airily.

Oz says, "Every beast fears something."

Blisa scrambles off the badgers lap and tries to wriggle behind him.

"And you should fear me," Vladmir replies, twisting the badger's words to his own ends. "If you don't, you're even more of a fool than I thought."

Oz glares, "Stay away from her!" Yeah he is chained but still protective of the dibbun behind him.

Vladmir smirks. "If I wanted to take her life, you could not stop me."

Oz frowns, he still remembers the other dibbun, he looks down, "I...know." He says quietly. Being here has started to get to him and though it took some time he is slowly starting to let hopelessness seep in.

Blisa has managed to get behind the badger, and now peers fearfully around him at the fox of her nightmares.

Vladmir smirks at the fear in the Dibbun's eyes, revelling in the terror he can instill in others...even helpless Dibbuns.

Oz watches Vladmir, "Leave the dibbun alone fox."

"Or what," Vladmir says, eyes sparkling with obvious amusement

Oz glares and then sighs, he achally sounds defeated, "Nothing.." He says in a quiet voice and looks down at the floor his attention not on Vladmir now.

Blisa whimpers and hides again. From the hallway the sound of cawing echoes into the room. Sounds like Oz and Blisa might have a visitor.

"My point exactly. Think on it." Vladmir turns and strides elegantly from the cell.

Oz watches Vladmir leave, looking glad that he left, he looks to Blisa to make sure she is ok, "He is leaveing now."

Blisa peeks out as the fox leaves. The cawing stops, then Lenore and her crow friend enter the room.

Oz looks to the crow and ravern as they enter, he is use to them coming and going as well.

Lenore clacks her beak angrily and snaps something at the crow, who hurries off. Blisa whimpers as the raven aprouches and says, "Hush, now, I'm not going to harm you. I want to help you."

Oz keeps an eye on Lenore, she is one he is starting to trust, "" He asks, his voice quiet now.

Blisa wails and hides her face in the back of Oz's shirt, crying. Lenore glares angrily at the badger. "I'm going to set her arm. Now help me!"

Oz frowns at this, "How?" He asks, he looks to Blisa.."Blisa it's ok, she is going to help your arm...well feel better in long run."

Lenore glares at Oz. "Don't ask me questions!" The crow comes back, carrying a bsket with things in it. Blisa wimpers again and shakes her head.

Oz glares back, he looks to Blissa, "It's alright, if your arm is set it will heal correctly"

Lenore caws at the crow, who sets the basket down and hurries over, cawing and cooing gently at the dibbun. Blisa screams and somehow scrambles over Oz's shoulder and plops down in his lap. Lenore immediatly grabs her and hollers/caws something to the crow, who produces something that should fill the badger with hope : a skeleton key.

Oz starts to pulls at the cuffs, he stops as he sees the key and blinks, he relaxes a little unsure what to think of it but keeps a close eye on it.

Blisa screams again as the raven grabs her, then falls to crying miserably. The birds switch places and Lenore goes to unlock Oz's left paw...then pauses. "I am only going to release 1 paw so you can hold the dibbun still. I am not going to releas you. You want to know why? Because you would be dead if you left this room, and you /must/ stay alive for the dibbun's sake." She leans foreward until her eyes are mere inches away from the badgers' face. "Do you understand me?"

Oz nods slowly, he watches the bird, "I..understand"

Lenore nods, then turns back to his outstretched paw. "Good. If you try to escape or harm me or Edgar," she nods to the crow, "in any way, I will peck your eye out." She unlocks the paw, letting it hang free, then turns to the basket. )

Oz nods, only thing is being cuffed up that long it doesnt stay up, he tenses up some as his whole arm hurts, he makes a fist and unmakes it to get feeeling in his paw again and frowns at the missing fur all over his wrist, he sighs and doesn't try and harm either the crow or the ravern, he watches the raven and looks to Blisa.."Blisa..honey.." He now reachs out the paw to touch the dibbun if he can, he will need to do so to help.

Blisa whimpers as Edgar the crow moves slightly -- but he only moved to make room for Oz's paw. Lenore brings out some bandages and begins muttering to herself..."Will need the boards...her arm better not be infected, I will be *caws something*...will need this...where is that wine?" she caws something else, then seems to have everything ready.

Oz watches the two and listens.

Blisa shrinks back as Lenore aprouches her, holding out a cup of strong wine. The crow quietly caws something, and the raven says, "Edgar asked you to hold her as tightly as you dare."

Oz nods, he doesnt want to hurt the dibbun any more than she is hurting now, but he also wants to help her arm get set so it heals right, he does hold her, not as tight as he could, he couldnt really if he wanted to he is weaker than he was before he got her, some strength is gone, but some is still there.

Blisa seems to be calmed slightly by Oz's paw, and she drinks some of the wine. Lenore puts it to 1 side and gently grabs the dibbun's broken arm, which gets a wail of pain. The raven glances up at the badger and warns, "She is going to scream and wriggle. Make sure you have a good hold on her."

Oz nods and gets a firmer grip on the dibbun, "Alright."

Blisa screams bloody murder and writhes in sheer agony as Lenore pops the bone back to about where it's supossed to be. Edgar the crow grabs the boards and bandages and begins to wrap the arm in the cloth. He then puts the boards on it to keep the bone straight, then wraps it some more.

Oz holds the dibbun best he can and watches the arm be fixed.

Blisa is weeping now. Lenore lets the dibbun go and fashions a sling, putting the arm in it and wrappping the cloth around the cat's neck. Backing up, she lets Edgar give Blisa the rest of the wine. As the cat begins to nod off, the raven turns to the badger, no expression on her face or in her voice as she says, "Now we must lock you back up." she re-produces the skeleton key, this time from the basket.

Oz sighs and nods, he rasies his arm again "I understand." He made sure Blisa was ok first though.

Blisa falls into a drugged sleep as Lenore locks Oz's paw back into the manacle. Edgar picks up the basket on his way out, but the raven has 1 last thing to say. "I will do everything in my power to help the dibbun. This I swear." then she is gone, and Oz is left alone again in the room with the sleeping Blisa.

Oz sighs as his arm is reshackled to the wall, he watches the ravern leave and thinks on her words quietly.