Derean 'vs.' Zork, Part Two

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Still in the Great Hall...and, yes, I got permission from Derean to spoof him being dragged off....his idea. :)

Lee the otter. Flicktail the fox. DoraRose the mouse. Derean, another otter, has a brief cameo.

Lee has returned to his chair and remained silent.

Flicktail comes down the stairs, hearing the voice of the Rose, and knowing what Leon Said he peeeks around the bannister

DoraRose purses her lips to keep from crying as Derean is dragged to the cellar, struggling, by a guard. Sniffing, she sits in the chair previously occupied by Zork and covers her eyes with a paw.

Flicktail Whimpers seeing DoraRose upset, but does so QUIETLY, Holding and stroking his own tail

Lee frowns and sighs quietly.

DoraRose has not noticed the fox and is ignoring the otter. She feels a headache comign on, but she's not moving right now. She's just gonna sit here with her eyes closed for a little bit.

Flicktail inches out a bit more still trying to remain small...Flicky for once looks timid, shy...sad...looking at his greatest friend sitting with a headache

DoraRose stirs and then stands, holding her head as she slowly makes her way across the hall. Her arm and paw are in the way, so she doesn't notice the fox...yet.

Flicktail scurries a bit to remain out of her way.

DoraRose's ear flicks to the sound of scurrying and she turns to look at the fox. She frowns slightly, but only because she's not exactly sure who he is. Something in her mind tells her that he's a friend, and so she softens the look she's giving him. He doesn't get a smile, but the look is not harsh.

Flicktail looks up at her almost like a Big Dibbun and gives her a wide eyed timid smile stroking his own tail

Lee glances up as well. "'Ello."

DoraRose finally smiles softly and nods in greeting to him. "Good day. You're...Flicktail, right? Zork told me alot about you in the....yeah. He said you were a friend."

Flicktail nods hopefully "Hullo....I...I have missed you...I...want to stay yer friend"

DoraRose smiles a little more broadly, then says 'oh' and points down to the kitchens. "You're the Abbey Champion, right? Do you know Derean, the otter? I, uh....I kind of scared one of the newer guards into locking him in the cellars. He....he's having...suicidal thoughts. And he's my friend, and I don't want to see him get hurt or....killed."

Flicktail says, "I... I will help And try to make sure nuttin 'appens... We love you Dora Rose"

Lee frowns. "I 'ad hoped it would not come ta this. Poor Derean."

DoraRose blushes slightly and nods, wincing from her headache, which is getting steadily worse. "Thank you. I wish I had known about it earlier......maybe I could've helped him....why didn't you tell anybeast, Lee?" she asks suddenly, looking at the otter.

Flicktail listens not wanting to Interrupt the DR

Lee frowned. "I wasn't sure 'ow ta break the news ta Zork."

Flicktail asks, "Wot news Lee?" Flicktail looks at DR "Lee is my Son"

DoraRose sighs and nods. "I'm not sure how to break news to badgers, either. They're very....big. And strong." She files away this piece of news silently, deciding to not distract the fox from the otter's answer.

Flicktail smiles Proudly at Lee.

Sudden shouts can be heard from above through the windows, and a Novice comes dashing up and tugs urgently at DoraRose's paw. "Oh, Miss, you have got to come get yer daughter! She's makin' a mess o' the dormitories!" The warrior runs off up the stairs as a crash resounds from above.

And on that happy note, I leave you to read the next log you were going to read. Thanks for reading this one! :)